Seeking advice... flying to Hawaii from Virginia with kids...


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2003
ages 11,13,13,15. Is a direct 10 hour 14 minute flight (direct Dulles to Honolulu) too much for kids to endure? I've never been on a flight that long... longest has been to Europe. Alternative is to split the flight into two legs via LA or SF. I guess it comes down to the specific kids but can imagine the 11 year old wanting out of the plane 1/3 way there. Maybe if they're loaded for bear with iPhone/iPads/movies/shows they'll be fine.
Vodka works.....

just kidding. Everyone is different obviously. We did Atlanta to Honolulu and it drove me nuts. Cured me of the desire to go to Australia and New Zealand. My best friend does it all the time for business and no problems. To each his own. Really enjoyed the trip other than the flight.
I don't have kids, but have been on many 12 hour plus flights to asia

It definitely depends on the kid. I've seen some sit quietly reading, playing video games, watching movies. I've also seen temper tantrums and kids running up the aisles. It's not legal to give kids alcohol, but I understand that benedril may be an option.
Depends on the kid and their personality. If they are easygoing and...

like reading you will be OK. If they are hyperactive and like to fight with their siblings not so much. Tell them what they are getting into going in so they know what to expect and what you expect from them. Bring books, movies, if they like video games they can amuse themselves for hours.

My only advice is don't have them sit next to each other or they may be poking and arguing with each other the whole way. No one on the plane wants to listen to that.
Myself, I like the non-stops. I fly from JFK. Plane leaves at 10AM and I get to Hawaii around 3:25 PM the same day so you don't lose a whole day getting there. I just want to get there and not wait around in airports. Two years ago took my kids with me and it was the same thing, 10+ hours and they were fine. Between movies, devices, and reading they were good

As far as the long flights, went to China non-stop and Vietnam. JFK to Tokyo leg, of the Vietnam, was 14hrs and on the way back Hong Kong to JFK was 15hr, those are long flights. Two weeks and I'll be in Bali. The Frankfurt to Signapore leg is 12hrs. After 7Hrs I start going nutts but can relax once I get there.

Have fun in Hawaii .....

This post was edited on 4/3 8:43 AM by AvalonJohn

This post was edited on 4/3 8:44 AM by AvalonJohn
Made the trip twice from Richmond, fortunately without kids. Once with a layover in Dallas, another at LAX. The LAX layover was marginally better due to splitting the two flights a little more equally. Any flight that long is painful so to be able to get out and stretch in between is a good thing.
Are your vacation plans already set in stone?

Obviously, if you've already purchased airfare, we're engaging in a moot exercise, except how to keep the kids entertained during the flight. However, if you're still in the planning stages of a vacation, I'm curious why you're not seriously considering a vacation in the Carribean or Central America (e.g., Costa Rica) if your objective is the sub-tropics? The flight duration would be multiple factors less.
Re: Are your vacation plans already set in stone?

I agree. Hawaii was really nice but you kill 2 days with flying and another one on the recovery the day after. We didn't think it was worth it and won't go back.
You got it. iPads.

Most flights now have in flight wifi so that are cool. Take walks. Regulate liquids, need to hydrate because humidity is so low it sucks the juiced out of you. Too much and they are in the bathroom all day. Bring good snacks, not salty. Have fun, quite an adventure.
Re: Are your vacation plans already set in stone?

good question, and a good point, we are visiting my wife's brothers family so that's why Hawaii vs a shorter trip.
Having made this trip a couple hundred times, I would say that direct is the way to go. Unless you intend to spend several hours in LA or SFO, the hassle of getting on and off the airpplane at your layover is not worth the time to stretch your legs. Because of the time change, your goal should be to get at least a few hours of sleep on the way to Hawaii so that you can keep the family up until 10pm Hawaii time after arrival. This will help avoid the 2am wakeup due to jet lag. If you are flying coach, take plenty of snacks as the meal selections are meager and at a cost. Keep in mind that any fruits or nuts that you have on arrival in HNL must be turned over to Agricultural inspection. Also, when making seat selections (again, if in coach) try to get at least one seat which has a power're going to need to recharge all of those electronic gizmos.

On your return trip, catch a late night flight (9pm or later). This should allow you and yours to get some pretty good sleep on the way home and will help to mitigate the jetlag at home. I hope this helps. I've been maiking this trip frequently since I was four years old and have done it as an adult with and without children.
We did it with a layover in Chicago, but managed to make it a short one something around 90 minutes, so long enough to use a non bouncing around restroom, get some food that was not from the plane, and other assorted things, which was nice.

