Read this article and tell me what you think about Imhotep Charter School

If you have a problem with underperforming charters then where is your gripe with public schools taking money that underperform?

You are all over the place on blame. You go from regulations to funding to PARENTING. You got 1 out of 3 right. The problem is PARENTING. The regulations had nothing to do with the problems in the Philly schools. All the great schools have the same regulations. Philly schools were failing before NCLB. Funding is not the problem either. The USA has the second highest funded schools in the world.
Thanks. Glad I got one out of three right.
Interesting article. Not a fan of charters one bit. They suck the lifeblood out of the public school system and, by and large, underperform academically. I wonder how Shaka Toney's grades are after reading the proficiency levels at Imhotep?

Totally agree....but they wouldn't be popular if the govt would stop ruining public schools. People are trying to take care of their kids. You want to ruin your's, have at it....I'll find a different path.
Funding is NOT the problem. Philly had a $3.2 billion budget for 160k kids under Ackerman. How many millions did Philly pay Ackerman to leave? That fountain of money you referenced was flowing long before the charters.

Philly has THOUSANDS of unnecessary people on the payroll. Philly has 18,000+ teachers on the payroll. Philly is about 10x the size of a typical suburban district and has 20x the number of teachers. Notice the problem?

In the burbs they have a librarian and nurse in each school but no metal detectors and not many cops. In Philly they have tons of cops, metal detectors, million dollar security cameras, free breakfast, free lunch, and so on. Philly made their bed. They created the mess.

Cleveland is exactly the same. The city schools, have huge budgets, often twice as big, per student, as the suburban schools. Yet, they continue to underperform.
Charter schools have all the teachers that couldn't get public education jobs. Nobody is graduating Penn State in education and applying to a charter school. Why would you want less pay and benefits? The people running the charter are in it for the money and the people teaching are the lowest quality teachers out there. If they are safer, so be it, but if your goal is to be safe and not learn, might as well stay at home and do your own portfolio (as a student).

In what world is some at risk kid of a single mother living at the poverty line going to be able to work his own cyber school portfolio, are you crazy or just stupid. If the parents were that intillegent with that much time, they would be sending their kid to a private school. Charter schools in the inner cities serve the purpose of providing an outlet for inner city parents (or kids) that want out of the horrible public school but don't have the money to move to the suburbs. So at least they can send their kid to a school that is reasonably safe that their kid will have the ability to learn.

I do agree that the teachers in these schools are teachers that cannot get jobs at suburb public schools (or higher end private schools) and are either new to teaching and just using a resume experience builder to move out as soon as they find a better job, or career below average teachers that just in general want the job and accept it is not a high end public school job. But still a step above a bad inner city school teaching job.
Never expected to see a PIAA Championship game in which Erie Cathedral Prep looked like they were 2 classes below their opponent. That was not a fair fight last night.

don't they have like 5 or 6 D1 P5 guys?
In what world is some at risk kid of a single mother living at the poverty line going to be able to work his own cyber school portfolio, are you crazy or just stupid. If the parents were that intillegent with that much time, they would be sending their kid to a private school. Charter schools in the inner cities serve the purpose of providing an outlet for inner city parents (or kids) that want out of the horrible public school but don't have the money to move to the suburbs. So at least they can send their kid to a school that is reasonably safe that their kid will have the ability to learn.

I do agree that the teachers in these schools are teachers that cannot get jobs at suburb public schools (or higher end private schools) and are either new to teaching and just using a resume experience builder to move out as soon as they find a better job, or career below average teachers that just in general want the job and accept it is not a high end public school job. But still a step above a bad inner city school teaching job.

The public schools used to be that outlet but the students who supposedly want an opportunity destroying those schools and destroying the opportunity for everyone.

The charters are going downhill too. Nutter's daughter was even assaulted at Masterman.

The students are not victims. They are the cause of the problems.
I know very little about coach Albie Crosby, but he always came across as a good guy. Have to wonder though how Imhotep is consistently loaded with athletes in both football and basketball. Their basketball program has won 3 PIAA state championships in the past 7 years.

