Somethings not right with Franklin.

Kudos to Dotson for saying what’s on his mind. Calling people out who deserve it isn’t a bad thing. Someone needs to take a leadership role.
Agree. Franklin needs to show more passion. He seems listless and distant.
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No communication in game with anyone during the game outside of side line huddles and i can't tell either. Something is off with the whole team.
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I did not see the game as i was at a family event. I was not surprised by the outcome (having watched uMD get progressively better by each set of downs last week)... but I do have a question about his coaching smarts... perhaps one answered on this list today (but i missed).

Down 35-13... why in the hell would you go for 2?? He clearly felt there was plenty of time left as he kicked off deep rather than onsides... so he had to believe we could get 3 TD's. So insetad you cut it to 20... you score and get 2 it's 12.. you score and get 2 you're at FOUR. IOW, you need 3 TD's. So WTF are you going for 2 and putting your team emotionally at a disadvantage.

At that point I turned off the phone... he's done.

I'm convinced he doesn't believe there's a chance of beating osu (that ship has sailed), so what's the point.
I'm not sure what you guys are looking for. If he ranted and raved and made a fool of himself like Nardouchie or that idiot from Indiana, or Harbaugh, would that would really make you feel better? I think there are coaching problems on this team but I don't see how them hopping up and down on the sideline helps with that problem at all.
Not looking for him to jump up and down... I would like for him to be engaged with the team on the field or at least give that perception. I'm not sure I have watched another football game this year where a coach has been so out of it when the camera pans to him. Arms crossed , staring at the replays on the giant screens and just acting like he has been given a sedative before the game.

Someone mentioned the Chambers issue earlier , I had heard from someone at the University that Franklin was involved in the whole Chambers thing. May or May not be true and I know rumors are a dime a dozen. All I do know for sure is that something has things , how do we say it in the sticks, all sorts of F****D up.....
Not looking for him to jump up and down... I would like for him to be engaged with the team on the field or at least give that perception. I'm not sure I have watched another football game this year where a coach has been so out of it when the camera pans to him. Arms crossed , staring at the replays on the giant screens and just acting like he has been given a sedative before the game.

Someone mentioned the Chambers issue earlier , I had heard from someone at the University that Franklin was involved in the whole Chambers thing. May or May not be true and I know rumors are a dime a dozen. All I do know for sure is that something has things , how do we say it in the sticks, all sorts of F****D up.....
elaborate on "involved with the Chambers thing" as that statement is so ambiguous you need to clarity what you heard
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I'm not sure what you guys are looking for. If he ranted and raved and made a fool of himself like Nardouchie or that idiot from Indiana, or Harbaugh, would that would really make you feel better? I think there are coaching problems on this team but I don't see how them hopping up and down on the sideline helps with that problem at all.
He looked disconnected from the other coaches and what was going on. This team was again having trouble just getting plays called in time. I say this having watched him many times over the years. Something is definitely wrong.
Not looking for him to jump up and down... I would like for him to be engaged with the team on the field or at least give that perception. I'm not sure I have watched another football game this year where a coach has been so out of it when the camera pans to him. Arms crossed , staring at the replays on the giant screens and just acting like he has been given a sedative before the game.

Someone mentioned the Chambers issue earlier , I had heard from someone at the University that Franklin was involved in the whole Chambers thing. May or May not be true and I know rumors are a dime a dozen. All I do know for sure is that something has things , how do we say it in the sticks, all sorts of F****D up.....
As other poster stated, could you please give some depth on how Franklin is involved in Chambers ordeal?
How and why is he involved?

As I stated it was a rumor I heard from someone at the university and I wasn't given details on what Chambers had done or what Franklin had to do with it. May be absolutely nothing to it.
As other poster stated, could you please give some depth on how Franklin is involved in Chambers ordeal?
How and why is he involved?

Involved probably means they questioned him about Pat just like they did with several other coaches at the university
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There is something going on. He looks disengaged and subdued. Maybe it has a lot to do with his family being in FL. I never understood how they would be safer living there during a pandemic just looking at per capita cases. Maybe the medical options are better there for his daughter.
The fact that Dotson mentioned problems with “ distractions “ only added speculation, but it could be just about anything.
You don't understand how it is safer for his family to be in FL?

Like many people of wealth, CJF owns 2 homes. One happens to be in FL. Since his daughter is in a higher risk category from this virus, they want to reduce the chances of her being exposed. So, they have 2 options.

