Since when did Al Jazeera become a credible reporting entity?

PSU Michigan

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
Especially with regards to any subject matter concerning American sports. Just because an American cable company like Comcast thought they warranted being added to the line-up? So now we are to string up a player like Peyton Manning because they claim to have scooped some story on him?!?

Are you FREAKING KIDDIN' ME? I mean, COME ON.........wasn't Baghdad Bob one of their roving reporters???
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Al Jazeera is as credible as any main stream media outlet. Although, that isn't saying much. That being said....I think they screwed the pouch by not checking the validity of their whistle blower in this case. Time will tell....but the guy seems like a bit off the wall to me.
Especially with regards to any subject matter concerning American sports. Just because an American cable company like Comcast thought they warranted being added to the line-up? So now we are to string up a player like Peyton Manning because they claim to have scooped some story on him?!?

Are you FREAKING KIDDIN' ME? I mean, COME ON.........wasn't Baghdad Bob one of their roving reporters???

We discussed this here 2 or 3 days ago. It was a pretty good thread.

Are you from Radio Rwanda?
Especially with regards to any subject matter concerning American sports. Just because an American cable company like Comcast thought they warranted being added to the line-up? So now we are to string up a player like Peyton Manning because they claim to have scooped some story on him?!?

Are you FREAKING KIDDIN' ME? I mean, COME ON.........wasn't Baghdad Bob one of their roving reporters???

Shortly after FOX and MSNBC achieved that status.
Especially with regards to any subject matter concerning American sports. Just because an American cable company like Comcast thought they warranted being added to the line-up? So now we are to string up a player like Peyton Manning because they claim to have scooped some story on him?!?

Are you FREAKING KIDDIN' ME? I mean, COME ON.........wasn't Baghdad Bob one of their roving reporters???
I am pretty sure that Peyton Manning has the resources to hold his own against a television network which has defamed him, which it what it will be if the story is false. He has already made noises regarding filing suit against them. Sounds like they single-sourced the "story," and if it turns out the guy was lying, Peyton will have a nice claim he can make against the network. He is certainly a public figure, but their disregard of the truth could very well be reckless or intentional which opens the door. As a person who has tried a couple libel cases to a verdict, and settled the others, if the story is demonstrably false, it would be quite a bit of fun to have a case called "Manning v. Al-Jazeera" waiting on the docket of a court in Colorado or Indiana or Tennessee or other places where he is well known.

I am only saying this because PM said he would probably sue them because he is really angry. That is, of course, no reason to sue somebody, but I presume his lawyers can advise him about it. If there is no lawsuit for libel filed by Manning, I would have to wonder why. It is okay to bitch about the unfairness, but there is a remedy. If you are not going to avail yourself of the remedy, then stop whining about how unfair it is and how angry you are. You have a remedy. Use it or shut up.

Has Al-Jazeera been asked to retract the story? If not, why not? Sounds like their source now says it is a lie, so they need to do the right thing.
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IF the story has been fabricated out of thin air like he suggests, there really is no "remedy" for the hassle of him having to deal with this, answer questions about it, suffer some tarnishing of his sterling reputation, etc.

So yeah, IF the story has no basis, he has plenty of reason to be pissed, whine, etc even if there are legal "remedies" he can pursue. Peyton Manning doesn't need more money.
I am pretty sure that Peyton Manning has the resources to hold his own against a television network which has defamed him, which it what it will be if the story is false. He has already made noises regarding filing suit against them. Sounds like they single-sourced the "story," and if it turns out the guy was lying, Peyton will have a nice claim he can make against the network. He is certainly a public figure, but their disregard of the truth could very well be reckless or intentional which opens the door. As a person who has tried a couple libel cases to a verdict, and settled the others, if the story is demonstrably false, it would be quite a bit of fun to have a case called "Manning v. Al-Jazeera" waiting on the docket of a court in Colorado or Indiana or Tennessee or other places where he is well known.

I am only saying this because PM said he would probably sue them because he is really angry. That is, of course, no reason to sue somebody, but I presume his lawyers can advise him about it. If there is no lawsuit for libel filed by Manning, I would have to wonder why. It is okay to bitch about the unfairness, but there is a remedy. If you are not going to avail yourself of the remedy, then stop whining about how unfair it is and how angry you are. You have a remedy. Use it or shut up.

