Somethings not right with Franklin.

Maybe Franklin has already told this team privately that he is leaving at the end of this season. Could that be why there is no heart or leadership around this program.
The wheels are coming off and Franklin doesn’t have a clue on how to put them back on, or he just doesn’t have the desire to fix the situation, which is even worse. Instead of putting his players in a position to succeed, he puts them in a position that has a high likelihood of failure, like not going for the FG early in the game. It is almost like he is trying to sabotage the players chances to succeed. I could never play for a coach like this and maybe that is why there is a half assed effort by a lot of the players. The typical end game in this situation is that the coach is gone after the end of the season leaving a disgruntled and divided team. Where is someone like Mauti and company when you need them? There are obviously no true leaders on this team, least of all the head coach.

while I hold Franklin completely responsible, I think Your suggestion that he’s somehow trying to sabotage the team is ridiculous. Maybe he doesn’t have a good feel for when to go for 4th and short but there is no reason to believe it’s intentional. Call me crazy, but I think Penn State should be able to convert short yardage situation like that. It’s Franklin’s responsibility to get the players and coaches in a position to succeed, and they havent this year so far. That’s on him, but let’s not think Franklin somehow wants this.
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This is like a major league pitcher just losing his fastball overnight or a champion golfer developing the yips.

It’s painful to watch and I never thought highly of Franklin’s gameday coaching abilities.

Something is definitely up. He just looks aloof and mentally checked out on the sidelines. It’s almost like he’s been told they’re shutting down the program after the season and he no longer gives a f*ck.
I think you are right. Watch their third TD Funks long run. There is no effort on D in that play. As much as some think that may be on Pry. That lack of effort is on the HC
The Covid excuse is a crutch. If I used covid as an excuse my business would be in the tank and my family broke. Lots of small business owners are in the same boat and didn't blame use covid as an excuse to ruin their business they
got innovative and kept going( I know some couldn't because of lockdowns, I'm not talking about them). Same with being away from the family. For a guy who supposedly work 18 hours a day during the season you don't see your family that much. Could you imagine Military leaders using being away from their family as an excuse for being incompetent and have 1000's of troops being killed? He's a FB coach for crying out loud.
Could it be that after the Indiana game offensive players were blaming the defense for not ever being able to come up with stops at the end of games, and defensive players were blaming the offence for being so dumb and taking Indiana’s bait and scoring that late touchdown? Causing a divide in the locker room?
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I'm not sure what you guys are looking for. If he ranted and raved and made a fool of himself like Nardouchie or that idiot from Indiana, or Harbaugh, would that would really make you feel better? I think there are coaching problems on this team but I don't see how them hopping up and down on the sideline helps with that problem at all.
Did you notice his teams effort or lack their of??
It could very well be the separation from his family but you would think he could cope with that. He is getting paid 6.5 mil. He just seems shell shocked and has no answers. In the presser today he was clueless to explain how his team had no energy and fight.

Really? Do you have kids and a loving, caring, supportive wife? When my wife is away for work it is miserable here. Yeah you can Facetime, talk on the phone, etc... but it is nowhere near the same. My kids are totally different when their mother isn't here, there are no hugs, there is no snuggling for consolation, etc. It is the same for me. When either of us are stressed we sit and talk, so much is lost when we are not all together.
On that play, luketa gets shoved downfield into TCF and it just looked pathetic
True all of that happened but look at the effort. Watch 18 throttle it down plus others. The D could have been drawn up better, but still you have to have some effort. There should be lots of people puking today after rewatching that
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The Covid excuse is a crutch. If I used covid as an excuse my business would be in the tank and my family broke. Lots of small business owners are in the same boat and didn't blame use covid as an excuse to ruin their business they
got innovative and kept going( I know some couldn't because of lockdowns, I'm not talking about them). Same with being away from the family. For a guy who supposedly work 18 hours a day during the season you don't see your family that much. Could you imagine Military leaders using being away from their family as an excuse for being incompetent and have 1000's of troops being killed? He's a FB coach for crying out loud.
Exactly. He is a football coach not a military leader. He has often said how important it is that he sees his family and runs the program that way. His kids were a constant presence around Lasch. I’m guessing he would never choose a profession which requires lengthy separation
The politics Angle helped me check out on this team. I want this as a fun distraction , not another platform to lecture me. Especially by people I look at as children .