The first option is to remain in their State College home. Since CJF is exposed to a 100+ people every day, the chances are relatively high that eventually he contracts the virus. So, does it make sense the family stays in SC while CJF comes home every night after being exposed to 100+ people daily?

Or, does it make more sense for the wife and kids to minimize their social exposures by staying at their second family home? The fact that the home happens to be located in FL instead of somewhere else is immaterial to them isolating from their husband and father.

CJF is probably coming to the realization that this virus situation isn't going to be resolved any time soon in this country. I am sure he is struggling with the thought there is no reasonable outlook as to when his family can return to SC as long as he is coaching football. He is probably doing some serious questioning on whether or not he wants to continue in this family separation for much longer.
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So the unity patch isn't working after all. :rolleyes:
I do think this is a big part of it. You had supposed team leaders like Wade, Shelton, and can't recall either Walker or Thorpe (one of the OLine) that have been obsessed with BLM and politics almost militantly in the off-season.

Dotson said they aren't as one and I'm pretty sure that is off the field as well. The distractions are causing that.

And what happened with Chambers is in the same vein. Chambers words were taken as racist and some players obviously made that an issue. I seriously doubt that was Chambers' intent or that reasonable persons would take it that way. But we live in a hypersensitive world where everything is spun as race first.

Unity. Now we have no basketball coach and our football coach and team is disinterested. Unity.
Not looking for him to jump up and down... I would like for him to be engaged with the team on the field or at least give that perception. I'm not sure I have watched another football game this year where a coach has been so out of it when the camera pans to him. Arms crossed , staring at the replays on the giant screens and just acting like he has been given a sedative before the game.

Someone mentioned the Chambers issue earlier , I had heard from someone at the University that Franklin was involved in the whole Chambers thing. May or May not be true and I know rumors are a dime a dozen. All I do know for sure is that something has things , how do we say it in the sticks, all sorts of F****D up.....
If that was the case, wouldn't the University have cause and Franklin would have been forced to step down?
I do think this is a big part of it. You had supposed team leaders like Wade, Shelton, and can't recall either Walker or Thorpe (one of the OLine) that have been obsessed with BLM and politics almost militantly in the off-season.

Dotson said they aren't as one and I'm pretty sure that is off the field as well. The distractions are causing that.

And what happened with Chambers is in the same vein. Chambers words were taken as racist and some players obviously made that an issue. I seriously doubt that was Chambers' intent or that reasonable persons would take it that way. But we live in a hypersensitive world where everything is spun as race first.

Unity. Now we have no basketball coach and our football coach and team is disinterested. Unity.
Yeah, the social justice stuff has been a part of this program for a few years. Not that it isn't a good cause, but Saban wouldn't let it reach the football field and I sort of think it has with these guys. Coupled with coaching turnover, covid, Drug busts, they just seem like a shell of themselves. I was sort of struck by a comment by Shelton before the OSU game, the reporter asked if the osu game was becoming a rivalry and he sort of batted it away and said something like " its not a rivalry, some of my best friends play on that team, we'll go out there and try and have some fun and when the games over, we'll shake hands and hug it out with those guys." Just no fire, no real desire to beat em. At least Michigan guys come into games againt us talking revenge, Shelton clearly didn't give a damn.
Yeah, the social justice stuff has been a part of this program for a few years. Not that it isn't a good cause, but Saban wouldn't let it reach the football field and I sort of think it has with these guys. Coupled with coaching turnover, covid, Drug busts, they just seem like a shell of themselves. I was sort of struck by a comment by Shelton before the OSU game, the reporter asked if the osu game was becoming a rivalry and he sort of batted it away and said something like " its not a rivalry, some of my best friends play on that team, we'll go out there and try and have some fun and when the games over, we'll shake hands and hug it out with those guys." Just no fire, no real desire to beat em. At least Michigan guys come into games againt us talking revenge, Shelton clearly didn't give a damn.
His comments could have been worse. At least he didn’t want to spit on them.
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I do think this is a big part of it. You had supposed team leaders like Wade, Shelton, and can't recall either Walker or Thorpe (one of the OLine) that have been obsessed with BLM and politics almost militantly in the off-season.

Dotson said they aren't as one and I'm pretty sure that is off the field as well. The distractions are causing that.

And what happened with Chambers is in the same vein. Chambers words were taken as racist and some players obviously made that an issue. I seriously doubt that was Chambers' intent or that reasonable persons would take it that way. But we live in a hypersensitive world where everything is spun as race first.

