So, can anyone explain the non-called DPI on Evans in the endzone?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2019
Especially given the way that game was called in secondary. That was beyond blatant DPI - the BGSU d-back literally ran over, and wrapped up, Evans without ever looking back for ball (Evans had gotten several yards behind him and had slowed to adjust to ball - Evans, unlike d-back was looking at ball the entire timel). The ball does hit the BGSU d-back's arm (his arm is wrapped around Evans chest and across his arms at the time the ball hits his arm), but it contacts defender well after the BGSU d-back has contacted, literally run over and wrapped up Evans. Utterly inexplicable non-call there.
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The officiating was bad all day yesterday. I loved when they cut in a view of the replay center in Chicago. I’m sorry, but you can’t convince me that doesn’t setup for bias based on geography location. Did you watch the golden domers upset? Inexplicable bias in that one against NIL. One of the most frustrating parts of the sport for me.