SIAP: Did generations of greatness celebration omit Paterno??

Sorry I couldn't resist. If I wanted to talk to crazy people, that is where I would go first (your house). I'd be guaranteed of at least one.
Yes, I understand your misguided point, I’m just saying that the execution was poor.
Well where else are you supposed to tell crazy people that they are crazy?

I see you got a like from a ‘Nole. I’m sure on the Main Board cesspool of ignorance on this matter you get more likes from ASWPs, Wolverines, Buckeyes, Hawkeyes, etc. who aren’t biased against PSU at all :confused: and got their narrative on this topic from Sara Ganim and the rest of the lazy clickbait mainstream media in the first 5 days of this scandal. What a joke.

You have almost 13,000 posts, most of which are on this topic, yet you haven’t changed a single mind or added a new or interesting point. You just take over threads with your same rehashed poorly supported talking points. Go post on the main board more where like-minded, ill-informed college football zealots hang out and consider posting here less. If not posting here at all is off the table that is....

You say you want people to move on yet you and a few other lame brains single handedly extend these threads for pages and days because people disagree with your trollish drivel and generally don’t like you at all. Just go away. It will be good for you and great for the rest of us.
I see you got a like from a ‘Nole. I’m sure on the Main Board cesspool of ignorance on this matter you get more likes from ASWPs, Wolverines, Buckeyes, Hawkeyes, etc. who aren’t biased against PSU at all :confused: and got their narrative on this topic from Sara Ganim and the rest of the lazy clickbait mainstream media in the first 5 days of this scandal. What a joke.

You have almost 13,000 posts, most of which are on this topic, yet you haven’t changed a single mind or added a new or interesting point. You just take over threads with your same rehashed poorly supported talking points. Go post on the main board more where like-minded, ill-informed college football zealots hang out and consider posting here less. If not posting here at all is off the table that is....

You say you want people to move on yet you and a few other lame brains single handedly extend these threads for pages and days because people disagree with your trollish drivel and generally don’t like you at all. Just go away. It will be good for you and great for the rest of us.
Boo hoo... I don’t follow the Joebot mindset.

What’s funny is that you all don’t even realize that you are trolling yourselves. That’s basically what living in denial is.
So I’ll tread into the minefield again.

Guys, it’s possible to believe that Joe was a great football coach, that he set a variety of records which may never be broken, that he made amazing contributions to the university, that he was in many ways a unique figure in college football…


That he got old and stayed on too long, that his thinking got distorted, that in his last years he effectively put himself before the team, and that in the matter of one scumbag named Jerry Sandusky he ended up guilty of an all too human failure of judgment and character.

I said this before in a thread a few weeks ago: Joe’s story, personally as it relates to him, is less one of villainy than of tragedy – a good man brought down by human frailties that are the stuff of stories and lessons dating back to the Old Testament.

Unfortunately, the reality is too gray and, well, real for most. The people on the white side of the debate paint Joe as the victimized shining knight. The people on the black side, especially the majority of the national media, paint Joe as a Bad Man finally exposed. Sorry, but neither side has it right.

OK, so rumor has it that there’s a big game with Northwestern this Saturday, that we’re ranked in the Top 5 like in the old days under Joe, and that the program has made a miraculous, rapid recovery from outrageous sanctions intended to kill it.

Honestly, that’s more important to me right now than these no-win debates about Joseph Vincent Paterno. I think maybe Joe, if he were still here, would say the same. In fact, he might be saying it this very moment from wherever he is. ;-)
I see you got a like from a ‘Nole. I’m sure on the Main Board cesspool of ignorance on this matter you get more likes from ASWPs, Wolverines, Buckeyes, Hawkeyes, etc. who aren’t biased against PSU at all :confused: and got their narrative on this topic from Sara Ganim and the rest of the lazy clickbait mainstream media in the first 5 days of this scandal. What a joke.

You have almost 13,000 posts, most of which are on this topic, yet you haven’t changed a single mind or added a new or interesting point. You just take over threads with your same rehashed poorly supported talking points. Go post on the main board more where like-minded, ill-informed college football zealots hang out and consider posting here less. If not posting here at all is off the table that is....

