rutgres vs. Washington tonight.


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2015

Does rutgres pass the looks test?
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Does rutgres pass the looks test?

Had dinner with a group of Rutgres friends last night, all of whom have had RU season tickets for 30 or more years and are going to the game tonight.
They don't expect much of a game, were already talking about whether or not the crowd would hang around until the half, how surprised they were that the point spread was as low as it was.
I sat by quietly, nodding and listening, and agreeing that Washington is indeed a very good team.

Unfortunately for me, because of their low, low expectations, they are forgoing the RU-PSU trip in November where they stay at our place and we have a great time and tailgate and then I politely don't say much about the game and let them do the griping about RU. It is always fun to get together with these folks for any reason, so I will miss that. Unless RU gets good, ala RutgresAl's vision, and they change their minds and make the trip.
My loss for a fun weekend, but my hope and expectation is that we will win in such a fashion that they will have made the right decision to not come up.

So, no, they aren't passing the looks test for even a small group of their most loyal fans.
Rutgers does not bother me as much as they bother a lot of you other guys...but I don't think they will win, but I do hope they have a better season than last year. Maybe even score some points against OSU, Michigan, PSU, MSU....