SIAP. ESPN now says OSU "outplayed" PSU.

Who gives a fat rats ass what they say, the final score was 24-21 accept it
Actually, it is possible to "outplay" an opponent and still lose, and since we tend to only look at offensive stats when analyzing a game, one could see why the "braintrust" a the 4-letter might think that tosu dominated. Of course we should expect more from people who are paid a lot of $$ to analyze games...that maybe, just maybe, they might recognize more than just 1/3 of a game.

In making this post I'm trying to differentiate between yardage gains versus a team being "outplayed." The problem is connotation. IMO, by definition, the team that "outplays" its opponent has the higher score at the end of the game. That is different from "out-gained" in one statistical category (offensive yardage).

It's an important distinction because of the feeling left by the word "outplay," which tends to ignore other performance elements of the game. Ask any coach. Ask Jimmy Johnson. I doubt if even he would say that his team outplayed PSU in the '86 NC game. It would make him look even more foolish.