You say you want people to move on yet you and a few other lame brains single handedly extend these threads for pages and days because people disagree with your trollish drivel and generally don’t like you at all. Just go away. It will be good for you and great for the rest of us.

Put the stuPiT fart on ignore. You will be happier.
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So I’ll tread into the minefield again.

Guys, it’s possible to believe that Joe was a great football coach, that he set a variety of records which may never be broken, that he made amazing contributions to the university, that he was in many ways a unique figure in college football…


That he got old and stayed on too long, that his thinking got distorted, that in his last years he effectively put himself before the team, and that in the matter of one scumbag named Jerry Sandusky he ended up guilty of an all too human failure of judgment and character.

I said this before in a thread a few weeks ago: Joe’s story, personally as it relates to him, is less one of villainy than of tragedy – a good man brought down by human frailties that are the stuff of stories and lessons dating back to the Old Testament.

Unfortunately, the reality is too gray and, well, real for most. The people on the white side of the debate paint Joe as the victimized shining knight. The people on the black side, especially the majority of the national media, paint Joe as a Bad Man finally exposed. Sorry, but neither side has it right.

OK, so rumor has it that there’s a big game with Northwestern this Saturday, that we’re ranked in the Top 5 like in the old days under Joe, and that the program has made a miraculous, rapid recovery from outrageous sanctions intended to kill it.

Honestly, that’s more important to me right now than these no-win debates about Joseph Vincent Paterno. I think maybe Joe, if he were still here, would say the same. In fact, he might be saying it this very moment from wherever he is. ;-)
Well said.

And I never called Joe a bad guy, just a failure. Although, if he didn’t care about the victim, that probably means he was a bad guy (or at least crass and unsympathetic), so....
So I’ll tread into the minefield again.

Guys, it’s possible to believe that Joe was a great football coach, that he set a variety of records which may never be broken, that he made amazing contributions to the university, that he was in many ways a unique figure in college football…


That he got old and stayed on too long, that his thinking got distorted, that in his last years he effectively put himself before the team, and that in the matter of one scumbag named Jerry Sandusky he ended up guilty of an all too human failure of judgment and character.

I said this before in a thread a few weeks ago: Joe’s story, personally as it relates to him, is less one of villainy than of tragedy – a good man brought down by human frailties that are the stuff of stories and lessons dating back to the Old Testament.

Unfortunately, the reality is too gray and, well, real for most. The people on the white side of the debate paint Joe as the victimized shining knight. The people on the black side, especially the majority of the national media, paint Joe as a Bad Man finally exposed. Sorry, but neither side has it right.

OK, so rumor has it that there’s a big game with Northwestern this Saturday, that we’re ranked in the Top 5 like in the old days under Joe, and that the program has made a miraculous, rapid recovery from outrageous sanctions intended to kill it.

Honestly, that’s more important to me right now than these no-win debates about Joseph Vincent Paterno. I think maybe Joe, if he were still here, would say the same. In fact, he might be saying it this very moment from wherever he is. ;-)

You're an idiot.
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So I’ll tread into the minefield again.

Guys, it’s possible to believe that Joe was a great football coach, that he set a variety of records which may never be broken, that he made amazing contributions to the university, that he was in many ways a unique figure in college football…


That he got old and stayed on too long, that his thinking got distorted, that in his last years he effectively put himself before the team, and that in the matter of one scumbag named Jerry Sandusky he ended up guilty of an all too human failure of judgment and character.

I said this before in a thread a few weeks ago: Joe’s story, personally as it relates to him, is less one of villainy than of tragedy – a good man brought down by human frailties that are the stuff of stories and lessons dating back to the Old Testament.

Unfortunately, the reality is too gray and, well, real for most. The people on the white side of the debate paint Joe as the victimized shining knight. The people on the black side, especially the majority of the national media, paint Joe as a Bad Man finally exposed. Sorry, but neither side has it right.