This football team has a 101 problems -- coaches and players. That's obvious.

But an honest question for you.

If these young men are "children" to you, why do you even watch or pay attention?

And just my hunch......but nobody is lecturing you. These young men aren't there as your personal entertainment. They have lives of their own, and some decide to use their public profile to raise awareness on issues that mean a lot to them.

I imagine that most of this board is probably older white men -- very few of you can probably honestly relate to a young black man in today's environment. And that's perfectly okay. But you may want to recognize that they're going to have perspectives that you won't. And if you don't want to hear it, you may want to go follow horse racing or something.

Nobody is forcing you to utter "Black Lives Matter" or wear a unity patch or even read what they're tweeting. That would be absurd. But your standard -- the "shut up and dribble" standard -- is equally absurd.
He would not have been so outspoken and in a leadership role amongst the big ten coaches to keep fighting for a season if he was looking elsewhere.

We're all going to need a break once this is all over . It's not unique to coaching football.

Let's just be honest, these 18-23 year olds are clearly and to a good extend rightfully distracted from the events this year. If this was a normal year being critical would make sense, but how many teams have looked good this year from any conference? No many, your going to seeany teams with 2,3,or 4 losses you didn't expect.

I am 70/30 Franklin will not bring PSU a NC but nothing this year would change that either way to be objective.

Does anyone not realize it how stupid and impossible it would be to hire a new coach in the middle of this with limited to ni in person recruiting visits, hiring coaches, staff, support staff, etc. The logtics are not logical.
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Well he needs to take Pry with him in that case.

Along with Banks and possibly Smith.
We've had overhaul on the Offensive side 3 times and for whatever reason, outside of Shoop and Spence (who might be a much bigger loss than we thought) the defense has remained pretty much intact. And I'm not sure why.
Out of all the new hires, in the off season, I was least impressed with the DL coach. So far nothing has changed my mind but KC and Traut aren't offering up much either.
JMO and this isn't Franklin's fault since no one in Jan. knew what type of shit was about to go down but maybe by April Franklin should have said hey new coaches adapt to what we did before there isn't enough time to install your new schemes and systems.
We look like a team that hasn't had a live practice since the Cotton bowl or been in the weight room. We look soft and slow.
Lets not forget that MD had to take shut things down for at least a week because of the Virus. What is our excuse for looking like a middling MAC team? I understand the situation in the RB room and the new WR's but there is no excuse for this OL to look like 2015.
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Kudos to Dotson for saying what’s on his mind. Calling people out who deserve it isn’t a bad thing. Someone needs to take a leadership role.

Yea kind of but if he's going to "insinuate" things I'd rather he just come out and say what the issues are.
Hinting at things all of us plainly see is only going to fuel the crazies.
He would not have been so outspoken and in a leadership role amongst the big ten coaches to keep fighting for a season if he was looking elsewhere.

We're all going to need a break once this is all over . It's not unique to coaching football.

Let's just be honest, these 18-23 year olds are clearly and to a good extend rightfully distracted from the events this year. If this was a normal year being critical would make sense, but how many teams have looked good this year from any conference? No many, your going to seeany teams with 2,3,or 4 losses you didn't expect.

I am 70/30 Franklin will not bring PSU a NC but nothing this year would change that either way to be objective.

Does anyone not realize it how stupid and impossible it would be to hire a new coach in the middle of this with limited to ni in person recruiting visits, hiring coaches, staff, support staff, etc. The logtics are not logical.