Has Al-Jazeera been asked to retract the story? If not, why not? Sounds like their source now says it is a lie, so they need to do the right thing.
Not sure if the network has. However, the reporter has repudiated the source...."blistered" the source, the way I read it. Which is way more than we get most times.
IF the story has been fabricated out of thin air like he suggests, there really is no "remedy" for the hassle of him having to deal with this, answer questions about it, suffer some tarnishing of his sterling reputation, etc.

So yeah, IF the story has no basis, he has plenty of reason to be pissed, whine, etc even if there are legal "remedies" he can pursue. Peyton Manning doesn't need more money.

One of the ways you "remedy" this situation is by taking money away from Al-Jazeera. When a news story destroys the reporter's and network's reputation for truth and costs them many millions of dollars, then it makes them a little more likely to be careful about this sort of thing in the future. In that event, what PM does with the money is irrelevant.

Or, you could simply hire the retired Bush/Cheney spokesman who sold us the Iraq war, Ari Fleisher, to tell us you are honest. Let's hope that is not PM's only effort here, because if it is there are going to be some lingering doubts. Those doubts will be his fault if he is too good to take the remedy of proving it is false.

So far they have not denied that his wife took HGH. Perhaps the difficulty they are facing is that she was legitimately prescribed the substance and took it but there is no way to prove that he did not take it instead.

Ari Fleischer is not going to be any help there, either.
Let's just remember that A Rod, McGuire, Sosa, Braun and pretty much every athlete ever said the reports of them using PEDs were false....until they were not. Source might be weak, but that doesn't mean there isn't some truth
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Ever since they hired hired Dan Rather and bought Al Gore's "Current TV". (well, maybe not)
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Here's A Transcript Of Al Jazeera's Call To Confirm Manning Accuser's Employment

I wasn't that into the story until I started reading a bit about it. First things first though - this is Al Jazeera America, and the journalist is British I think. This isn't some journalist/reporter from the Middle East digging into PEDs and HGH. The 'source' is interesting. When interviewed about Manning and unaware he was being recorded, he spills his guts. He was interviewed 7 times over 12 days and they have 27 hours of footage with the guy. Once he the documentary is released, he walks back his statement saying he made it up. Sure. Then, there are the inconsistencies with his employment though the person at Guyer confirmed he was there when he alleged shipments of HGH were sent to Ashley Manning (note that is the only real accusation here - that Ashley Manning received shipments of HGH). But, given the timing - 2011 when Manning was a shell of himself physically awaiting neck fusion surgery - he suddenly rockets back to the NFL in fine form in 2012. Curiouser and curiouser.

Manning will never take this to court and neither will any of the other guys IMO. Too risky.
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One of the ways you "remedy" this situation is by taking money away from Al-Jazeera. When a news story destroys the reporter's and network's reputation for truth and costs them many millions of dollars, then it makes them a little more likely to be careful about this sort of thing in the future. In that event, what PM does with the money is irrelevant.

Or, you could simply hire the retired Bush/Cheney spokesman who sold us the Iraq war, Ari Fleisher, to tell us you are honest. Let's hope that is not PM's only effort here, because if it is there are going to be some lingering doubts. Those doubts will be his fault if he is too good to take the remedy of proving it is false.

So far they have not denied that his wife took HGH. Perhaps the difficulty they are facing is that she was legitimately prescribed the substance and took it but there is no way to prove that he did not take it instead.

Ari Fleischer is not going to be any help there, either.

True, in that case he will need a real heavy hitter like Jay Carney or Lanny Davis if they are available. :confused:
One of the ways you "remedy" this situation is by taking money away from Al-Jazeera. When a news story destroys the reporter's and network's reputation for truth and costs them many millions of dollars, then it makes them a little more likely to be careful about this sort of thing in the future. In that event, what PM does with the money is irrelevant.

Or, you could simply hire the retired Bush/Cheney spokesman who sold us the Iraq war, Ari Fleisher, to tell us you are honest. Let's hope that is not PM's only effort here, because if it is there are going to be some lingering doubts. Those doubts will be his fault if he is too good to take the remedy of proving it is false.

