Note: We know the media likes to go over the top with scare stories.
Here is another example.
It cites info from the UK Met Office and US Accuweather among other sources.
Worth a read, since some potentially serious natural trends are lining up to potentially hit at the same time. They may extend for a considerable period of time, even for decades.
However, a more balanced view may look at cooler trends that may extend until perhaps 2030 or so. While that may surprise some people, it's less time than the 50 years the article is discussing and projecting.
Nobody knows for sure.
Again, we can look at the past, at massive natural events for indications for the future. But there are no certainties.
From the review...
Here is another example.
It cites info from the UK Met Office and US Accuweather among other sources.
Worth a read, since some potentially serious natural trends are lining up to potentially hit at the same time. They may extend for a considerable period of time, even for decades.
However, a more balanced view may look at cooler trends that may extend until perhaps 2030 or so. While that may surprise some people, it's less time than the 50 years the article is discussing and projecting.
Nobody knows for sure.
A) So, it will be interesting to see how the massive new and Natural North Atlantic AMO Cooler Ocean impacts this winter in Europe and in years to come.
B) It will also be interesting to see if the Pacific's multi-decades long Cool PDO phase kicks in by say 2020, after this El Niño ends next year.
C) Plus, the huge drop in solar flux is getting closer to the coldest periods of the Little Ice Age. The bitter cold of the Maunder Minimum lasted 70 years. The Dalton Minimum that lasted for 40 years. Both are correlated with a drop in Sun Spots. AstroPhysicists have been following our similar solar trends in recent years.
D) A combination of cooling phases, or an individual natural cooling may become the cooler flip side of our recent warming.
During the "global warming," multiple natural global Warm Phases lined up together, which Alarmists ignored, as they blamed the natural warming on poor little CO2.
B) It will also be interesting to see if the Pacific's multi-decades long Cool PDO phase kicks in by say 2020, after this El Niño ends next year.
C) Plus, the huge drop in solar flux is getting closer to the coldest periods of the Little Ice Age. The bitter cold of the Maunder Minimum lasted 70 years. The Dalton Minimum that lasted for 40 years. Both are correlated with a drop in Sun Spots. AstroPhysicists have been following our similar solar trends in recent years.
D) A combination of cooling phases, or an individual natural cooling may become the cooler flip side of our recent warming.
During the "global warming," multiple natural global Warm Phases lined up together, which Alarmists ignored, as they blamed the natural warming on poor little CO2.
Again, we can look at the past, at massive natural events for indications for the future. But there are no certainties.
Science will be able to study these potential natural cooling phase impacts this time, with much more sophisticated methods.
We will get a front row seat, to see if various events are long or short, boom or bust.
We will get a front row seat, to see if various events are long or short, boom or bust.
From the review...
SHOCK CLAIM: World is on brink of 50 year ICE AGE and BRITAIN will bear the brunt
BRITAIN faces DECADES of savage winters driven by freak changes in global ocean conditions and a weakening of the sun.
00:29, Mon, Oct 19, 2015 | UPDATED: 08:27, Mon, Oct 19, 2015
BRITAIN faces DECADES of savage winters driven by freak changes in global ocean conditions and a weakening of the sun.
00:29, Mon, Oct 19, 2015 | UPDATED: 08:27, Mon, Oct 19, 2015
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