Has anyone on this board ever been to Russ’ Maple Lake Wrestling Camp outside of Forksville, PA? The other day, my best friend and I were talking about good ole days and Russ’ name came up. Back in the 70’s, my friend’s dad, who was a custom home builder, built a new home for Russ at his camp. My friend and his younger brother worked for their dad. My friend’s older brother was a PA state champion, an AA wrestler at Lehigh, and went on to wrestle internationally. My friend’s dad became good friends with Houck and he allowed my friends to stay at the camp in deer season. Through my friendship, I was invited and hunted there for several years. We stayed in a cabin called “Red’s Retreat”, named after famed wrestling coach Red Campbell. We had hundreds of acres of prime posted land all to ourselves. Back then I didn’t follow wrestling as I do now. I never heard of Red Campbell. I knew Russ Houck was an Olympic wrestling coach as well as coach for Bloomsburg University. Back then, Maple Lake Camp was wrestling’s Olympic training center of the time. Chris Peterson, Dan Gable, and many other Olympic greats trained there. I think that connection was the beginning of my wrestling obsession.