The flight from Chicago to Honolulu was around 9 hours or so. Also the wife and I were seats 3 and 4 in the 5 abreast middle part of a 3-5-3 arrangement. So it was a little tight. We also had a good deal of large folks around us as we were flying back the day after the Pro Bowl so there were NFL types aboard.
I just did Kauai with 9 & 14 year olds. Flew out of PIT around 6:00 AM, stopped in Phoenix for
With kids, it's probably better to break up the flight. Personally, I'd fly straight through and just get it over with.

One suggestion - buy a few external battery chargers to plug your iPad / iPhone in during the flight. One can be purchased from Monoprice for about $15 (see link). I'd suggest buying 3 or 4 just to avoid running out of juice. Sometimes, even in the airport it's hard to locate an open outlet to power up. These things come in handy in a pinch.
Load for bear with electronics, video .. 1-2 hr layover will not do much**

IMHO - Any Stop Adds 2+ Hours To An Already Long Day!

I've found over the years the people who stop in SF or LA on the way out are smokers, not so much families with kids. Having some good snacks / drinks are vital.

The trip out is the toughest, wear the kids out the day or two before the flight.

Coming home is a breeze especially if you catch an evening flight out of Hawaii.

Always Always Always fly direct when you can.

Don't even take the chance of having a missed connection, delayed connecting flight, lost baggage, etc. As the Dad, your life will also be so much easier just having to corral the kids in DC and then not worrying about travel logistics until you land in Hawaii. The same goes for your return flight.
You can go to your airline's website and look at your seats and/or select seats. If you think some extra room will help you can probably buy "economy comfort" seats which will give you a bit of extra room (it's extra $$ for these but not nearly like business class). Or, you might be able to move to bulkhead seats or exit row seats which may also be better, depending on what you like. Also, you can go online to "seat guru" and plug in your exact plane (your airline webpage will give this to you somewhere) Seat guru will review your seats and tell you whether its a good seat or one with some drawbacks like the seat not fully reclining or too near the toilets or whatever. If you Google the plane type you can also find reviews about the comfort and amenities of the plane itself. When I recently flew back 15 hours from Hong Kong I had in-seat entertainment like games, 100 movies, lots of music and in-seat power to charge iPads etc. Nice. However, I am also off to Tokyo in a couple of weeks and purchased my tix without doing this. I have since found I am on an old 1970s style 747 with no in-seat entertainment or power. Only a bad movie on a bulkhead screen. Needless to say I'm ticked that United would fly such a plane on a route like this anymore but I'm stuck now. Your finding out what the plane/seat offers may help you decide your needs and what you'd want to take in a carry-on.

My kids were pretty good about flying long hauls but I've seen plenty that were not. Usually these were much younger than your group, though. Unless your bunch are a bit hyper normally I'd bet you'd be fine.

Benedryl does make kids sleep but your kids may be a bit old for this remedy. They might be even more cranky when they wake up.
First off, a ten hour flight is taxing for most adults not just kids. For me,I don't think of it as kid influenced decision but one based on arrival time in Hawaii. If my 10 hour non stop flight brings me into the islands at a time where I still have half a day of sightseeing still available, that's the way I would lean. However, if my non stop flight gets me in late in the day with little chance of doing much of anything, then I'm more apt to break the flight into two legs considering the first day in Hawaii is for the most part already shot. But that's just me.
+1000000. as a frequent traveler this is the best advice, notably

with kids, lost luggage risk, etc.
Hopefully, a boring movie(s) will be available and they'll sleep through some of it.
If you go non-stop just wear the kids out and take the overnight flight so they sleep for most of the flight. I didn't have kids when I went from Newark to Honolulu but I did take the overnight flight to make it more bearable.
What airline? Plane should have in flight entertainment in the seat in fron

t of you. Bring headphones, there's like 100 movies, video games, music stations, live tv in the long flights I've done. Flown to Japan, new zealand, all over europe. Would be surprised if there isn't an entertainment station in each seat.
Re: What airline? Plane should have in flight entertainment in the seat in fron

THE issue is to get an early start and have the kids sleeping for at least part of the trip. Once you hit Oahu....keep them up until 10pm-12pm local. Then let them crater. The rest of the trip, they will be about on program.