Unity. Now we have no basketball coach and our football coach and team is disinterested. Unity.
The Dotson comments were telling. I have seen this before in football. The players don’t respect one another, many have their own agendas, and they don’t respect their coach. There appears to be a lot of bad things going on behind the scenes. I wonder if a part of it is that some see Franklin as playing favorites whether it is deserved or not.

The wheels are coming off and Franklin doesn’t have a clue on how to put them back on, or he just doesn’t have the desire to fix the situation, which is even worse. Instead of putting his players in a position to succeed, he puts them in a position that has a high likelihood of failure, like not going for the FG early in the game. It is almost like he is trying to sabotage the players chances to succeed. I could never play for a coach like this and maybe that is why there is a half assed effort by a lot of the players. The typical end game in this situation is that the coach is gone after the end of the season leaving a disgruntled and divided team. Where is someone like Mauti and company when you need them? There are obviously no true leaders on this team, least of all the head coach.
I think him being mentally absent is multi-tiered, mostly due to COVID.
1. Ruining his routines - he is all about doing the same routine every day. That got blown up on him, when spring ball was cx’d.
2. Family separation - he is all about family(which is a good thing). Not being able to see them is killing him, IMHO.
3. Crowd - name a program where the football team feeds more off the crowd, than this one
4. RPO/Zone-read - he knows that all the teams we play now know how to beat it, yet he doesn’t seem to have a plan as to how to fix that
5. 2021 recruitment- all of his misses have to be weighing on him
6. Social injustice - I think he probably spent more time about this, than he should’ve

I think he and the team have mailed this season in, already.

JMO, I think 1 of the below 3 things happen, at season’s end:

1. He guts the coaching staff, thinking the problem doesn’t lie at the top
2. He leaves the coaching realm for a few years, citing COVID/family, etc.
3. He leaves to coach another CFB team, where the pressure isn’t so high to win.
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I think him being mentally absent is multi-tiered, mostly due to COVID.
1. Ruining his routines - he is all about doing the same routine every day. That got blown up on him, when spring ball was cx’d.
2. Family separation - he is all about family(which is a good thing). Not being able to see them is killing him, IMHO.
3. Crowd - name a program where the football team feeds more off the crowd, than this one
4. RPO/Zone-read - he knows that all the teams we play now know how to beat it, yet he doesn’t seem to have a plan as to how to fix that
5. 2021 recruitment- all of his misses have to be weighing on him
6. Social injustice - I think he probably spent more time about this, than he should’ve

I think he and the team have mailed this season in, already.

JMO, I think 1 of the below 3 things happen, at season’s end:

1. He guts the coaching staff, thinking the problem doesn’t lie at the top
2. He leaves the coaching realm for a few years, citing COVID/family, etc.
3. He leaves to coach another CFB team, where the pressure isn’t so high to win.
No way #1 happens.
I think him being mentally absent is multi-tiered, mostly due to COVID.
1. Ruining his routines - he is all about doing the same routine every day. That got blown up on him, when spring ball was cx’d.
2. Family separation - he is all about family(which is a good thing). Not being able to see them is killing him, IMHO.
3. Crowd - name a program where the football team feeds more off the crowd, than this one
4. RPO/Zone-read - he knows that all the teams we play now know how to beat it, yet he doesn’t seem to have a plan as to how to fix that
5. 2021 recruitment- all of his misses have to be weighing on him
6. Social injustice - I think he probably spent more time about this, than he should’ve

I think he and the team have mailed this season in, already.

JMO, I think 1 of the below 3 things happen, at season’s end:

1. He guts the coaching staff, thinking the problem doesn’t lie at the top
2. He leaves the coaching realm for a few years, citing COVID/family, etc.
3. He leaves to coach another CFB team, where the pressure isn’t so high to win.
1. That isn’t happening. He just hired four new coaches. Never fire Pry
2. That may happen. I think he might evaluate what he is giving up as a HC at a major program
3. If he moves it will be to a program equal to PSU
You don't understand how it is safer for his family to be in FL?

Like many people of wealth, CJF owns 2 homes. One happens to be in FL. Since his daughter is in a higher risk category from this virus, they want to reduce the chances of her being exposed. So, they have 2 options.

The first option is to remain in their State College home. Since CJF is exposed to a 100+ people every day, the chances are relatively high that eventually he contracts the virus. So, does it make sense the family stays in SC while CJF comes home every night after being exposed to 100+ people daily?