OK, so rumor has it that there’s a big game with Northwestern this Saturday, that we’re ranked in the Top 5 like in the old days under Joe, and that the program has made a miraculous, rapid recovery from outrageous sanctions intended to kill it.

Honestly, that’s more important to me right now than these no-win debates about Joseph Vincent Paterno. I think maybe Joe, if he were still here, would say the same. In fact, he might be saying it this very moment from wherever he is. ;-)

Looks like JockstrapJohn is back.

Return of the sMack Off.

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....I said this before in a thread a few weeks ago: Joe’s story, personally as it relates to him, is less one of villainy than of tragedy – a good man brought down by human frailties that are the stuff of stories and lessons dating back to the Old Testament....

Joe was brought down by Tom Corbett, John Surma and a corrupt, liberal media who hated what Joe stood for, and which was far more interested in being first than being right!
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Well said.

And I never called Joe a bad guy, just a failure. Although, if he didn’t care about the victim, that probably means he was a bad guy (or at least crass and unsympathetic), so....

Now you’re contradicting yourself in your own posts. Not in two separate posts in the same freakin’ post. LMAO at what a moron you are. Suspends belief...
I said this before in a thread a few weeks ago: Joe’s story, personally as it relates to him, is less one of villainy than of tragedy – a good man brought down by human frailties that are the stuff of stories and lessons dating back to the Old Testament.

Yeah except that’s not what you said a few weeks ago with respect to “villainy”. Here I will help you out...

“As for Joe, well, as I said earlier, the story as it pertains to him contains as many elements of tragedy as of villainy.”

Big difference and that’s why you got beat up here.
Now you’re contradicting yourself in your own posts. Not in two separate posts in the same freakin’ post. LMAO at what a moron you are. Suspends belief...
I said I had never called Joe a bad guy, which I didn’t up to that point. Then in the next sentence I said he probably is a bad guy (if he didn’t care) for the first time. Do you understand how that isn’t contradictory or do you need to go back to school?
I said I had never called Joe a bad guy, which I didn’t up to that point. Then in the next sentence I said he probably is a bad guy (if he didn’t care) for the first time. Do you understand how that isn’t contradictory or do you need to go back to school?

When you repeatedly say someone doesn’t care or give a shit about child sexual abuse (and you’ve said that many times without equivocation in this very thread) you don’t have to add that they are a bad guy. Res ipsa loquitur. I won’t ask you if you understand that because you continually double down on dumb.
Go with @francofan to visit your boy Jerry.

Tell me Jive - do you find NCIS Special Agent John Sneeden to be the least bit credible? Do you think he was biased and compromised our country's national security when he successfully recommended that Graham Spanier's Top Secret/SCI clearances be renewed after the Penn State scandal broke in November 2011? I don't expect for you to give a straight answer, but your opinion carries no more weight than my opinion. I agree with Snedden that there was no sex scandal at Penn State just a political hit job. I also agree with Snedden that there is no credible evidence that wasn't subject to manipulation that Sandusky had any type of sex with any of his accusers. If you disagree, please state the SINGLE best piece of credible evidence that wasn't subject to manipulation that contradicts Snedden. I am willing to bet that your response will either be crickets or non-responsive.
When you repeatedly say someone doesn’t care or give a shit about child sexual abuse (and you’ve said that many times without equivocation in this very thread) you don’t have to add that they are a bad guy. Res ipsa loquitur. I won’t ask you if you understand that because you continually double down on dumb.
Sorry but I never specifically said it. I take it though that you would agree that Paterno was a bad guy if he did give a shit about the victim?
Tell me Jive - do you find NCIS Special Agent John Sneeden to be the least bit credible? Do you think he was biased and compromised our country's national security when he successfully recommended that Graham Spanier's Top Secret/SCI clearances be renewed after the Penn State scandal broke in November 2011? I don't expect for you to give a straight answer, but your opinion carries no more weight than my opinion. I agree with Snedden that there was no sex scandal at Penn State just a political hit job. I also agree with Snedden that there is no credible evidence that wasn't subject to manipulation that Sandusky had any type of sex with any of his accusers. If you disagree, please state the SINGLE best piece of credible evidence that wasn't subject to manipulation that contradicts Snedden. I am willing to bet that your response will either be crickets or non-responsive.
I don’t give a shit about what Sneeden’s poorly formed opinion is. He does not accept the overwhelming testimony of the victims as evidence so I have no respect for his view.
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Sorry but I never specifically said it. I take it though that you would agree that Paterno was a bad guy if he did give a shit about the victim?

