Scottie Scheffler arrested this morning at the PGA championship

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- World No. 1 golfer Scottie Scheffler was detained by Louisville Metro Police Department on Friday morning while trying to drive into the entrance of Valhalla Golf Club, the site of this week's PGA Championship.

Traffic outside the golf course had been stopped after a man was struck and killed by a shuttle bus around 5 a.m. ET.

According to ESPN reporter Jeff Darlington, who witnessed the incident, Scheffler was trying to drive around the crash scene on a median. A police officer instructed Scheffler to stop, but he continued to drive about 10 to 20 yards toward the entrance.

At one point, an officer attached himself to the side of Scheffler's car. Scheffler stopped his car as he turned into the entrance of Valhalla Golf Club.

After about 20 to 30 seconds, Scheffler rolled down his window to talk to the officer. The officer grabbed Scheffler's arm to pull him out of the vehicle, according to Darlington. The officer reached inside the vehicle to open the door, and once Scheffler was pulled out, he was pushed against the car and placed in handcuffs.

Darlington was standing at the entrance when Scheffler was detained. Darlington said Scheffler turned to him and asked, "Can you help?"

According to Darlington, an officer instructed him to back away.

"You need to get out of the way," the officer told Darlington. "There's nothing you can do. Scottie Scheffler is going to jail."

Scheffler, 27, had won in four of his past five starts, including his second major championship at the Masters in April. He was scheduled to tee off at 8:48 a.m. ET.

The start of the second round of the PGA Championship had been delayed Friday after a shuttle bus struck and killed a pedestrian outside Valhalla Golf Club, a spokesman for the Louisville Metro Police Department confirmed to ESPN.

The unidentified man was attempting to cross Shelbyville Road around 5 a.m. Friday when he was struck in a dedicated lane for buses. Police said the man died at the scene.

Several police and first responders were still at the scene at 6:45 a.m. ET. Traffic had backed up on the roadway in dark and wet conditions, and shuttle buses bringing fans to the golf course had been stopped.

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Is that Darlington in the first video trying to insert himself into the situation yelling ‘guys’ at the police?

Edit- Scheffler apparently released around 7am.
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Is that Darlington in the first video trying to insert himself into the situation yelling ‘guys’ at the police?

Edit- Scheffler apparently released around 7am.
They should let him go.

He is the #1 golfer in the world headed to a major TV event. Cooler heads should have prevailed. I get that the officers have a responsibility, especially with the threat of terrorism around us, but a simple conversation should have been had.

This is similar to the truck towing incident with PSU recently. The difference is that this is a police officer who has been called into duty and trained for a national event. At PSU is was a tow truck operator. The officer lost his cool and made the situation worse. I can assure you, unless Scottie did something that has yet to be disclosed, he'll be disciplined.
ESPN reporting that other players were let right in. That the car, like all players, had a large "P" on the windshield denoting he is a player.

Reports are that he is now on his way to the golf course. Should be an interesting round.
ESPN reporting that other players were let right in. That the car, like all players, had a large "P" on the windshield denoting he is a player.

Reports are that he is now on his way to the golf course. Should be an interesting round.
Greg Norman probably just popped the champagne.
Police deserve our respect, but are they really going to throw the book at Scheffler here?
Rational, professional and non-criminal police do. The others don't as they put the rational, professional and law abiding police and the rest of us unnecessarily in harms way. There is no occupation void of idiots and criminals. Ask the Pope.
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Saw a report that he was following directions from another police officer to go around the jam. Maybe he said something to this cop, but that's nor a crime. This probably will be dropped.
They should let him go.

He is the #1 golfer in the world headed to a major TV event. Cooler heads should have prevailed. I get that the officers have a responsibility, especially with the threat of terrorism around us, but a simple conversation should have been had.

This is similar to the truck towing incident with PSU recently. The difference is that this is a police officer who has been called into duty and trained for a national event. At PSU is was a tow truck operator. The officer lost his cool and made the situation worse. I can assure you, unless Scottie did something that has yet to be disclosed, he'll be disciplined.

They did let him go. That said, (from what I’ve seen reported so far), they’re dealing with a death from an accident in the early morning hours when it’s still dark out. A car suddenly pulls onto the median trying to pass the other cars in the traffic jam. A police officer tells him to stop but he ignores them and keeps driving (it sounds like the police “attached themselves to the car” per Darlington and Scheffler kept driving for 10 more yards anyway). I don’t care who you are, you’re going to get detained over that.

This doesn’t happen if Schaffer simply stops as ordered and explains that he’s a golfer and shows his pass. Ignoring the police at an accident scene is never a good idea.
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They did let him go. That said, (from what I’ve seen reported so far), they’re dealing with a death from an accident in the early morning hours when it’s still dark out. A car suddenly pulls onto the median trying to pass the other cars in the traffic jam. A police officer tells him to stop but he ignores them and keeps driving (it sounds like the police “attached themselves to the car” per Darlington and Scheffler kept driving for 10 more yards anyway). I don’t care who you are, you’re going to get detained over that.