Pretty good read on Crosby. He does mention the classroom several times.
I also would add that I have not heard or read of any discipline issues concerning Imhotep over the last few years.
Public schools did not go downhill on their own. They were subject to assinine regulations from the federal and state level (see No Child Left Behind). They also must take ALL students regardless of learning level, something charters are not obligated to do. We could argue the public vs. charter debate forever and still not come up with any solution. My biggest gripe is that charters take $XK per student from public schools and still underperform, using the public money to float their financial boat but not produce good academic results across the board.. Are there some good charters? Yes, we have ONE here in the Lehigh Valley that produces good results, but that's an exception to the norm. Philly schools are not a good example of having the lifeblood sucked out of them. That happened because of social responsibility at home that translates into the schools. RU kidding me? How do you expect kids in Philly public schools - or anywhere else - to succeed when parents can'e even manage their own lives. Lose-lose situation. I'm not smart enough to come up with solution unless you want to mandate that parents attend parenting school, which would be a good idea Philly, Allentown, Reading , parts of Bethlehem and umpteen other districts across the state and America. Society is falling apart, ladies and gentlemen. Haven't you noticed?
Public Schools were failing long before NCLB but the rest of this post is dead on. Especially wrt parents. Show me a successful school and I'll show you a school with active/engaged parents.
18k teachers for 160k students is absurd. That is about 1 teachers for every 8.2 students or so.
Your data is flawed. The district employs less than 17,000 people TOTAL. That includes cooks, nurses, admin, janitors, HR, athletic dept, building and grounds and whatever else I may have left out. The teaching staff is about half of that.
Your data is flawed. The district employs less than 17,000 people TOTAL. That includes cooks, nurses, admin, janitors, HR, athletic dept, building and grounds and whatever else I may have left out. The teaching staff is about half of that.

18,000 listed on wikipedia.

Either way the premise does not change. Philly is totally mismanaged. They are WELL funded and they have plenty of staff for the size of the district. 17k staff is more than enough to babysit 160k or so students.

Can you explain why Philly has so many non teachers on staff? My school had about 25 teachers, ONE nurse, ONE janitor, ONE librarian, ONE Principal, and ONE secretary. Philly has as many non teachers on the payroll as teachers but they complain they don't even have nurses and librarians. Why is that?
17k staff is more than enough to babysit 160k or so students.

As a teacher, who taught in public schools for 15 years during my tenure, the above quote is why education has taken such a downward progression. Schools should not be "babysitting" services. You want a babysitter, then hire a 14 year old. If someone views teachers and schools in this light, then they really have no business telling anyone how a school should be run.
As a teacher, who taught in public schools for 15 years during my tenure, the above quote is why education has taken such a downward progression. Schools should not be "babysitting" services. You want a babysitter, then hire a 14 year old. If someone views teachers and schools in this light, then they really have no business telling anyone how a school should be run.

As a teacher your union should stop supporting candidates who want a babysitting service. Can you tell us ONE candidate that YOUR union supported who was in favor of expelling violent students?

THe reality is the teachers sold out. They were more interested in supporting candidates who would increase the number of teachers and give the union a few more dollars at the expense of improving the schools. In the long run the PFT actually hurt themselves financially. Now the suburban teachers make more, have better benefits and safer schools. THe funny thing is Philly teacher's union would never support the suburban candidates. Why is that?
My state doesn't have a union

Philly teachers have a union and they don't want change. Tell me when the PFT will support a candidate who wants change.

Just last month a group of parents at George Washington HS were begging the district to do something about the violence. THe Principal said there was nothing they could do. The district then had a meeting with the parents that was covered by the press. The principal said the school is doing everything they can do. At this school there are students roaming the halls all day and kids getting attacked. THe school has full time cops but they have done nothing. The week after the meeting a teacher was attacked and the district finally did something. This is also the same school were a cop was found dead last year.

This used to be a good school but city policies lead to its demise.

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Imagine that, a corrupt union leadership. Unions have good intentions but always devolve into corrupt organizations keeping the leadership wealthy to compromise their membership. Compare the homes of a teacher to a union "leader's" home...

Work to change the state's Union laws and end forced unionization. Most people wouldn't join the union if they weren't forced.
Imagine that, a corrupt union leadership. Unions have good intentions but always devolve into corrupt organizations keeping the leadership wealthy to compromise their membership. Compare the homes of a teacher to a union "leader's" home...

Work to change the state's Union laws and end forced unionization. Most people wouldn't join the union if they weren't forced.

Flawed logic. There are unions in the suburban school districts and they have great schools. Same laws.
Can you explain why Philly has so many non teachers on staff? My school had about 25 teachers, ONE nurse, ONE janitor, ONE librarian, ONE Principal, and ONE secretary. Philly has as many non teachers on the payroll as teachers but they complain they don't even have nurses and librarians. Why is that?

