So you thought YOU had a bad day?

The French can't win at anything except maybe food (and that is questionable at this day and age).
Not as bad as the guy down here this week who was riding in a pick-up truck and a helicopter had a hard landing on the street, a rotor ripped off and killed the guy. Man that would suck ass.
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The French can't win at anything except maybe food (and that is questionable at this day and age).
They gave America the Statue of Liberty, financed a couple of wars on behalf of the Colonies/young America, won the World Cup in 1998, designed the layout for the Nation's Capital and the ugliest French man can make your wife swoon away from you, with just a few words whispered softly.

They have done OK.

But hey, you got to take a shot at the French. And that's good for you.
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They gave America the Statue of Liberty, financed a couple of wars on behalf of the Colonies/young America, won the World Cup in 1998, designed the layout for the Nation's Capital and the ugliest French man can make your wife swoon away from you, with just a few words whispered softly.

They have done OK.

But hey, you got to take a shot at the French. And that's good for you.

They gave America the Statue of Liberty, financed a couple of wars on behalf of the Colonies/young America, won the World Cup in 1998, designed the layout for the Nation's Capital and the ugliest French man can make your wife swoon away from you, with just a few words whispered softly.

They have done OK.

But hey, you got to take a shot at the French. And that's good for you.

Harvey, an elderly American absentmindedly arrived at French immigration at Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris and fumbled for his passport.

'You have been to France before Monsieur?' the official asked in an aggressive tone.

Harvey, smiled and admitted that he had been to France before.

'In that case you should know enough to have your passport ready for inspection,' barked the bad-tempered officer.

Harvey gently informed the man that the last time he came to France he did not have to show his passport or any other documents.

'Pas possible, old man. You Americans always have to show your passports on arrival in 'la belle France.'

Harvey gave the Frenchman a long hard look. 'I assure you, young man, that when I came ashore on Omaha Beach in Normandy on D-Day

in 1944, there was no damned Frenchman on the beach asking for passports.'
Harvey, an elderly American absentmindedly arrived at French immigration at Charles de Gaulle airport, Paris and fumbled for his passport.

'You have been to France before Monsieur?' the official asked in an aggressive tone.

Harvey, smiled and admitted that he had been to France before.

'In that case you should know enough to have your passport ready for inspection,' barked the bad-tempered officer.

Harvey gently informed the man that the last time he came to France he did not have to show his passport or any other documents.

'Pas possible, old man. You Americans always have to show your passports on arrival in 'la belle France.'

Harvey gave the Frenchman a long hard look. 'I assure you, young man, that when I came ashore on Omaha Beach in Normandy on D-Day

in 1944, there was no damned Frenchman on the beach asking for passports.'
In other words, we’re even.
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They gave America the Statue of Liberty, financed a couple of wars on behalf of the Colonies/young America, won the World Cup in 1998, designed the layout for the Nation's Capital and the ugliest French man can make your wife swoon away from you, with just a few words whispered softly.

They have done OK.

But hey, you got to take a shot at the French. And that's good for you.

Omaha Beach Landing

The breakdown of US casualties was 1465 dead, 3184 wounded, 1928 missing and 26 captured. Of the total US figure, 2499 casualties were from the US airborne troops (238 of them being deaths). The casualties at Utah Beach were relatively light: 197, including 60 missing. However, the US 1st and 29th Divisions together suffered around 2000 casualties at Omaha Beach.
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Omaha Beach Landing

The breakdown of US casualties was 1465 dead, 3184 wounded, 1928 missing and 26 captured. Of the total US figure, 2499 casualties were from the US airborne troops (238 of them being deaths). The casualties at Utah Beach were relatively light: 197, including 60 missing. However, the US 1st and 29th Divisions together suffered around 2000 casualties at Omaha Beach.
My wife’s uncle and my Dad’s best friend we’re both killed on Omaha Beach. I was NOT making light of it. I was offering an observation on all the French bashing I see whenever this subject is broached. The French have generally been a very good ally, over our history.
In other words, we’re even.

Who Paid for the Statue of Liberty?

The Statue of Liberty was a gift from the people of France, and the copper statue was, for the most part, paid for by French citizens.

However, the stone pedestal upon which the statue stands on an island in New York Harbor was paid for by Americans, through a fund-raising drive organized by a newspaper publisher, Joseph Pulitzer.

The French writer and political figure Edouard de Laboulaye first came up with the idea of a statue celebrating liberty that would be a gift from France to the United States. And the sculptor Fredric-Auguste Bartholdi became fascinated by the idea and went forward with designing the potential statue and promoting the idea of building it.

The problem, of course, was how to pay for it.

The promoters of the statue in France formed an organization, the French-American Union, in 1875.

The group issued a statement calling for donations from the public, and presenting a general plan specifying that the statue would be paid for by France, while the pedestal upon which the statue would stand would be paid for by Americans.

