Thinking about dropping money in the S.A. bucket? Drop it like it's hot. There are plenty of less racist alternatives when it comes to charitable giving.
The guide, "Let's Talk About Racism," created by the Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission and released earlier this year, recommended white people within the charitable organization “lament, repent and apologize for biases or racist ideologies held and actions committed.” It also told people to stop being "color blind" because it would allegedly ignore the things that God intended to be different among cultures.
And what about black folk. Are they not human and therefore, subject to "biases or racist ideologies?"
The guide, "Let's Talk About Racism," created by the Salvation Army International Social Justice Commission and released earlier this year, recommended white people within the charitable organization “lament, repent and apologize for biases or racist ideologies held and actions committed.” It also told people to stop being "color blind" because it would allegedly ignore the things that God intended to be different among cultures.
And what about black folk. Are they not human and therefore, subject to "biases or racist ideologies?"