Seven Years Ago Today

Pinkhippo - Please tell me the motivation for your keen interest in the case? Are you a supporter of the OAG, the old guard BOT, or is your thing CSA education and prevention?

All 6 of the issues I raised are legitimate issues of prosecutorial misconduct in my view. Some of them will probably even make it into a court of law before too long. The issue of the fundemental unfairness of Sandusky's trial will one day be a cautionary tale for law school of some of the critical components of an unfair trial that should be avoided. Even one instance of prosecutorial misconduct can be enough to win a defendant a new trial. It will be very interesting when Frank Fina's ethics complaint comes to a head with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and what happens if his law license is suspended for a year and a day.
He’s doesn’t have to tell you crap, but I’ll reiterate my take. Looks like you make us look bad.
When you consider that is the regularly called the “worse college sports scandal of all time” and people on the news were even talking about how it may devalue a Penn State degree, if there’s even a 10% chance Sandusky’s is innocent, we need have a national conversation.
Have the national conversation. That doesn’t mean Sandusky is innocent.
He’s doesn’t have to tell you crap, but I’ll reiterate my take. Looks like you make us look bad.

I don't believe fighting an injustice makes us look bad at all. It is clear to me that there has been an injustice.

I believe we need to fight for what is right and what is wrong. There is no question in my mind that Penn State has been wronged. There is no question is my mind that Joe Paterno was wronged. There is no question is my mind that Tom Curley, Gary Schultz, and Graham Spanier have all been wronged. There is no question in my mind that Jerry Sandusky has been wronged as well.
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Alex Lindsay says he is innocent.
"It's total fiction from top to bottom," Lindsay said about the Freeh Report, which the NCAA used as the basis for imposing draconian sanctions on Penn State. Lindsay has the same view of the 2011 grand jury presentment that had to invent a lurid but imaginary child rape in the showers to brand his client forever as a raging, serial pedophile.

"They're all wrong," Lindsay said about the twin works of fiction issued by Freeh and the attorney general's office that are still being propped up by the media as legit. In the view of Lindsay, a lone voice in the wilderness, his guy is totally innocent. And, Lindsay will tell you about Jerry Sandusky and his loyal wife, Dottie, they happen to be "two of the bravest and most courageous people I have ever known."

So how does an innocent man wind up in jail? Lindsay blames the work of "an unholy triangle of forces that push these things ahead [in lurid, high profile media cases] and result in false convictions."

He's talking about the convergence of a hysterical media, overzealous prosecutors, and hungry plaintiff's lawyers. All of this was on vivid display at Penn State, as Lindsay is about to explain.

When a public figure is charged with a lurid crime such as the sexual abuse of children, Lindsay said, "the media are off to the races." They can be counted on to supply non-stop "salacious" coverage that elevates hysteria and sensationalism over truth and rational thought.

Especially when they are being fed by "overzealous, over aggressive prosecutors who want to make the case," Lindsay said. The prosecutors go to work to convict the accused in the court of public opinion, before the case ever goes to trial. They are typically aided by willing dupes and accomplices in the media, who are all too happy to run with sensational prosecutorial leaks that may or may not be true.

The final ingredient of the unholy triangle, Lindsay said, are "plaintiff's lawyers who look at the diocese [of Philadelphia] or Penn State as a gold mine because it's easy money, and they're so vulnerable."

"I'm a plaintiff's lawyer," Lindsay said, so he fully understands the lure of suing the Catholic Church or Penn State.

But as far as playing defense goes, whether it's the church or the university, "They're not so much concerned with the truth but with damage control," Lindsay said. "And these plaintiff's lawyers are suing for money, and the plaintiff's lawyers are loving it."

That's exactly what happened at Penn State. Let's start with overzealous prosecutors, who in this case, had to invent a crime to put a man in jail.

To turn Sandusky into a serial child rapist, and Paterno into an accomplice, the prosecutors had to invent a lurid rape in the showers of a 10-year-old boy, but it's a crime that for two decades has gone without a known victim. The prosecutors did it by twisting the words of Mike McQueary, a confused dope with a known gambling problem and an affinity for sending pictures of his penis to women not his wife.

A guy like that would be putty in the hands of scheming prosecutors and cops. Even though McQueary subsequently stated in an email to a lead prosecutor and the lead investigator in the case a week after the erroneous grand jury report was issued that he never really saw a rape in the showers. The written response of the prosecutor: keep quiet.

