Oh nooooooooo.... NJ credits Obama for "amazing" stock market results, and this guy says, "not". (suffice to say the market came up from a bottom the dems most definitely helped create with their housing policy).
FORBES: The market’s done very well, ostensibly, since March of 2009. Doesn’t that show that Janet Yellen and Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke know what they’re doing?
TAMNY: It shows the exact, exact opposite of that. I think we know, if you look at the markets right now, to some degree it’s an endorsement of what’s in here. This book argues that it’s government activity that invariably slows down economic growth. And so realistically since 2012, President Obama’s presidency ended.
There will be no further substantial legislation from him. And so because of that, that’s a huge positive. We have gridlock in Washington. Markets love when neither Republicans nor Democrats can do anything. Added to that, President Obama, give him credit, who knows why he did it, but he did not reappoint Ben Bernanke. And that is a huge positive to the markets, because Janet Yellen, even though she believes all the poison that he did, is not going to have the power to do what he did at the Fed, to do the damage he did to the economy, to impose the horrid thing that we call QE on the economy. And markets have loved that.
Oh nooooooooo.... NJ credits Obama for "amazing" stock market results, and this guy says, "not". (suffice to say the market came up from a bottom the dems most definitely helped create with their housing policy).
FORBES: The market’s done very well, ostensibly, since March of 2009. Doesn’t that show that Janet Yellen and Barack Obama and Ben Bernanke know what they’re doing?
TAMNY: It shows the exact, exact opposite of that. I think we know, if you look at the markets right now, to some degree it’s an endorsement of what’s in here. This book argues that it’s government activity that invariably slows down economic growth. And so realistically since 2012, President Obama’s presidency ended.
There will be no further substantial legislation from him. And so because of that, that’s a huge positive. We have gridlock in Washington. Markets love when neither Republicans nor Democrats can do anything. Added to that, President Obama, give him credit, who knows why he did it, but he did not reappoint Ben Bernanke. And that is a huge positive to the markets, because Janet Yellen, even though she believes all the poison that he did, is not going to have the power to do what he did at the Fed, to do the damage he did to the economy, to impose the horrid thing that we call QE on the economy. And markets have loved that.