This doesn’t happen if Schaffer simply stops as ordered and explains that he’s a golfer and shows his pass. Ignoring the police at an accident scene is never a good idea.
could he hear them in the rain?
Yeah, we need Sheriff Andy's approach here, not Deputy Fife.
Agreed. Other players are saying they were waved through. the car is clearly denoted with a "P" on the windshield. In the rain, the glare, and the confusion was probably a miscommunication. Looks really bad for Louisville. I understand the traffic yesterday was a complete mess.
They did let him go. That said, (from what I’ve seen reported so far), they’re dealing with a death from an accident in the early morning hours when it’s still dark out. A car suddenly pulls onto the median trying to pass the other cars in the traffic jam. A police officer tells him to stop but he ignores them and keeps driving (it sounds like the police “attached themselves to the car” per Darlington and Scheffler kept driving for 10 more yards anyway). I don’t care who you are, you’re going to get detained over that.

This doesn’t happen if Schaffer simply stops as ordered and explains that he’s a golfer and shows his pass. Ignoring the police at an accident scene is never a good idea.
Nice try. His vehicle was clearly marked. Other golfer(s) in similarly marked vehicles permitted to go around and enter Valhalla. Reports also that he was directed to go around by another cop. Not saying Scheffler was entirely blameless but reaction by cop was uncalled for.
Hopefully, there is body cam footage to clarify what happened with Scottie and the police.
Nice try. His vehicle was clearly marked. Other golfer(s) in similarly marked vehicles permitted to go around and enter Valhalla. Reports also that he was directed to go around by another cop. Not saying Scheffler was entirely blameless but reaction by cop was uncalled for.

Sorry, but if a cop tells you to stop at an accident scene- you stop. If that means you have to explain “who you are” a second time- so be it.

Could this have been handled better by all involved- probably. Clearly the cop who told him to stop didn’t see the “P” paper on his dashboard/ windshield at the time. If he had just stopped and showed him then nothing happens.

You ignore the command to stop and drag a cop hanging on to your car for 10 yards down the road and it’s not going to end well no matter who you are.
Sorry, but if a cop tells you to stop at an accident scene- you stop. If that means you have to explain “who you are” a second time- so be it.

Could this have been handled better by all involved- probably. Clearly the cop who told him to stop didn’t see the “P” paper on his dashboard/ windshield at the time. If he had just stopped and showed him then nothing happens.

You ignore the command to stop and drag a cop hanging on to your car for 10 yards down the road and it’s not going to end well no matter who you are.
well, I agree but there seems to be some confusion. Scheffler's attorney is saying that he was waved through and was unaware of the circumstances (thought it was normal event traffic). It is also alleged that the arresting officer was unaware of the event specific circumstances.

I can certainly see both sides of the story. For Scheffler, he often sees traffic at events and is waved through. This is expected to have been the case this morning; he alleges he was waved through. A different officer tries to stop him, Scheffler doesn't know who he's yelling at and proceeds until he sees something is wrong and stops.

From the officer's standpoint, there is a major traffic event. He is called to duty wearing a yellow coat and only sees a guy not respecting the emergency traffic flow. He interviews but he guy doesn't yield. Not knowing if he is a terrorist or crazy person at an event, he takes drastic action. Once he gets dragged 20 yards, he's in no mood so yanks the guy out of the car and arrests him. Only later does he realize it is the greatest golfer alive and credentialed to be waved through.

Lets hope cooler heads prevail, they both understand the other side, and take a photo of the two hugging it out.


I am on my way to golf galaxy and loot it until there is justice for Scottie!

well, I agree but there seems to be some confusion. Scheffler's attorney is saying that he was waved through and was unaware of the circumstances (thought it was normal event traffic). It is also alleged that the arresting officer was unaware of the event specific circumstances.

I can certainly see both sides of the story. For Scheffler, he often sees traffic at events and is waved through. This is expected to have been the case this morning; he alleges he was waved through. A different officer tries to stop him, Scheffler doesn't know who he's yelling at and proceeds until he sees something is wrong and stops.

From the officer's standpoint, there is a major traffic event. He is called to duty wearing a yellow coat and only sees a guy not respecting the emergency traffic flow. He interviews but he guy doesn't yield. Not knowing if he is a terrorist or crazy person at an event, he takes drastic action. Once he gets dragged 20 yards, he's in no mood so yanks the guy out of the car and arrests him. Only later does he realize it is the greatest golfer alive and credentialed to be waved through.

Lets hope cooler heads prevail, they both understand the other side, and take a photo of the two hugging it out.

Totally agree. There’s always 2 sides to the story and all we have is a quick report from 1 reporter who was at the scene.

Since he was released within the hour and is apparently back golfing now it sounds like cooler heads will prevail. I’m sure it was slightly chaotic for all involved given the circumstances.
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Sorry, but if a cop tells you to stop at an accident scene- you stop. If that means you have to explain “who you are” a second time- so be it.

Could this have been handled better by all involved- probably. Clearly the cop who told him to stop didn’t see the “P” paper on his dashboard/ windshield at the time. If he had just stopped and showed him then nothing happens.

You ignore the command to stop and drag a cop hanging on to your car for 10 yards down the road and it’s not going to end well no matter who you are.
Yes sir Rambo.