Remember the arcade (Playland?). Great arcade because I was never into ...

Mr. Potter

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2004
home gaming. XBox, Playstation, Wii, etc.......

Games I like to think I mastered. Owned a tabletop space invaders and a Zaxon as a child. Dominated those. Karate Master, Double Dragon, Spyhunter. Never was good although I wanted to be at track and field. Go never get my fingers going fast enough in the events or roll the sh-- out of the ball.

What did you guys like?
It was all pinball machines when I was at PSU (1967-71). "Pong" was still one or two years away.
Yeah I remember that place. It makes me feel old because an arcade like that seems like prehistoric times. It was a good place to kill time when you were a freshman and had no bars to go to. I think I played pinball more than anything else.
Favs were Trog and Galaga. The very Track and Field machine of which you speak is in my friend's basement.