During an interview aired on Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “For the Record,” House Speaker Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) stated that while there are “a lot of different ways of getting Mexico to contribute” to the construction of a border wall, and defining how Mexico pays for it, “we’re going to pay for it, and front the money up,” and stated the cost would be somewhere between $8-14 billion.
Muir asked Trump it seemed like six different ways about how the wall would be paid for last night durning interview. The look of concern on Muir's face was confused. I along with millions of viewers understood I am sure after Trump answered the first time. The concern about where the money is coming from just doesn't match up with the progressive media's silence while obama pissed away money left and right. Again, Trump last night showed the media to be biased. ABC is clueless if they think they were being successful in their attack. They need to put down their shovels.
Muir asked Trump it seemed like six different ways about how the wall would be paid for last night durning interview. The look of concern on Muir's face was confused. I along with millions of viewers understood I am sure after Trump answered the first time. The concern about where the money is coming from just doesn't match up with the progressive media's silence while obama pissed away money left and right. Again, Trump last night showed the media to be biased. ABC is clueless if they think they were being successful in their attack. They need to put down their shovels.