RIP Gordon Lightfoot

Was listening to him again just the other day....also saw him in concert...enjoyed him then and still now.
There was an Edmund Fitzgerald thread awhile ago- maybe on the anniversary of the sinking- which lead me to research more about that tragedy. Great song- ending sorta reads like an obit. RIP.

In a musty old hall in Detroit they prayed
In the maritime sailors' cathedral
The church bell chimed 'til it rang twenty-nine times
For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald
The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down
Of the big lake they called Gitche Gumee
Superior, they said, never gives up her dead
When the gales of November come early
My wife and I like to see the old artists because we figure it's out last chance. We got tickets to see Gordon Lightfoot two years ago but the concert was cancelled due to covid. It was rescheduled for the following year but it was once again cancelled due to covid. This year we thought we would finally get to see him. The show was on a Monday in March and the Friday before my wife said I think we're finally going to get to see him, he just has to make it 3 more days. Wouldn't you know we got an email later Friday afternoon that he rescheduled again due to health reasons.

I saw youtube videos of his recent performances and he obviously wasn't able to sing like he used to but we still hoped to see him. Amazon Prime had a documentary on his life and career that was very good. My wife likes his biggest hit "The wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" but my favorite is "If you Could Read my Mind". Enjoy.

There was an Edmund Fitzgerald thread awhile ago- maybe on the anniversary of the sinking- which lead me to research more about that tragedy. Great song- ending sorta reads like an obit. RIP.

In a musty old hall in Detroit they prayed
In the maritime sailors' cathedral
The church bell chimed 'til it rang twenty-nine times
For each man on the Edmund Fitzgerald
The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down
Of the big lake they called Gitche Gumee
Superior, they said, never gives up her dead
When the gales of November come early
Man, that lake is ridiculous. I drove from Duluth to Grand Marais and then Thunder Bay. Almost 4 hours and the lake is on your right side the whole time - with another hour or so until you’re at its northern tip. Absolutely massive
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Man, that lake is ridiculous. I drove from Duluth to Grand Marais and then Thunder Bay. Almost 4 hours and the lake is on your right side the whole time - with another hour or so until you’re at its northern tip. Absolutely massive
My last 2 continental states are the Dakotas and I'm trying to piece together some key upper Midwest sightseeing must dos. Bob Dylan's hometown will maybe get me up that way whenever I can swing it. Definitely Summer time. Tips?
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My last 2 continental states are the Dakotas and I'm trying to piece together some key upper Midwest sightseeing must dos. Bob Dylan's hometown will maybe get me up that way whenever I can swing it. Definitely Summer time. Tips?
Hah! I was targeting the Dakotas and the upper Midwest too as I’ve been knocking off the remaining states I haven’t visited. Hit the Dakotas in 2021 and then MN and WI last summer. Stayed in Grand Marais, MN and Bayfield, WI. From Grand Marais, I visited Isle Royale NP - the least visited in the lower 48, drove the Gunflint Trail to the Boundary Waters, and also dipped into Ontario. Great weather and Grand Marais was a cool little town. The whole drive up the North Shore of Superior from Duluth is stunning

In Bayfield, I visited the Apostle Islands. Gorgeous area and there are great boat trips you can take through the islands
My wife and I like to see the old artists because we figure it's out last chance. We got tickets to see Gordon Lightfoot two years ago but the concert was cancelled due to covid. It was rescheduled for the following year but it was once again cancelled due to covid. This year we thought we would finally get to see him. The show was on a Monday in March and the Friday before my wife said I think we're finally going to get to see him, he just has to make it 3 more days. Wouldn't you know we got an email later Friday afternoon that he rescheduled again due to health reasons.

I saw youtube videos of his recent performances and he obviously wasn't able to sing like he used to but we still hoped to see him. Amazon Prime had a documentary on his life and career that was very good. My wife likes his biggest hit "The wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" but my favorite is "If you Could Read my Mind". Enjoy.

Actually, saw him many years ago in Nashville, he was an unknown, at least I did not recognize the name. This was at Boots Randolph's club.