So i have been wondering about all this Trump and Russia/Putin stuff. I can't quite get it so i wonder if it primarily trolling.
Let me stipulate.
Trump's words [not actions] often seem soft on Russia. It seems to me there is plenty of evidence that is his STYLE. He says nice things about many adversaries [Xi in China and rocket man in N Korea] The only people I have never heard him say nice things about are the Iranian leaders.
IMO Trump does not feel personal insults are productive in getting things accomplished. BTW look at how he reacts when he is insulted. that is when he seems the most vindictive and he is one vindictive SOB.
I would also say this approach to Russia is not new by either party.
. Bush the 2nd. "I've looked into Putin's heart and he is a decent man" [paraphrase]
. Obama to Romney when Romney said Russia was a large threat. - "The 80's are calling and they want the want the cold war back" [paraphrase]
. Sec State Clinton- Her big red reset button, saying we need to have reset with US/Russian relations
My point here is these are different approached in style vs substantive different policy positions.
Now how about actions
. Well documented Putin invaded Georgia under Bush, Crimea under Obama, Ukraine proper under Biden and no one under Trump. So in this century the only time Putin hasn't invaded another country was under Trump.???? response verbal condemnation
. Obama - Uranium One - We sold off the uranium rights to Russia and coincidently Bill Clinton met with Putin and received $500,000 in speaking fees in Russia
. Crimea invasion - crossing Obama's "Red line" - response verbal condemnation and the sending of blankets to the Ukrainians
. Trump when he took office sent Javelin missiles to Ukraine to defeat Russian tanks
. i looked at Trumps first term and he appears to have levied as many sanctions against Russia as most Presidents have
. Trump also bombed the Syrian airbase killing Russian troops
. Ukraine invasion - Biden has sent weapons
All that to say I don't get it. Are you lefties still obsessed with totally BOGUS Steele Dossier?
I will say many of Trump's comments are a bit uncomfortable, but again IMO that is style not substance and we need to look at results.
I would enjoy some serious posts explaining this.
Let me stipulate.
Trump's words [not actions] often seem soft on Russia. It seems to me there is plenty of evidence that is his STYLE. He says nice things about many adversaries [Xi in China and rocket man in N Korea] The only people I have never heard him say nice things about are the Iranian leaders.
IMO Trump does not feel personal insults are productive in getting things accomplished. BTW look at how he reacts when he is insulted. that is when he seems the most vindictive and he is one vindictive SOB.
I would also say this approach to Russia is not new by either party.
. Bush the 2nd. "I've looked into Putin's heart and he is a decent man" [paraphrase]
. Obama to Romney when Romney said Russia was a large threat. - "The 80's are calling and they want the want the cold war back" [paraphrase]
. Sec State Clinton- Her big red reset button, saying we need to have reset with US/Russian relations
My point here is these are different approached in style vs substantive different policy positions.
Now how about actions
. Well documented Putin invaded Georgia under Bush, Crimea under Obama, Ukraine proper under Biden and no one under Trump. So in this century the only time Putin hasn't invaded another country was under Trump.???? response verbal condemnation
. Obama - Uranium One - We sold off the uranium rights to Russia and coincidently Bill Clinton met with Putin and received $500,000 in speaking fees in Russia
. Crimea invasion - crossing Obama's "Red line" - response verbal condemnation and the sending of blankets to the Ukrainians
. Trump when he took office sent Javelin missiles to Ukraine to defeat Russian tanks
. i looked at Trumps first term and he appears to have levied as many sanctions against Russia as most Presidents have
. Trump also bombed the Syrian airbase killing Russian troops
. Ukraine invasion - Biden has sent weapons
All that to say I don't get it. Are you lefties still obsessed with totally BOGUS Steele Dossier?
I will say many of Trump's comments are a bit uncomfortable, but again IMO that is style not substance and we need to look at results.
I would enjoy some serious posts explaining this.