So far they have not denied that his wife took HGH. Perhaps the difficulty they are facing is that she was legitimately prescribed the substance and took it but there is no way to prove that he did not take it instead.

Ari Fleischer is not going to be any help there, either.

One correction...who 'sold us the Iraq War' was CIA head George Tenet, by his own admission in his autobiography and Bob Woodward's book "Plan of Attack".
I wasn't that into the story until I started reading a bit about it. First things first though - this is Al Jazeera America, and the journalist is British I think. This isn't some journalist/reporter from the Middle East digging into PEDs and HGH. The 'source' is interesting. When interviewed about Manning and unaware he was being recorded, he spills his guts. He was interviewed 7 times over 12 days and they have 27 hours of footage with the guy. Once he the documentary is released, he walks back his statement saying he made it up. Sure. Then, there are the inconsistencies with his employment though the person at Guyer confirmed he was there when he alleged shipments of HGH were sent to Ashley Manning (note that is the only real accusation here - that Ashley Manning received shipments of HGH). But, given the timing - 2011 when Manning was a shell of himself physically awaiting neck fusion surgery - he suddenly rockets back to the NFL in fine form in 2012. Curiouser and curiouser.

Manning will never take this to court and neither will any of the other guys IMO. Too risky.
If you are correct that the only real accusation by this network is that Mrs. Manning received HGH then the media is completely and brazenly "misreporting" because the headlines are absolutely saying that Peyton Manning has been accused of using HGH. Again, maybe this is other media outlets and not the one that broke the story.
Further, once again the standard is "guilty until proven innocent". Case in point is a headline currently on that talks about what a shame it is Manning's career is ending with injury and these allegations and then adds "IF he's telling the truth..." So even though the story does not seem to have been adequately vetted, there is this caveat "IF".
Especially with regards to any subject matter concerning American sports. Just because an American cable company like Comcast thought they warranted being added to the line-up? So now we are to string up a player like Peyton Manning because they claim to have scooped some story on him?!?

Are you FREAKING KIDDIN' ME? I mean, COME ON.........wasn't Baghdad Bob one of their roving reporters???

when Al Gore sold them his network.
The reporter was on the Today Show defending her reporting. She repeatedly tried to deflect that the report was implicating Peyton Manning and said the only thing they were reporting was that Ashley Manning received HGH in the mail. Peyton is implicated by association, which isn't their responsibility. She was clearly setting up a defense if Manning sues. Though the Today Show hosts tried to get to the bottom of things they missed the perfect opportunity to really press the reporter. All they needed to do to corner the reporter was to ask one simple question and that would have been how many other non-athlete private citizens did they report about using HGH? If only one, why did they report only on this one non-athlete?
A team effort, at least.
Be honest here, dem.......Slick Willy had exactly the same intelligence regarding the situation in Iraq. One leader chose to do something about it, and one simply chose to ignore it. Granted, you may prefer the non-actions of the earlier individual to have received such information, but let's stop perpetuating the myth the same intelligence wasn't there during both Presidencies.

It most certainly was there......and both "teams" had full knowledge of it.
Oh my. This can't end well. I still can't quite believe the Iraq War was interjected into a thread mainly about journalists and Peyton Manning and HGH. Ehhh...actually yes I can.

See y'all on the test board....
Oh my. This can't end well. I still can't quite believe the Iraq War was interjected into a thread mainly about journalists and Peyton Manning and HGH. Ehhh...actually yes I can.

See y'all on the test board....
No. It can't. I'm surprised at the level of civility thus maintained.

I would trust Al Jeezera's reporting on most things before I would ever trust Fox, NBC, CBS or ESPN.
Real reporting is mostly dead with those networks.

I don't trust any of them, including Al Jeezera. But please don't forget MSNBC and CNN where legitimate reporting died a long time ago.
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Be honest here, dem.......Slick Willy had exactly the same intelligence regarding the situation in Iraq. One leader chose to do something about it, and one simply chose to ignore it. Granted, you may prefer the non-actions of the earlier individual to have received such information, but let's stop perpetuating the myth the same intelligence wasn't there during both Presidencies.

