Really funny Queen Elizabeth story

Thanks for this and since you brought up the subject, is anyone else sick of the 24x7x365 news coverage of the Queen? During the course of my lifetime, I've not given a single thought to the King, the Queen or the monarchy yet here comes the flood of nonstop news. Thank god for football this weekend.
Thanks for this and since you brought up the subject, is anyone else sick of the 24x7x365 news coverage of the Queen? During the course of my lifetime, I've not given a single thought to the King, the Queen or the monarchy yet here comes the flood of nonstop news. Thank god for football this weekend.
Agreed and its going to get worse as the media tries to distract us.

I will say that the Queen is pretty incredible. She served in WW2, and came to power when Truman was president and the British Prime Minister was Winston Churchill. I read that only 30% of Brits know life without her being their Queen.
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Wait, that was the queen?
she paid her dues
Time after time
she did her sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
she made a few
she had her share of sand
Kicked in her face
But she come through
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Agreed and its going to get worse as the media tries to distract us.

I will say that the Queen is pretty incredible. She served in WW2, and came to power when Truman was president and the British Prime Minister was Winston Churchill. I read that only 30% of Brits know life without her being their Queen

Was this someone from this board?

Queen - Under Pressure

Thanks for this and since you brought up the subject, is anyone else sick of the 24x7x365 news coverage of the Queen? During the course of my lifetime, I've not given a single thought to the King, the Queen or the monarchy yet here comes the flood of nonstop news. Thank god for football this weekend.
She deserves it... GOAT. Maybe the greatest woman of all time. We need more like her these days. 70 years of devoted service to her country and her people and in the public eye and never put a foot wrong. Give her the due she deserves. Its the least we can do. GSTQ!
Thanks for this and since you brought up the subject, is anyone else sick of the 24x7x365 news coverage of the Queen? During the course of my lifetime, I've not given a single thought to the King, the Queen or the monarchy yet here comes the flood of nonstop news. Thank god for football this weekend.

I’m not emotionally effected by it at all but I do recognize it is a big deal to a lot of people, so the coverage doesn’t bother me. I would rather see Queen coverage than the news companies trying to convince me I’m supposed to be angry about some political nonsense.

by the way that was a funny story, OP. Thanks for sharing.
Agreed and its going to get worse as the media tries to distract us.

I will say that the Queen is pretty incredible. She served in WW2, and came to power when Truman was president and the British Prime Minister was Winston Churchill. I read that only 30% of Brits know life without her being their Queen.
Probably not even 30%, since you'd have to be at least 72 years old to remember when she wasn't Queen. The most photographed woman in history is something else I read. She certainly led a remarkable life of service and the world is a lesser place without her in it, IMHO.
I have no opinion of the queen, may she RIP. However, the new king is a royal, globalist ass!
Reports are that Harry and Megan have cued up a complete onslaught of dirt on Charles and Camilla. I am not sure why they feel going public with it is the proper path so they must have a special level of hate for their Father/Father-in-law.
Thanks for this and since you brought up the subject, is anyone else sick of the 24x7x365 news coverage of the Queen? During the course of my lifetime, I've not given a single thought to the King, the Queen or the monarchy yet here comes the flood of nonstop news. Thank god for football this weekend.
Then why did you even click on this thread?
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Was this someone from this board?

That’s hilarious. Really shows her humor. More importantly, her desire to be with the people.

I don’t care about the royal family at all. Most are idiots. But she was a class act her whole life. Good leader when they really needed one. Represented her country well.

RIP Lizzy.
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Thanks for this and since you brought up the subject, is anyone else sick of the 24x7x365 news coverage of the Queen? During the course of my lifetime, I've not given a single thought to the King, the Queen or the monarchy yet here comes the flood of nonstop news. Thank god for football this weekend.
Yeah, didn’t we fight a war to get away from the royals? Why the obsession now?
Thanks for this and since you brought up the subject, is anyone else sick of the 24x7x365 news coverage of the Queen? During the course of my lifetime, I've not given a single thought to the King, the Queen or the monarchy yet here comes the flood of nonstop news. Thank god for football this weekend.
To age myself a bit, I keep thinking of the old SNL bit: "Francisco Franco is still dead."
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Yeah, didn’t we fight a war to get away from the royals? Why the obsession now?
That was then…we are in a global Cold War with individual freedom loving countries being pitted against communist/dictatorship/autocracies.

The British are on our side. The outcome is in the balance. The Queen and the Brits have been a bulwark - especially through WW2.