Exceellent- Very Good - Good-Fair-Poor?
Lots of unorthodox thinking is going on with JCs, UM rejects, and grad school transfers-in, as well as kids making last minute changes/decisions. It aint over til its over.
The staff is working OT combing all options and have already landed some quality kids ( the GA kid for one.)
Im willing to bet a double dip of Peachy Paterno that when all is said and done we will consider the final results to be in the Very Good range. How bout you?
Lots of unorthodox thinking is going on with JCs, UM rejects, and grad school transfers-in, as well as kids making last minute changes/decisions. It aint over til its over.
The staff is working OT combing all options and have already landed some quality kids ( the GA kid for one.)
Im willing to bet a double dip of Peachy Paterno that when all is said and done we will consider the final results to be in the Very Good range. How bout you?