It most certainly was there......and both "teams" had full knowledge of it.
Bill had the same intel. He did nothing because a ground war was a guaranteed way to get a bunch of americans killed, spend trillions and accomplish nothing. Bush did it anyway because he was such a nincompoop he thought cheney and rummy were smart. Then it turned out the intel they BOTH KNEW to be true, was FALSE from the gitgo. Brilliant.
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Bill had the same intel. He did nothing because a ground war was a guaranteed way to get a bunch of americans killed, spend trillions and accomplish nothing. Bush did it anyway because he was such a nincompoop he thought cheney and rummy were smart. Then it turned out the intel they BOTH KNEW to be true, was FALSE from the gitgo. Brilliant.

This is mostly rhetorical, but I am curious as to how Trump supporters, whom I assume to be Republican, reconcile his 'no toppling dictators or nation building' policy with traditional, conservative, war is awesome Republican values.
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The reporter was on the Today Show defending her reporting. She repeatedly tried to deflect that the report was implicating Peyton Manning and said the only thing they were reporting was that Ashley Manning received HGH in the mail. Peyton is implicated by association, which isn't their responsibility. She was clearly setting up a defense if Manning sues. Though the Today Show hosts tried to get to the bottom of things they missed the perfect opportunity to really press the reporter. All they needed to do to corner the reporter was to ask one simple question and that would have been how many other non-athlete private citizens did they report about using HGH? If only one, why did they report only on this one non-athlete?

The correct question to ask would be, 'How many other wives of professional athletes did you report using/receiving HGH from this same facility?'.
This is mostly rhetorical, but I am curious as to how Trump supporters, whom I assume to be Republican, reconcile his 'no toppling dictators or nation building' policy with traditional, conservative, war is awesome Republican values.

I hate Trump, am a Republican, and would simply say your belief that republicans just love war and think it's awesome simply isn't true. I think we're more willing to use it where we think is necessary, and to go all in when we do, but to say we think it's great and love it is a gross mischaracterization of the average republican.
I hate Trump, am a Republican, and would simply say your belief that republicans just love war and think it's awesome simply isn't true. I think we're more willing to use it where we think is necessary, and to go all in when we do, but to say we think it's great and love it is a gross mischaracterization of the average republican.

This is mostly rhetorical, but I am curious as to how Trump supporters, whom I assume to be Republican, reconcile his 'no toppling dictators or nation building' policy with traditional, conservative, war is awesome Republican values.
They are so sure we will have a war with Mexico they don't care about the policy details. :)
Be honest here, dem.......Slick Willy had exactly the same intelligence regarding the situation in Iraq. One leader chose to do something about it, and one simply chose to ignore it. Granted, you may prefer the non-actions of the earlier individual to have received such information, but let's stop perpetuating the myth the same intelligence wasn't there during both Presidencies.

It most certainly was there......and both "teams" had full knowledge of it.
Clinton didn't have the same intelligence. He left office in January 2001. Bush attacked Iraq in March 2003. In the interim the UN inspection teams had been stomping around Iraq looking for WMDs and coming up empty. There had been significant additional intelligence in the 26 month period and it all pointed to Iraq not having an WMDs, which, of course, turned out to be true
Clinton didn't have the same intelligence. He left office in January 2001. Bush attacked Iraq in March 2003. In the interim the UN inspection teams had been stomping around Iraq looking for WMDs and coming up empty. There had been significant additional intelligence in the 26 month period and it all pointed to Iraq not having an WMDs, which, of course, turned out to be true
Think back to how much crap GHWB got for not pushing Sadaam out after Kuwait. He knew what he was doing. This sounds horrible, but I'd have been content with Iran and Iraq fighting each other until the end of days.
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Think back to how much crap GHWB got for not pushing Sadaam out after Kuwait. He knew what he was doing. This sounds horrible, but I'd have been content with Iran and Iraq fighting each other until the end of days.

Agreed. Water seeks it's own level, you know?
Clinton didn't have the same intelligence. He left office in January 2001. Bush attacked Iraq in March 2003. In the interim the UN inspection teams had been stomping around Iraq looking for WMDs and coming up empty. There had been significant additional intelligence in the 26 month period and it all pointed to Iraq not having an WMDs, which, of course, turned out to be true
Your point simply IS NOT true......and, therefore, I have to tell you that you don't get to make up your own facts in support.

Read on, and you may learn something (the date on this is Dec. 16, 1998)........