They are claiming it was an issue with the hot water heater. But what are the odds that it just so happens to kill 2 government officials?
Plum Mayor Harry Schlegel said the town's community development director, 51-year-old Heather Oravitz, and Plum Borough Manager Michael Thomas, 57, were killed in the blast along with three others who lived in the neighborhood: Kevin Sebunia, 55, Casey Clontz, 38, and Clontz's 12-year-old son, Keegan.
Plum Mayor Harry Schlegel said the town's community development director, 51-year-old Heather Oravitz, and Plum Borough Manager Michael Thomas, 57, were killed in the blast along with three others who lived in the neighborhood: Kevin Sebunia, 55, Casey Clontz, 38, and Clontz's 12-year-old son, Keegan.