Armed with a deliberately false document, the hysterical media went nuts, especially when they had a chance to crucify Joe Paterno, a former Republican Mr. Clean, as an enabler of an assistant coach on an imaginary child rape spree. Instead of carrying torches and pitchforks the media mob was armed with cameras and microphones.

In the Sandusky case, Lindsay said, the grand jury "becomes a weapon for an unscrupulous prosecutor." The many leaks from that grand jury, according to state law, should have been investigated by the appointment of a special prosecutor, Lindsay said. But it never happened.

In Sandusky's case, Lindsay lamented, all the "safeguards that are built into the grand jury process have been stood on its head."

Finally, the greedy plaintiff's lawyers showed up at Penn State, in search of millions of dollars in easy money. They would not be disappointed.
No on cares anymore . There’s no conversation outside of here.
I still find it annoying , but no one cares.

Ignore it if you find it annoying. You are wrong when you say no one cares.

I will ask you again and if you choose not to answer I will assume you are a troll.

Please tell me the motivation for your keen interest in the case? Are you a supporter of the OAG, the old guard BOT, or is your thing CSA education and prevention?
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When you consider that is the regularly called the “worse college sports scandal of all time” and people on the news were even talking about how it may devalue a Penn State degree, if there’s even a 10% chance Sandusky’s is innocent, we need have a national conversation.

What we need is a new trial that at least meets the minimum standards for a fair trial.
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Pinkhippo - Please tell me the motivation for your keen interest in the case? Are you a supporter of the OAG, the old guard BOT, or is your thing CSA education and prevention?

All 6 of the issues I raised are legitimate issues of prosecutorial misconduct in my view. Some of them will probably even make it into a court of law before too long. The issue of the fundemental unfairness of Sandusky's trial will one day be a cautionary tale for law school of some of the critical components of an unfair trial that should be avoided. Even one instance of prosecutorial misconduct can be enough to win a defendant a new trial. It will be very interesting when Frank Fina's ethics complaint comes to a head with the Pennsylvania Supreme Court and what happens if his law license is suspended for a year and a day.

Sure ... it's simple. You make us (penn staters) look bad.

Worse, you come off as biased, subjective and a weak thinker.

You talk about trials and fairness like you know something, but you haven't looked at any others or trial fairness as a broad topic. You're uninformed and take no initiative to learn.

You make statements about the victims behavior, and Jerry's behavior as though you are trained in CSA, but have shown no indications that you are nor have you read any of the accepted papers and material on the matter. Your comeback is often sourced by referring to a book review. Hardly meaty, scholarly material.

In short, you cone off as obtuse and ignorant.

It's worth pointing out that you aren't representative of most penn staters.

You start these threads not me. If you stop creating new free Jerry threads, you'll find that no one is posting about this topic anymore. You, you, you are single handedly keeping this alive.
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....In each of the above, Jerry's team has repeatedly failed to demonstrate that these situations would have changed trial outcome......

Or, the commonwealth refused to acknowledge it's prosecutorial misconduct. In PA, this game is rigged.

Nobody wants Sandusky to walk out of prison on a technicality for the same reason everyone wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. What Jerry is supposed to have done is stomach turning. It sends chills through all of us.

However, the desired narrative was sold to us. The Sandusky case was intentionally and strategically turned into a circus by the prosecution. The media bought in en masse and whipped up the mob. It started with the brazen embellishment of McQueary's grand jury testimony, poster size photos of Tim Curley and Gary Shultz, alongside and as equally prominent as Jerry's at the PC to announce Jerry's indictment, and Frank Noonan's character assassination of Joe Paterno. And that's just the beginning of the insanity.

Tom Corbett and his OAG were not going to take on Sandusky and lose. Political careers hung in the balance. The problem is that their case wasn't very strong. Trying Jerry in the court of public opinion was part of a strategy. So was taking a quantity over quality approach with respect to the charges. Maybe they truly believed Sandusky was a monster and didn't care how they put him away, as long as he was put away? Or maybe there were other factors involved. I don't know.

What I do believe is demonstrable is that a concerted effort was made to shift the focus away from TSM and onto PSU. I also believe that no one in PA had or has the political courage to give Jerry a fair trial.
Sure ... it's simple. You make us (penn staters) look bad.

Worse, you come off as biased, subjective and a weak thinker.

You talk about trials and fairness like you know something, but you haven't looked at any others or trial fairness as a broad topic. You're uninformed and take no initiative to learn.

You make statements about the victims behavior, and Jerry's behavior as though you are trained in CSA, but have shown no indications that you are nor have you read any of the accepted papers and material on the matter. Your comeback is often sourced by referring to a book review. Hardly meaty, scholarly material.