It isn’t like him leaving would impact the poor 2021 class he has put together. It seems like not only has he given up on the field but he’s thrown in the towel on the 2021 class as well. Yikes.
At Nebraska is next - PSU has not won a game there since 1981 (albeit they haven't played there too many times, but are 2 - 5 all time at Nebraska). It's a good opportunity to either start to right the ship or possibly doing damage that may take some time to fix with the program.
I said yesterday Franklin is trying to be a social justice fighter a “hip “ coach to the players. A friend to the players and at the bottom of his list a football coach.
I also think you have some players that believe football is a low priority on their scale.
Add it all up and the program has lost direction.
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This football team has a 101 problems -- coaches and players. That's obvious.

But an honest question for you.

If these young men are "children" to you, why do you even watch or pay attention?

And just my hunch......but nobody is lecturing you. These young men aren't there as your personal entertainment. They have lives of their own, and some decide to use their public profile to raise awareness on issues that mean a lot to them.

I imagine that most of this board is probably older white men -- very few of you can probably honestly relate to a young black man in today's environment. And that's perfectly okay. But you may want to recognize that they're going to have perspectives that you won't. And if you don't want to hear it, you may want to go follow horse racing or something.

Nobody is forcing you to utter "Black Lives Matter" or wear a unity patch or even read what they're tweeting. That would be absurd. But your standard -- the "shut up and dribble" standard -- is equally absurd.
You're loaded question is stupid . They are children, I watch sports for fun as a distraction from day to day things. It's that simple. I don't want politics and I stopped watching all pro sports due to good.
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The stars have aligned and the effects on the team and staff are total.

1. The negative effect of the departure of our best defensive player, who was also the prime motivator, is very evident. This defense has no leader at all.
2. Another major injury to the top running back on the squad, forcing true freshmen into the primary rotation. This causes everyone from the OLmen to the QB to question what's going to go wrong next. There's no trust.
3. A similar situation at WR. No trust. No reason to trust.
4. Our quarterback is not a motivator. TV is a poor judge, but I rarely see him running around, getting into people's faces and trying to motivate. He's shown a lot shaking his head, on the phone, shrugging his shoulders and so forth.
5. Our QB misses his buddy and go to guy, KJ.
6. He wasn't supposed to still be our QB anyway, and everyone knows it. He was a placeholder until someone named Fields could step in and take control of this team.
7. Several MAJOR recruiting losses, with Fields being #1, have hurt this team a lot.
8. Covid-19 and the lack of a crowd have sucked 99% of the emotion out of the air at the Beav.
9. The team actually played pretty well for a first game, on the road against a good Illinois team and won. But then, B10 refs.
10. Lots of bitching, but no swagger.

Bottom line: this team, and staff, are feeling sorry for themselves.

CJF can right this ship, but he has to not be feeling sorry for himself to do it. The jury is out on that.

A good leader would start with individual and small group meetings, then move on to working with the O and the D. He has to confront the elephant in the room: we're all feeling sorry for ourselves. Push brotherhood and passion. If they lose by 20 but play their guts out doing it, the fans will support them. Come out flat and stink everything up all day by going through the motions and everyone turns off the TV and bakes cookies.
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At Nebraska is next - PSU has not won a game there since 1981 (albeit they haven't played there too many times, but are 2 - 5 all time at Nebraska). It's a good opportunity to either start to right the ship or possibly doing damage that may take some time to fix with the program.
I’m guessing a lot of our fans will be floored when the line comes out today and we are favored.
The Dotson comments were telling. I have seen this before in football. The players don’t respect one another, many have their own agendas, and they don’t respect their coach. There appears to be a lot of bad things going on behind the scenes. I wonder if a part of it is that some see Franklin as playing favorites whether it is deserved or not.

The wheels are coming off and Franklin doesn’t have a clue on how to put them back on, or he just doesn’t have the desire to fix the situation, which is even worse. Instead of putting his players in a position to succeed, he puts them in a position that has a high likelihood of failure, like not going for the FG early in the game. It is almost like he is trying to sabotage the players chances to succeed. I could never play for a coach like this and maybe that is why there is a half assed effort by a lot of the players. The typical end game in this situation is that the coach is gone after the end of the season leaving a disgruntled and divided team. Where is someone like Mauti and company when you need them? There are obviously no true leaders on this team, least of all the head coach.