No I would not agree with that. WTF are you talking about? As I are dumb beyond belief and prove it every single day.
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Joe was brought down by Tom Corbett, John Surma and a corrupt, liberal media who hated what Joe stood for, and which was far more interested in being first than being right!

I agree that the leaders of Penn State (Joe, Graham, Tim, and Gary) were brought down by a corrupt system including Corbett (OAG), Surma (PSU BOT), the media, the NCAA, the judiciary and other institutions. However, I don't think the culprits were necessarily liberal or conservative. I don't believe this fiasco is a left wing/right wing issue.
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No I would not agree with that. WTF are you talking about? As I are dumb beyond belief and prove it every single day.
So if your don’t agree, why do you assume what I meant? You are making zero sense, which is typical of a crazy person.
I don’t give a shit about what Sneeden’s poorly formed opinion is. He does not accept the overwhelming testimony of the victims as evidence so I have no respect for his view.

As expected, your reply is non-responsive.

You seem like you say that Snedden is biased and that he compromised national security. I wholeheartedly disagree.

You also didn't state the SINGLE best piece of evidence that wasn't subject to manipulation that proves him wrong.
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So if your don’t agree, why do you assume what I meant? You are making zero sense, which is typical of a crazy person.

Wow. You are a highly confused and most likely disturbed individual. You post so much you can’t even follow your own nonsense.
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Wow. You are a highly confused and most likely disturbed individual. You post so much you can’t even follow your own nonsense.

... or he may be a troll that is employed by the responsible parties to promote the false narratives that permeate this case such as MM witnessed a sexual assault, that Joe Paterno was told of suspected CSA, and that Spanier, Curley, and Schultz knowingly enabled the acts of a pedophile.
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... or he may be a troll that is employed by the responsible parties to promote the false narratives that permeate this case such as MM witnessed a sexual assault, that Joe Paterno was told of suspected CSA, and that Spanier, Curley, and Schultz knowingly enabled the acts of a pedophile.

Very possible but if they’re paying you’d think they could find someone reasonably smart. They settled for dumb and annoying...:cool:
Very possible but if they’re paying you’d think they could find someone reasonably smart...:cool:

Agreed. Not that I think JJ is very smart, but I strongly suspect he is getting some sort of compensation for the non-stop posts he has made defending the corrupt institutions and promoting the false narratives.
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As expected, your reply is non-responsive.

You seem like you say that Snedden is biased and that he compromised national security. I wholeheartedly disagree.

You also didn't state the SINGLE best piece of evidence that wasn't subject to manipulation that proves him wrong.
It’s not non-responsive.

Anyone who just dismisses the testimony of the victims and the eye witness is not someone who’s opinion I respect. That guy and idiots like yourself want to see physical evidence of a decade old crime. It’s laughable.
Wow. You are a highly confused and most likely disturbed individual. You post so much you can’t even follow your own nonsense.
Tell me about how Joe is a good egg again. About how he heard of suspected CSA and did, in your mind, the right thing. About how this hero couldn’t even bother to ask why the pedo was still a free man for 10 years.

That’s just great stuff. :confused:
... or he may be a troll that is employed by the responsible parties to promote the false narratives that permeate this case such as MM witnessed a sexual assault, that Joe Paterno was told of suspected CSA, and that Spanier, Curley, and Schultz knowingly enabled the acts of a pedophile.
Well that’s how the court cases turned out so I’m not sure why anyone would need to be paid to talk about the truth.
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It’s not non-responsive.

Anyone who just dismisses the testimony of the victims and the eye witness is not someone who’s opinion I respect. That guy and idiots like yourself want to see physical evidence of a decade old crime. It’s laughable.

