I remember watching this scene as a kid and laughing my ass off. Serpentine! Serpentine!
That scene was the first thing that popped into my mind when I heard of his passing. Very underrated actor.I remember watching this scene as a kid and laughing my ass off. Serpentine! Serpentine!
Alan Arkin too.I remember watching this scene as a kid and laughing my ass off. Serpentine! Serpentine!
The Russians Are Coming. He was great.The guy was brilliant!
His performance in Glengarry Glen Ross was also a great dramatic performance.A.A. was in a hilarious, wonderful sleeper called Coupe De Ville probably 30 years ago. It's a buddy/road trip movie about three brothers and it is nothing but great one-liners one after another and really funny sub-plots. Arkin plays the dying father and although it's a comedy the ending morphs into a bit of a tear-jerker. Anybody who has brothers should watch it, it's truly one of my favorite movies and Arkin is great in it. RIP Mr. Arkin.