SIAP: ESPN's Britt McHenry goes off on parking lot attendant....

It was a tow truck lot attendant not a parking lot attendant. Advance Towing is the absolute worst... They tried to tow a car with two kids in the car a couple weeks ago. Not completely defending her behavior - just putting it in context. Accordingly to her, she was legally parked and they towed her anyway.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
more amazing is she knows she is on video

early on when she's really fired up, she's advised of the camera, looks at it, softens the tone, but then continues to hurl BS. [i get the anger and the outburst... rather normal under the circumstances.. but once you know you're on video, STFU -- even more so when you are in the media and making boodles of dough]

i think i'm gonna hafta re-think my high regard for northwestern.... if this kind of turd can "earn" a degree from Medill.. yikes!
Sorry, there is no excuse for that behavior. Complete lack of respect of another human being who is working her job.

Some of this can be blamed on youth and lack of perspective but I can't imagine this does not result in a large step backwards in her career. This just shows her true character which is pretty lacking in substance and human decency.

No one should treat another human being like that.
Amen to that

that type of personal attack can never be condoned, justified or rationalized. I don't expect her to lose her job, but it wouldn't be unwarranted if it happened.
Looks to me like she's lived in the bubble too long (Seinfeld reference)*

I think it's a safe bet that the woman she berated....

....had nothing to do with towing her car. She's just sitting at a desk trying to do her job and she has to hear insults about her teeth and weight? Advance Towing may be the worst, but at least take it out on the owner or the person who towed her car - not this poor woman at the desk.
"You didn't say you were in the MEDIA!!! Double the fine then." **

Her Q rating will drop dramatically, at least for a while. Mea culpas

coming from her in 3... 2.... 1.....
ESPN has to make a statement and do something.... 1 week in the cooler ala KO?
I'd still do her.. after I spank her


This post was edited on 4/16 7:37 PM by SgtCarter
I think we can all relate to that feeling of rage at a tow truck company (Walk's Towing, anyone?) so I don't blame her from being pissed and wouldn't have a problem with "you guys are scumbags! taking money from people you SUCK!" but the personal attacks on the woman were uncalled for.
All the media reports give us are what Britt McHenry said. I have a hard time believing that she didn't get some pretty salty language back from the attendant. Also, the comments posted following the Internet article on this, regarding the towing issues in Arlington, VA, were pretty instructive. Apparently there is a BIG problem with aggressive tow companies there.

Not trying to make excuses for this woman, but I think there is also more to the story than what they put in the report.
Originally posted by LafayetteBear:

All the media reports give us are what Britt McHenry said. I have a hard time believing that she didn't get some pretty salty language back from the attendant. Also, the comments posted following the Internet article on this, regarding the towing issues in Arlington, VA, were pretty instructive. Apparently there is a BIG problem with aggressive tow companies there.

Not trying to make excuses for this woman, but I think there is also more to the story than what they put in the report.
Agree with all that. If the gal attacked the tow company calling the thieves, crooks, etc. it would just be case of someone venting because she was towed whether she deserved it or not. As had been pointed out, the personal attacks and belittling comments directed to the employee were ridiculous. McHenry's attitude was, "Hey, I'm a beautiful college graduate who is employed by the national news media. You're a lowlife toothless cow who is so stupid the only job you can find is working for a tow company." She came across as a super bitch.
If she didn't look like that would she he getting a second chance? (Yes i realize that If she didn't look like that she probably wouldn't have the job at ESPN to begin with)
Sounds like she got a one-week suspension.

If it were me ----- she'd be fired immediately, out-the-door, never come back. Fellow human beings deserve to be treated with dignity. Period. Totally classless behavior.
Serious question: who would give a TOW TRUCK COMPANY

good reviews? Who would go on Yelp and say something like "these guys did an awesome job towing my car after I illegally parked it in front of the restaurant. 5 stars!"

Nobody likes tow-truck companies. Everybody is convinced they didn't deserve to get their car towed. Seriously: "nobody" and "everybody" are the correct terms to use there, no exaggeration.

So given that 1-star reviews is literally the baseline for tow-truck companies, I'm dubious whether "there is also more to the story" besides Brit being a mean-spirited human being.

This post was edited on 4/16 10:06 PM by michnittlion
thought the tow woman handled herself admirably

sensed she'd been through this BS before, which is why she pointed out that it was being recorded (to which sweet Britches looks up at the camera and, poof, her loudness abates.. .not so her magical tongue)..

the woman not in view sounds like she's heard it all before and just plugs along, knowing it's on a recording... just in case.

that sweet britches couldn't shut her mouth after knowing she was on live video suggests... well, doesn't matter. she's hot.. someone will hire her. or marry her. or send her to fox. she'll be just fine (that said, she looked pretty awful in that video).
Re: Serious question: who would give a TOW TRUCK COMPANY

Originally posted by michnittlion:
good reviews? Who would go on Yelp and say something like "these guys did an awesome job towing my car after I illegally parked it in front of the restaurant. 5 stars!"

Nobody likes tow-truck companies. Everybody is convinced they didn't deserve to get their car towed. Seriously: "nobody" and "everybody" are the correct terms to use there, no exaggeration.

So given that 1-star reviews is literally the baseline for tow-truck companies, I'm dubious whether "there is also more to the story" besides Brit being a mean-spirited human being.

This post was edited on 4/16 10:06 PM by michnittlion
Dude, did you happen to read AcmePizza's post? This tow company tried to tow a car with two kids in it. This goes well beyond people who are dissatisfied merely because they parked illegally and their car was towed. I'm just sayin'...
I can think of a few videos I'd like to see Brit in...

Still, the personal attacks are uncalled for.

I sentence her to consecutive nights with Sgt. Carter and ericstrattonrushchairman.
Re: Sounds like she got a one-week suspension.

I'm in total agreement with you michnitt.

She is a credit for the company she works for and represents is she not?

She should be fired simply for the fact that she knew she was being video taped, and still acted like a complete ass-hat.
1. Don't park illegally.
2. If you do, direct your anger where it belongs, at yourself.
3. Get over your self, we all know why you got your job...
Adversity is the litmus test of true character, ...

and in this case it didn't take a whole lot of adversity for the true character to surface. An arrogant, immature, narcissistic punk who didn't scruple in the least to throw one personal insult after another at an attendant who was only doing a job.
Good for her. That tow truck company is pure scum

There is nothing wrong with telling scum that they are scum.