No kidding, so your school has no cooks? no teachers aids? support staff for the special needs kids? how about speech therapists, guidance counselors, or IST coordinators? I could go on.

It all adds up - and that doesn't even count the many people on salary at the administration building that you don't see at the schools. I have a good idea how many people my district employs in that capacity, and it is nowhere near the size of SDoP.
No kidding, so your school has no cooks? no teachers aids? support staff for the special needs kids? how about speech therapists, guidance counselors, or IST coordinators? I could go on.

It all adds up - and that doesn't even count the many people on salary at the administration building that you don't see at the schools. I have a good idea how many people my district employs in that capacity, and it is nowhere near the size of SDoP.

This explains why Zwick never had an IEP.
No kidding, so your school has no cooks? no teachers aids? support staff for the special needs kids? how about speech therapists, guidance counselors, or IST coordinators? I could go on.

It all adds up - and that doesn't even count the many people on salary at the administration building that you don't see at the schools. I have a good idea how many people my district employs in that capacity, and it is nowhere near the size of SDoP.

ZERO teachers aids, zero school cops, zero metal detectors, a couple cooks and that is a part time job. We eat breakfast and dinner at HOME in the burbs. OUr staff is about 2 to 1 teachers to everyone else vs the city where it is about 1 to 1.

Like YOU said it all adds up. In Philly they have 650 full time cops at a cost of about $65 million a year. That adds up to about $650 million each decade because the students are violent. They also spend tens of millions on cameras but they won't stream the videos because the public would see the real problem is the students. IN 1960 Philly had a total of zero full time school cops.
ZERO teachers aids, zero school cops, zero metal detectors, a couple cooks and that is a part time job. We eat breakfast and dinner at HOME in the burbs. OUr staff is about 2 to 1 teachers to everyone else vs the city where it is about 1 to 1.

Like YOU said it all adds up. In Philly they have 650 full time cops at a cost of about $65 million a year. That adds up to about $650 million each decade because the students are violent. They also spend tens of millions on cameras but they won't stream the videos because the public would see the real problem is the students. IN 1960 Philly had a total of zero full time school cops.

So you answered your own question. SD of Phily employs more support staff because it has more needs than the burbs. Shocking. It isn't a school district problem (or a union problem) like you want to frame it as. It's a city wide problem thrown at the feet of the public school system. There probably is some waste at SDoP, but not nearly to the degree you are portraying.

Expel the violent kids - fine - Where are you going to place them, senator? Private/charter schools are under no obligation to take them. The taxpayers will still have to foot the bill for them one way or another and there are no cheap options.
So you answered your own question. SD of Phily employs more support staff because it has more needs than the burbs. Shocking. It isn't a school district problem (or a union problem) like you want to frame it as. It's a city wide problem thrown at the feet of the public school system. There probably is some waste at SDoP, but not nearly to the degree you are portraying.

Expel the violent kids - fine - Where are you going to place them, senator? Private/charter schools are under no obligation to take them. The taxpayers will still have to foot the bill for them one way or another and there are no cheap options.

If that is the way you want to spin it. The reality is most of the students have the same abilities but lack the work ethic. You can't redistribute work ethics. The district babies the kids and at the end of the day the students fall behind their piers in the suburbs. Philly spends about 200k per kid and after 12 years then end up working at McDonalds. Who wins?

I would have converted the worst school in each section of the city into a reform school. In the burbs they send the problem kids to Glen Mills. Philly makes the good kids leave. How is that working? My option is CHEAP. It would not have cost a dime. It would have saved hundreds of millions because Philly would not have had to build dozens of charters.

Philly could not be run any more inefficient. They had violent kids in the schools and their solution was to do nothing. They then spend hundreds of millions to build charters in the neighborhoods with violent schools. The good kids then fled the violent schools. Now you have two schools in each neighborhood and the old school is half empty. Is that your idea of efficient?
You literally have no clue.

Yet it won't stop him from spouting off about his wonderful fixes. Mind you, zwick99 will never step foot in one of these Philly schools to help fix them with his wonderful ideas, just b1tch from the burbs about how terrible everything is run in other districts.

If I had a dime for all the times I have heard these do nothing whiners, I'd be retired.
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