I guess you have the utmost respect for witnesses like Mike McQueary. I don't. I believe his testimony was subject to manipulation and I don't find him credible.

Regarding the accusers, I find some suspicious and others that I am not sure about. V6 is one accuser who I don't believe lied. I can't say that about Allan Myers or Matt Sandusky or any of the accusers from the seventies. I believe the verdict is still out regarding the 8 accusers who testified at trial because the first trial was inherently unfair. Their stories are not consistent, but I willing to give them the benefit of the doubt pending a new trial.

You probably would have been better keeping your comments to yourself and make people wonder if you had any substance to your comments rather than making comments and leaving no doubt.
It’s not non-responsive.

Anyone who just dismisses the testimony of the victims and the eye witness is not someone who’s opinion I respect. That guy and idiots like yourself want to see physical evidence of a decade old crime. It’s laughable.

I am asking you for the SINGLE piece of credible evidence that wasn't subject to manipulation that proves that Sandusky engaged in CSA.
I guess you have the utmost respect for witnesses like Mike McQueary. I don't. I believe his testimony was subject to manipulation and I don't find him credible.

Regarding the accusers, I find some suspicious and others that I am not sure about. V6 is one accuser who I don't believe lied. I can't say that about Allan Myers or Matt Sandusky or any of the accusers from the seventies. I believe the verdict is still out regarding the 8 accusers who testified at trial because the first trial was inherently unfair. Their stories are not consistent, but I willing to give them the benefit of the doubt pending a new trial.

You probably would have been better keeping your comments to yourself and make people wonder if you had any substance to your comments rather than making comments and leaving no doubt.
I believe Mike. His story agrees with Paterno’s. The court believes him as well.
I am asking you for the SINGLE piece of credible evidence that wasn't subject to manipulation that proves that Sandusky engaged in CSA.
I’m asking you what evidence a reasonable person would expect from a decade old crime? There is plenty of evidence showing that the witness, MM, suspected CSA (cooberating testimony and legal billings referencing CSA). You have your head so far up Jerry’s ass that you won’t admit it. Sad.
Tell me about how Joe is a good egg again. About how he heard of suspected CSA and did, in your mind, the right thing. About how this hero couldn’t even bother to ask why the pedo was still a free man for 10 years.

That’s just great stuff. :confused:

This is a perfect example in a single post of how poorly constructed your arguments are and why nobody except a couple of freaks respect you around here. You go from “heard of SUSPECTED child sexual abuse” to “couldn’t even bother to ask why the PEDO was a free man for 10 years”.

The “right thing” the football coach did was report the witness’s report to his boss, as the protocol called for, so that people who’s job it was to take it from there could do so. They made mistakes and botched it. At the very least they should have done a better job of documenting what they did and why. Better yet if they had reported it to an agency who likely would have botched it again anyway. They did report it to the head of the the massive tsm and his response was to wear swim trunks.

I’ve haven’t and am not aware of anyone else who has referred to Paterno as a hero in this particular saga. Please link where someone did. You can’t. There were no heroes here.
I guess you have the utmost respect for witnesses like Mike McQueary. I don't. I believe his testimony was subject to manipulation and I don't find him credible.

Regarding the accusers, I find some suspicious and others that I am not sure about. V6 is one accuser who I don't believe lied. I can't say that about Allan Myers or Matt Sandusky or any of the accusers from the seventies. I believe the verdict is still out regarding the 8 accusers who testified at trial because the first trial was inherently unfair. Their stories are not consistent, but I willing to give them the benefit of the doubt pending a new trial.

You probably would have been better keeping your comments to yourself and make people wonder if you had any substance to your comments rather than making comments and leaving no doubt.
Actually the verdict is not still out. They were returned and Jerry is serving the resulting penalties. Your acceptance or lack thereof of the results don't mean a damn thing.

You keep asking the same stupid questions of people that disagree with your delusion and you keep refusing to accept any form of answer. Those people aren't being responsive because they know you are so closed minded to any response. Why bother, since you will rationalize anything to pursue your agenda.