Show: Shameless(OT)


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2012
Central PA
Actually one of my favorite shows ever. I don't even know where they have the show heading at this point. The Lip character is awesome but are they jumping the shark already? His Asian girlfriend and her dad liking him seemed to be the beginning of a decent storyline. I am sure he will be banging Mandy again @ some point.

The acting in the show is still amazing. Emmy Rossum with her looks has tough sell but she does it.

The Thing that started pissing me off was it was the only show that I like the seems to like to make jokes about Sandusky(Kev usually). Oh well.

It's an entertaining show but where can it even lead. It's like they are already circling the drain.
Just when you think that there might be some stability in that family's life, something else pops up to disrupt it. The Kev & Viv storyline has become extremely tired to me and they are the only two characters that I could do without. But everyone else has some sort of new twist to it, including the seemingly 180 turn that Frank has taken in the last couple of weeks.
Frank when I thought he was stealing the money from the Dr.'s purse summed it up. He became somewhat decent for a little bit.

Carl is a sociopath? The rest can be left to imagination. Sammy's kid and Carl are being written off it looks like.