In short, you cone off as obtuse and ignorant.

It's worth pointing out that you aren't representative of most penn staters.

You start these threads not me. If you stop creating new free Jerry threads, you'll find that no one is posting about this topic anymore. You, you, you are single handedly keeping this alive.

You try to make Penn State look bad and fail. What you do succeed at is looking like, and proving you're an idiot.
Franco - from what I understand and recently had clarified for me by someone who would know, their parole period is over this month, but probation goes on for another 2 years. I did not understand that there was a total of a 4 year period involved; I thought it was a total of 2.

I do not expect that any of them will talk prior to the probationary period being completed. My guess is that they were thrown for a loop by the judge not holding to a tacit agreement of no jail time, and feel as though he could respond negatively to anything he deems worthy of re-instituting jail time, such as speaking freely and frankly about the details of their cases and charges.

I am also more convinced than ever that they absolutely were not told of any crime or sexual activities by McQ when they spoke with him. I believe they felt they acted properly given what they were told at the time. All just my opinion.
Schultz was the culprit, though definitely arguable.
Under the statute in effect in 2001, neither Curley nor Schultz nor Spanier were mandated reporters.

In order to figure that out you need to go to 23 PA CS Chapter 6303 and look at the definitions.

"Person responsible for the child's welfare." A person who provides permanent or temporary care, supervision, mental health diagnosis or treatment, training or control of a child in lieu of parental care, supervision and control. The term does not include a person who is employed by or provides services or programs in any public or private school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school.

Spanier, et al, are not covered under this definition. Dr. Raykovitz is, however.

"School employee." An individual employed by a public or private school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school. The term includes an independent contractor and employees. The term excludes an individual who has no direct contact with students.

"Student." An individual enrolled in a public or private school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school who is under 18 years of age.

These two definitions rule out Spanier, et al, as a persons responsible for a child's welfare. Spanier, et al, had no direct contact with children under 18 years of age. Moreover, the references to public and private schools, intermediate units, and vocational technical schools clearly are focused on non-matriculated students -- not University students under 18 years of age.

Chapter 63 was amended in 2014 to expand the definition of school employees to include institutions of higher learning -- as such, a University professor would have a duty of care to a matriculated student who is under 18 years of age.

The difficulty with this law and this case in particular is that the victim in 2001 is unknown. As such, the Commonwealth cannot prove ANYONE had a duty of care or was supervising the child.

If the Commonwealth assumes the child, like the rest of the victims, was a participant in THe Second Mile, then Dr. Raykovitz, not Spanier, had a duty of care.

JJ is correct that Sandusky was not an employee of TSM, but that point is moot if the Commonwealth assumes the child was a participant in The Second Mile.

In summary, an unknown victim is problematic for establishing that ANYONE had a duty of care in 2001.
Schultz was the culprit, though definitely arguable.
Under the statute in effect in 2001, neither Curley nor Schultz nor Spanier were mandated reporters.

In order to figure that out you need to go to 23 PA CS Chapter 6303 and look at the definitions.

"Person responsible for the child's welfare." A person who provides permanent or temporary care, supervision, mental health diagnosis or treatment, training or control of a child in lieu of parental care, supervision and control. The term does not include a person who is employed by or provides services or programs in any public or private school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school.

Spanier, et al, are not covered under this definition. Dr. Raykovitz is, however.

"School employee." An individual employed by a public or private school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school. The term includes an independent contractor and employees. The term excludes an individual who has no direct contact with students.

"Student." An individual enrolled in a public or private school, intermediate unit or area vocational-technical school who is under 18 years of age.

These two definitions rule out Spanier, et al, as a persons responsible for a child's welfare. Spanier, et al, had no direct contact with children under 18 years of age. Moreover, the references to public and private schools, intermediate units, and vocational technical schools clearly are focused on non-matriculated students -- not University students under 18 years of age.

Chapter 63 was amended in 2014 to expand the definition of school employees to include institutions of higher learning -- as such, a University professor would have a duty of care to a matriculated student who is under 18 years of age.

The difficulty with this law and this case in particular is that the victim in 2001 is unknown. As such, the Commonwealth cannot prove ANYONE had a duty of care or was supervising the child.

If the Commonwealth assumes the child, like the rest of the victims, was a participant in THe Second Mile, then Dr. Raykovitz, not Spanier, had a duty of care.

JJ is correct that Sandusky was not an employee of TSM, but that point is moot if the Commonwealth assumes the child was a participant in The Second Mile.

