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Interviewer: Have you ever wrestled Frank Perelli?
Gilman: No, I haven't. But from what I've seen likes to kinda lose matches...

Gold. Gilman might be giving Montell a run for Duster's Favorite Hawkeye.
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Let him talk, still gotta wrestle...and that's more telling than the yacking.

I'm old school, and appreciate a more humble behavior, ala Jason, Zain, and a slew of others. Win and he gets my support 100% as a rep of the U.S. of A, though.
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I've never seen him wrestle FS, but wasn't Gilman's main weakness in folk getting out from bottom? That wont be an issue in FS.
I actually do think Gilman is going to be very tough on the Freestyle stage but at some point this attitude and talk while never winning at the end and getting upset by guys obviously less talented (Cruz, Moisey) Gets old.. to me it feels more like he is trying to convince himself now than really believing it at this point.

That said, he would be team USA now and if he finally backs up his mouth I will route for him.

Edit-His success at Freestyle in the past is why I do think he will be very good in this style and will be a very tough out.
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I'm not a Gilman fan, but I did enjoy the part of the interview when Nico came up. Gilman loved to talk about his past exploits with various wrestlers. Then the subject of Nico came up.
Interviewer: Have you ever wrestled Nico in FS?
Gilman: Once, at university nationals (Then silence--nothing)
Interviewer: How did the match turn out?
Gilman: I lost. . .I've never beaten him.
After all the bravado versus other wrestlers, he didn't make any excuses/boasts when talking about Nico. I liked that!
Gilman will be a tough out for anyone. I'm glad he and Nico are going all in and going after Ramos. It is hard not to bet on TRam if I had to pick "one guy" from the group to represent the USA. Gilman is pretty funny imo- he is a very nice young man in person and will be a strong coaching candidate someday. I will never understand why he says the things he does, but I remain a fan nonetheless.