Frankly I wish the Dotson comments were ever more telling. I don't like cryptic sound bites at a PC. Just come out and say it, its obviously bothering you (Dotson, Pat F.) and some others.
On that play, luketa gets shoved downfield into TCF and it just looked pathetic
Someone posted a 1991 WVU game highlight the other day. There was a very different”urgency” on the field, firing off the ball, playing fast. It is so different from what I have watched lately from Penn State. There used to be a thing called “ The Penn State Flu”. All Opponents were beat to hell and back after playing Penn State. I worked with 2 former players parents, The one dad would refer to the OSU & Michigan games In the mid- late 90’s as body bag games....also specifically talked about the Texas Fiesta Bowl and how the Texas players basically quit because of the physical beating Penn State inflicted upon them. That’s what I miss. That’s what the top teams ALWAYS have done and still do to their opponents.
Could it have something to do with the Chambers situation?
The whole department has been impacted by a secret investigation that had concluded the result but need to connect a few dots in order to complete it. Where’s Sandy? Looking for more softball coaches?
I'm not sure what you guys are looking for. If he ranted and raved and made a fool of himself like Nardouchie or that idiot from Indiana, or Harbaugh, would that would really make you feel better? I think there are coaching problems on this team but I don't see how them hopping up and down on the sideline helps with that problem at all.
If we are honest, since we are not in the stadium we have no idea how engaged CJF is on the sideline. We only see a few shots the broadcast provides. I agree, throwing a temper tantrum on the sideline is not going to help and he will look like an idiot.
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We don't need a social justice warrior. We don't need someone who can't do their job because he misses his family. If either of these things have played even one little bit into this teams performance then Jimmy should resign and let someone do the job HE is getting paid to do.
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I can't believe no one has mentioned this yet; this team is loaded with guys talking about leaving early or retweeting mock docks. The funny thing is, not a single one of them has produced this year.
See, I’ve never been comfortable with CJF’s obsession with “graduate in 3 years and go pro”.

I understand the logic — kids want to go places that put kids in the draft. But his job is to prepare them to win in college..... the “life after football” stuff is important, but it just seems as though too many kids here are already looking ahead.
This football team has a 101 problems -- coaches and players. That's obvious.

But an honest question for you.

If these young men are "children" to you, why do you even watch or pay attention?

And just my hunch......but nobody is lecturing you. These young men aren't there as your personal entertainment. They have lives of their own, and some decide to use their public profile to raise awareness on issues that mean a lot to them.

I imagine that most of this board is probably older white men -- very few of you can probably honestly relate to a young black man in today's environment. And that's perfectly okay. But you may want to recognize that they're going to have perspectives that you won't. And if you don't want to hear it, you may want to go follow horse racing or something.

Nobody is forcing you to utter "Black Lives Matter" or wear a unity patch or even read what they're tweeting. That would be absurd. But your standard -- the "shut up and dribble" standard -- is equally absurd.
I am one of those older white guys and I don't give a crap what their opinion is on anything other than football. The same goes for any other athlete/entertainer. Truthfully, I don't look for what they are talking about. That being said they are entitled to their opinion.

Being an older person with a lot of life experience I do know that you have to stay focused on what is important. That is your studies, job, family and relationships. When you start to let other interests impact those, you have a problem and it does not mean you cannot have other interests.

Take Lamont Wade, he is very out spoken with the SJW stuff (his right) and he is having an absolutely horrible season and is a huge liability. The guy went from a probable NFL draft pick to a guy running around in cement shoes. Are his SJW interests impacting that, I have no idea? But some advice for him, I would focus on his academics and football because those can set him up for life.

Cael Sanderson tells his wrestlers there are 3 parts to college, academics, wrestling and social stuff, and they only have enough time to be good at 2 of those 3 and the two better be academics and wrestling. I think some football players and a particular coach need to take that to heart.