After almost 63 years on this Earth, I have come to the conclusion that people have the right to be happy.
If a guy I served on a high school music parents association board with comes out as a gay man and has never been happier in his life, who am I to tell him he should have stayed miserable?
If a young guy in my best friend's family feels he has been a girl living in a boy's body and does something about it, who am I to not give HER the respect she wants so badly?
If a guy whom I found out 30 years after graduating high school with him is gay, what am I supposed to do, hate him, even though he is the wonderful guy we've sat at high school football with for a long time?
If a guy I have admired since that week in Montreal when he won the Decathlon in world record points, wants to finally become what he has always believed himself to be, a woman. Who am I to tell her she should shove her feelings in a basement room and keep living in a way that brings her mental anguish and pain?
My motto has become "live and let live." None of these people affect my life in a negative way at all. Why should I try to ruin their happiness out of spite and hate?