Rupp Rafters Andrew Harrison thread


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2013
If you want some real entertainment go over to Rupp Rafters on the Kentucky board and read the Andrew Harrison thread. They make this place look real tame.

This post was edited on 4/5 4:39 AM by Shendojoe
If one of our players said "F*** that Ni***" about an opposing

player at a press conference, you can damn believe we would be pissed, too.

A post from their board, saying the video is fake:

You people are doing what everyone defaults to when
they hear BS on the internet and through the media - jump to
conclusions and assume it's real.

"Man accused of molesting a kid but there is no evidence or eyewitness, just an accusation" (says the media).

a worthless piece of crap and should be taken out back and hung!" (says
the overzealous, guilty before proven innocent American)

This post was edited on 4/5 7:35 AM by dwiz
It will be very interesting if the video is fake. Seems

like it would be VERY easy to show, also. Video has, up to now, been the final answer to what happened, but of course it is manipulable too.

Pretty decent chance that UK, Calipari, the NCAA and ALL the networks simply act like this never happened.

College basketball is the single most corrupt and slimy endeavor in college sports. Harrison is simply a guy who plays basketball at a college.
Where would you get the idea that the video is fake?...

...especially when Harrison called Kaminsky and apologized to him?
By reading their board (Kentucky), it seems it was 100% fake

By listening to the video(s) and all other evidence, obviously real. That being said, a black guy can call a white guy the N word and nothing happens. A white guy does that to a black guy and hellfire is coming down.
If the shoe was on the other foot...

...ashley judd would be organizing a boycott of Wisconsin cheese this morning.
Read dwiz's comment. did not know until this morning that

he apologized.