Or, does it make more sense for the wife and kids to minimize their social exposures by staying at their second family home? The fact that the home happens to be located in FL instead of somewhere else is immaterial to them isolating from their husband and father.

CJF is probably coming to the realization that this virus situation isn't going to be resolved any time soon in this country. I am sure he is struggling with the thought there is no reasonable outlook as to when his family can return to SC as long as he is coaching football. He is probably doing some serious questioning on whether or not he wants to continue in this family separation for much longer.
Yeah, the social justice stuff has been a part of this program for a few years. Not that it isn't a good cause, but Saban wouldn't let it reach the football field and I sort of think it has with these guys. Coupled with coaching turnover, covid, Drug busts, they just seem like a shell of themselves. I was sort of struck by a comment by Shelton before the OSU game, the reporter asked if the osu game was becoming a rivalry and he sort of batted it away and said something like " its not a rivalry, some of my best friends play on that team, we'll go out there and try and have some fun and when the games over, we'll shake hands and hug it out with those guys." Just no fire, no real desire to beat em. At least Michigan guys come into games againt us talking revenge, Shelton clearly didn't give a damn.
The politics Angle helped me check out on this team. I want this as a fun distraction , not another platform to lecture me. Especially by people I look at as children .
I’m a big CJF fan. Think he is a great guy and people I know who have met him said he was very kind and Gracious.

I think he’s a good HC who needs top tier assistants & it doesn’t appear that is the case right now.

I never thought I’d say this but I wouldn’t be upset if he decided to step away to be with his family.

i do think Luke Fickell would be a very good hire. Another one would be Matt Campbell at Iowa St. he’s doing very good things there. And former Cyclone coaches tend to do pretty well in Happy Valley
I think that when wade was named a captain that showed the rift in the team. No way would I have a guy who was in the portal become a captain. Obviously he has his own agendas and to think he is a person who can lead others is ridiculous
I do think this is a big part of it. You had supposed team leaders like Wade, Shelton, and can't recall either Walker or Thorpe (one of the OLine) that have been obsessed with BLM and politics almost militantly in the off-season.

Dotson said they aren't as one and I'm pretty sure that is off the field as well. The distractions are causing that.

And what happened with Chambers is in the same vein. Chambers words were taken as racist and some players obviously made that an issue. I seriously doubt that was Chambers' intent or that reasonable persons would take it that way. But we live in a hypersensitive world where everything is spun as race first.

Unity. Now we have no basketball coach and our football coach and team is disinterested. Unity.
I feel the exact same way. Shelton, Wade, Thorpe, etc. are obsessed with BLM and politics and Franklin seems to be right there with them. when Dotson talks about not being unified, this is the first thing that pops into my mind. you have to wonder if it's created a divide in the locker room with players who may not feel welcome because their politics don't align with the head coach and the team's leaders.
You don't understand how it is safer for his family to be in FL?

Like many people of wealth, CJF owns 2 homes. One happens to be in FL. Since his daughter is in a higher risk category from this virus, they want to reduce the chances of her being exposed. So, they have 2 options.

The first option is to remain in their State College home. Since CJF is exposed to a 100+ people every day, the chances are relatively high that eventually he contracts the virus. So, does it make sense the family stays in SC while CJF comes home every night after being exposed to 100+ people daily?

Or, does it make more sense for the wife and kids to minimize their social exposures by staying at their second family home? The fact that the home happens to be located in FL instead of somewhere else is immaterial to them isolating from their husband and father.

CJF is probably coming to the realization that this virus situation isn't going to be resolved any time soon in this country. I am sure he is struggling with the thought there is no reasonable outlook as to when his family can return to SC as long as he is coaching football. He is probably doing some serious questioning on whether or not he wants to continue in this family separation for much longer.
This may all be the case, but having your family 800 miles away for a guy like JF is a recipe for depression.
There may have been other options. I am sure the coaches are getting tested frequently
I feel the exact same way. Shelton, Wade, Thorpe, etc. are obsessed with BLM and politics and Franklin seems to be right there with them. when Dotson talks about not being unified, this is the first thing that pops into my mind. you have to wonder if it's created a divide in the locker room with players who may not feel welcome because their politics don't align with the head coach and the team's leaders.
It is always bad to mix politics with athletics, it only serves to divide a team. I don’t buy into this “United” crap and I don’t think the players do either.