Here are the results of the alumni and friends survey we ran for July, 2015:
Thanks to everyone who participated, and especially those who took the time to leave comments. Thank you also to Tom McAndrew for supporting our efforts, we couldn't do it without you Tom.
David Paterno wrote a quick initial assessment of the results:
First of all, a big thank you to, and everyone that shared your thoughts with us through the survey. I am pleased with this forum for engaging with each other, and hope the participation and ideas flowing in from all members continues to grow.
What does this survey mean to us? Our Alumni Association is 170,000 members strong, about 7,500 voted in the May 2015 Alumni Council elections, over 2,000 signed up for this interest group, and 380 or so participated in the survey. Does the survey fairly represent all 170,000 PSAA members? It’s not fair to suggest that. The survey however is a very good representation of the opinion of the PSAAforAll members and their friends, since that is how the survey was first promoted and shared.
What do the results tell us? Interpretation of data like this is always biased to some degree by the filters of the interpreter. For that reason I am very glad has shared all raw data with us, and I encourage everyone to review the data directly and decide what it means to you. Here is what I found interesting in the results.
Of the six ideas suggested in the survey, all received positive support. When you order these from most support to least, it is interesting to see that the three most supported are about reputation and integrity (governance) of the institution, while the three more focused on benefits for members had less support. I am proud to be among a group that puts our honor first.
Regarding the additional ideas suggested to us through the survey, let me first say, wow! One hundred people added their own ideas for us – thank you!
I have read through the write in suggestions today, and will study them further. Here are some highlights. Most all suggestions are positive and reinforce what we think you want from your elected representatives. It is uplifting to read many diverse and great ideas. On first glance, it looks like over 20% of the write-in ideas harp a recurring theme of governance reforms for restoring the reputation of our university, and correcting what are likely the greatest missteps in the history of Penn State.
Let me leave you with this last remark. As elected Alumni Council representatives we cannot thank you enough for sharing your insights with us. Please recruit other Penn Staters to join our ranks, and speak to us through
David Paterno ’88 ’91g
Penn State Alumni Association Alumni Council Representative 2015-2017
Thanks to everyone who participated, and especially those who took the time to leave comments. Thank you also to Tom McAndrew for supporting our efforts, we couldn't do it without you Tom.
David Paterno wrote a quick initial assessment of the results:
First of all, a big thank you to, and everyone that shared your thoughts with us through the survey. I am pleased with this forum for engaging with each other, and hope the participation and ideas flowing in from all members continues to grow.
What does this survey mean to us? Our Alumni Association is 170,000 members strong, about 7,500 voted in the May 2015 Alumni Council elections, over 2,000 signed up for this interest group, and 380 or so participated in the survey. Does the survey fairly represent all 170,000 PSAA members? It’s not fair to suggest that. The survey however is a very good representation of the opinion of the PSAAforAll members and their friends, since that is how the survey was first promoted and shared.
What do the results tell us? Interpretation of data like this is always biased to some degree by the filters of the interpreter. For that reason I am very glad has shared all raw data with us, and I encourage everyone to review the data directly and decide what it means to you. Here is what I found interesting in the results.
Of the six ideas suggested in the survey, all received positive support. When you order these from most support to least, it is interesting to see that the three most supported are about reputation and integrity (governance) of the institution, while the three more focused on benefits for members had less support. I am proud to be among a group that puts our honor first.
Regarding the additional ideas suggested to us through the survey, let me first say, wow! One hundred people added their own ideas for us – thank you!
I have read through the write in suggestions today, and will study them further. Here are some highlights. Most all suggestions are positive and reinforce what we think you want from your elected representatives. It is uplifting to read many diverse and great ideas. On first glance, it looks like over 20% of the write-in ideas harp a recurring theme of governance reforms for restoring the reputation of our university, and correcting what are likely the greatest missteps in the history of Penn State.
Let me leave you with this last remark. As elected Alumni Council representatives we cannot thank you enough for sharing your insights with us. Please recruit other Penn Staters to join our ranks, and speak to us through
David Paterno ’88 ’91g
Penn State Alumni Association Alumni Council Representative 2015-2017