That meant fund raising operations would have to take place on both sides of the Atlantic.

Donations began coming in throughout France in 1875. It was felt inappropriate for France’s national government to donate money for the statue, but various city governments contributed thousands of francs, and approximately 180 cities, towns, and villages eventually gave money.

Thousands of French schoolchildren gave small contributions. Descendants of French officers who had fought in the American revolution a century before, including relatives of Lafayette, gave donations. A copper company donated the copper sheets that would be used to fashion the skin of the statue.

When the hand and torch of the statue were displayed in Philadelphia in 1876 and later in New York’s Madison Square Park, donations trickled in from enthused Americans.

The fund drives were generally successful, but the cost of the statue kept rising. Facing a shortfall of money, the French-American Union held a lottery. Merchants in Paris donated prizes, and tickets were sold.

The lottery was a success, but more money was still needed. The sculptor Bartholdi eventually sold miniature versions of the statue, with the name of the buyer engraved on them.

Finally, in July 1880 the French-American Union announced that enough money had been raised to complete the building of the statue.

The total cost for the enormous copper and steel statue was about two million francs (estimated to be about $400,000 in American dollars of the time). But another six years would pass before the statue could be erected in New York.

Who Paid for the Statue of Liberty's Pedestal?

While the Statue of Liberty is a cherished symbol of America today, getting the people of the United States to accept the gift of the statue was not always easy.

The sculptor Bartholdi had traveled to America in 1871 to promote the idea of the statue, and he returned for the nation’s grand centennial celebrations in 1876. He spent the Fourth of July 1876 in New York City, crossing the harbor to visit the future location of the statue at Bedloe’s Island.

But despite Bartholdi’s efforts, the idea of the statue was difficult to sell. Some newspapers, most notably the New York Times, often criticized the statue as folly, and vehemently opposed spending any money on it.

While the French had announced that the funds for the statue were in place in 1880, by late 1882 the American donations, which would be needed to build the pedestal, were sadly lagging.

Bartholdi recalled that when the torch had first been displayed at the Philadelphia Exposition in 1876, some New Yorkers had been worried that the city of Philadelphia might wind up getting the entire statue. So Bartholdi tried to generate more rivalry in the early 1880s and floated a rumor that if New Yorkers didn’t want the statue, perhaps Boston would be happy to take it.

The ploy worked, and New Yorkers, suddenly fearful of losing the statue entirely, began holding meetings to raise money for the pedestal, which was expected to cost about $250,000. Even the New York Times dropped its opposition to the statue.

Even with generated controversy, the cash was still slow to appear. Various events were held, including an art show, to raise money. At one point a rally was held on Wall Street. But no matter how much public cheerleading took place, the future of the statue was very much in doubt in the early 1880s.

One of the fund-raising projects, an art show, commissioned poet Emma Lazarus to write a poem related to the statue. Her sonnet "The New Colossus" would eventually link the statue to immigration in the public mind.

It was a likely possibility that the statue, while being finished in Paris, would never leave France as it would have no home in America.

The newspaper publisher Joseph Pulitzer, who had purchased The World, a New York City daily, in the early 1880s, took up the cause of the statue’s pedestal. He mounted an energetic fund drive, promising to print the name of each donor, no matter how small the donation.

Pulitzer’s audacious plan worked, and millions of people around the country began donating whatever they could. Schoolchildren across America began donating pennies. For instance, a kindergarten class in Iowa sent $1.35 to Pulitzer’s fund drive.

Pulitzer and the New York World were finally able to announce, in August 1885, that the final $100,000 for the statue’s pedestal had been raised.

Construction work on the stone structure continued, and the next year the Statue of Liberty, which had arrived from France packed in crates, was erected on top.

Today the Statue of Liberty is a beloved landmark, and is lovingly cared for by the National Park Service. And the many thousands of visitors who visit Liberty Island each year might never suspect that getting the statue built and assembled in New York was a long slow struggle.

For the New York World and Joseph Pulitzer the building of the pedestal of the statue became a source of great pride. The newspaper used an illustration of the statue as a trademark ornament on its front page for years. And an elaborate stained glass window of the statue was installed in the New York World building when it was built in 1890. That window was later donated to Columbia University's School of Journalism, where it resides today.

They gave America the Statue of Liberty, financed a couple of wars on behalf of the Colonies/young America, won the World Cup in 1998, designed the layout for the Nation's Capital and the ugliest French man can make your wife swoon away from you, with just a few words whispered softly.

They have done OK.

But hey, you got to take a shot at the French. And that's good for you.

The French also gave us Vietnam, so there's that *
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My wife’s uncle and my Dad’s best friend we’re both killed on Omaha Beach. I was NOT making light of it. I was offering an observation on all the French bashing I see whenever this subject is broached. The French have generally been a very good ally, over our history.
The French did not give us Vietnam. John And Allen Dulles gave us Vietnam. We ignored the 1954 peace accord and lost our minds.