In summary, an unknown victim is problematic for establishing that ANYONE had a duty of care in 2001.


Penn State and Penn Live's main village idiot.
He’s doesn’t have to tell you crap, but I’ll reiterate my take. Looks like you make us look bad.

Well get over yourself! This is not about how you look. Our system doesn't work when people bully others into silence and submission. There are legitimate concerns here. Normally you would expect the press to take the lead, but that hasn't happened here.
Sure ... it's simple. You make us (penn staters) look bad.

Worse, you come off as biased, subjective and a weak thinker.

You talk about trials and fairness like you know something, but you haven't looked at any others or trial fairness as a broad topic. You're uninformed and take no initiative to learn.

You make statements about the victims behavior, and Jerry's behavior as though you are trained in CSA, but have shown no indications that you are nor have you read any of the accepted papers and material on the matter. Your comeback is often sourced by referring to a book review. Hardly meaty, scholarly material.

In short, you cone off as obtuse and ignorant.

It's worth pointing out that you aren't representative of most penn staters.

You start these threads not me. If you stop creating new free Jerry threads, you'll find that no one is posting about this topic anymore. You, you, you are single handedly keeping this alive.

You are welcome to your own opinions. I believe that a significant injustice has occurred. I believe you are underestimating the people who care.

If the topic doesn't interest you and you want the thread to die, then please ignore it and don't post to it.
You are welcome to your own opinions. I believe that a significant injustice has occurred. I believe you are underestimating the people who care.

If the topic doesn't interest you and you want the thread to die, then please ignore it and don't post to it.

The people who "care" show themselves over and over to be ignorant and closed minded. So, my preference is to point that out so that that sort of person doesn't appear to speak for all.

Again, though - if you really believed any of the BS, you'd be pressing Gov. Wolf for a pardon (you haven't). You'd be organizing demonstrations and protests. You might even research some of the core issues here.

You don't do any of that. You're activism as an anti-victim advocate is limited to keyboard pounding.
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The people who "care" show themselves over and over to be ignorant and closed minded. So, my preference is to point that out so that that sort of person doesn't appear to speak for all.

Again, though - if you really believed any of the BS, you'd be pressing Gov. Wolf for a pardon (you haven't). You'd be organizing demonstrations and protests. You might even research some of the core issues here.

You don't do any of that. You're activism as an anti-victim advocate is limited to keyboard pounding.

I disagree with you, and I care.
The people who "care" show themselves over and over to be ignorant and closed minded. So, my preference is to point that out so that that sort of person doesn't appear to speak for all.

Again, though - if you really believed any of the BS, you'd be pressing Gov. Wolf for a pardon (you haven't). You'd be organizing demonstrations and protests. You might even research some of the core issues here.

You don't do any of that. You're activism as an anti-victim advocate is limited to keyboard pounding.

It seems to me that you are a troll with an agenda. Who is writing your paycheck?
I don't believe fighting an injustice makes us look bad at all. It is clear to me that there has been an injustice.

I believe we need to fight for what is right and what is wrong. There is no question in my mind that Penn State has been wronged. There is no question is my mind that Joe Paterno was wronged. There is no question is my mind that Tom Curley, Gary Schultz, and Graham Spanier have all been wronged. There is no question in my mind that Jerry Sandusky has been wronged as well.
You believe ? We believe a child molester was locked up and people like you are crazy .
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Who's writing yours? Why is your agenda not paid propaganda but his is?

Nobody. I am not getting paid. My agenda is a search for what exactly happened in this mess. I don't like to put anybody on ignore; however I am not interested in reading anymore of your or hippo's BS so on ignore you go.
Nobody. I am not getting paid. My agenda is a search for what exactly happened in this mess. I don't like to put anybody on ignore; however I am not interested in reading anymore of your or hippo's BS so on ignore you go.
Oh Goodie, your echo chamber gets smaller. That's the way to convince folk.
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You try to make Penn State look bad and fail. What you do succeed at is looking like, and proving you're an idiot.

I feel like you must have a tough life. I hope you have better days ahead.
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I don't believe fighting an injustice makes us look bad at all. It is clear to me that there has been an injustice.

I believe we need to fight for what is right and what is wrong. There is no question in my mind that Penn State has been wronged. There is no question is my mind that Joe Paterno was wronged. There is no question is my mind that Tom Curley, Gary Schultz, and Graham Spanier have all been wronged. There is no question in my mind that Jerry Sandusky has been wronged as well.

I'd advise you to get a new mind.
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