Really great day…

Not happy about the outcome, but had a great time. Just got back to the ‘Port, tired af. I’ll give my thoughts on all mañana, if anyone cares. Peace…
Great day and Auburn fans contributed greatly to that. All class and so much better having them with us for a whiteout instead of those other two B1G programs. Let’s do it again! Auburn is a very good football team that is only going to get better under a new coach. I’m fan!
Not happy about the outcome, but had a great time. Just got back to the ‘Port, tired af. I’ll give my thoughts on all mañana, if anyone cares. Peace…
Hope you were treated with respect and the utmost hospitality. Back in the day when Auburn played in the kickoff classic in the Meadowlands, some Auburn folks brought me into their hospitality suites and introduced me to Pat Sullivan (who was with perhaps the most beautiful woman I've even seen) and went and got a young fella out of bed by the name of Bo (no one knew, except Auburn fans what he would become) and introduced me. I can't even remember their names except their son was a major league pitcher. Anyway, the nicest people you'd ever meet anywhere. Also, had a very close friend coach the women's BB team there. Joe Ciampi. He's hoping you win the rest!
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Hope you were treated with respect and the utmost hospitality. Back in the day when Auburn played in the kickoff classic in the Meadowlands, some Auburn folks brought me into their hospitality suits and introduced me to Pat Sullivan (who was with perhaps the most beautiful woman I've even seen) and went and got a young fella out of bed by the name of Bo (no one knew, except Auburn fans what he would become) and introduced me. I can't even remember their names except their son was a major league pitcher. Anyway, the nicest people you'd ever meet anywhere. Also, had a very close friend coach the women's BB team there. Joe Ciampi. He's hoping you win the rest!
I knew Joe. Played bball for the men’s team at the time he was there. Very nice guy, and a very good coach.
Great day and Auburn fans contributed greatly to that. All class and so much better having them with us for a whiteout instead of those other two B1G programs. Let’s do it again! Auburn is a very good football team that is only going to get better under a new coach. I’m fan!
This is generally typical of much of the SEC fanbase from my experience.
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I knew Joe. Played bball for the men’s team at the time he was there. Very nice guy, and a very good coach.
Went to the same college (he was two years ahead of me though) and when I got my first coaching/teaching job in NY he was hired as the boys bb coach a few days after I was hired to coach fb. He, Laureen and my wife and I were always together until he left to coach at West Point. He's my youngest son's godfather and my late wife was his 3rd daughter's godmother.
Not happy about the outcome, but had a great time. Just got back to the ‘Port, tired af. I’ll give my thoughts on all mañana, if anyone cares. Peace…
Glad to hear you had fun. I would love to hear your thoughts on State College, campus, tailgating and the stadium experience.
Looking forward to your thoughts. I was at one of the Auburn boards and there were very few comments on the White Out, tailgating, the campus/town atmosphere and more.
I knew Joe. Played bball for the men’s team at the time he was there. Very nice guy, and a very good coach.
I think the name was Beckwith, their son was a MLB pitcher. Ciampi asked me to pick them up at the hotel and take them to West Point and tour the Academy. Afterword took them to a nice local Italian Restaurant for a real big spread. I'm sure they were impressed with being chauffeured around in my 1983 Chevy Cavalier station wagon. LOL