Son has a writing assignment at college. Chitown and others, help needed.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2001
Heart of America, Archbold, OH
He has chosen the topic of Joe Paterno and showing he was not involved any cover up with the Sandusky Scandal. He must, obviously, have legitimate websites to support his argument.

From this board I’m thinking ChiTown and Francofan as starters. Anyone can chime in with needed resources. Not opinions, but sites giving facts to support his argument.

He’s not being lazy, but through conversations he and I have had regarding this board, he knows this is a great place to start.

Heck, I may suggest he tries to get in touch with Ray Blehar.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. He attends Grand Valley State Univ just outside of Grand Rapids, MI.

He has chosen the topic of Joe Paterno and showing he was not involved any cover up with the Sandusky Scandal. He must, obviously, have legitimate websites to support his argument.

From this board I’m thinking ChiTown and Francofan as starters. Anyone can chime in with needed resources. Not opinions, but sites giving facts to support his argument.

He’s not being lazy, but through conversations he and I have had regarding this board, he knows this is a great place to start.

Heck, I may suggest he tries to get in touch with Ray Blehar.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. He attends Grand Valley State Univ just outside of Grand Rapids, MI.


Jimmy W is a great resource as well.
He has chosen the topic of Joe Paterno and showing he was not involved any cover up with the Sandusky Scandal. He must, obviously, have legitimate websites to support his argument.

From this board I’m thinking ChiTown and Francofan as starters. Anyone can chime in with needed resources. Not opinions, but sites giving facts to support his argument.

He’s not being lazy, but through conversations he and I have had regarding this board, he knows this is a great place to start.

Heck, I may suggest he tries to get in touch with Ray Blehar.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. He attends Grand Valley State Univ just outside of Grand Rapids, MI.


Point him to prosecutor's statements questioning why the board fired him since he was a cooperating witness who did what he was supposed to, and follow it up with Fina's statement that he did what he was supposed to and was not involved in any cover up. Just for giggles throw in that post with the state cop who said Joe did what he was supposed to even as he excoriated him. Its goddamn bizarro world where the guy who did exactly as he was supposed to needs to be proven innocent.
He has chosen the topic of Joe Paterno and showing he was not involved any cover up with the Sandusky Scandal. He must, obviously, have legitimate websites to support his argument.

From this board I’m thinking ChiTown and Francofan as starters. Anyone can chime in with needed resources. Not opinions, but sites giving facts to support his argument.

He’s not being lazy, but through conversations he and I have had regarding this board, he knows this is a great place to start.

Heck, I may suggest he tries to get in touch with Ray Blehar.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. He attends Grand Valley State Univ just outside of Grand Rapids, MI.


I would suggest Ralph Cipriano’s blog. Ralph has made at least a dozen posts on the scandal that are well written and are fact based.

I would also suggest getting a copy of NCIS Special Agent John Snedden’s 110 page report into his federal investigation of whether or not to renew Graham Spanier’s Top Secret/SCI clearances. (He recommended to renew). I believe a pdf of the report can be uploaded from

He may or may not want to broach the topic of Sandusky’s patently unfair trial, the lack of hard evidence against Sandusky, and the considerations that Sandusky may not have committed CSA such as no pornography has ever been found in his possession and that Sandusky has maintained his innocence from day 1. Since public opinion is overwhelmingly against Sandusky possibly being innocent, it may make sense to stay away from this line of thinking. is a great source of information, but it might be best to stay away from John Ziegler.

I would however recommend Mark Pendergrast’s book “The Most Hated Man in America. There are I believe 74 customer reviews on Amazon and most are very good. I would also highly recommend the review that Dr. Frederick Crews did for skeptic magazine on the book (it is availabile online. )

I hope this helps.
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He has chosen the topic of Joe Paterno and showing he was not involved any cover up with the Sandusky Scandal. He must, obviously, have legitimate websites to support his argument.

From this board I’m thinking ChiTown and Francofan as starters. Anyone can chime in with needed resources. Not opinions, but sites giving facts to support his argument.

He’s not being lazy, but through conversations he and I have had regarding this board, he knows this is a great place to start.

Heck, I may suggest he tries to get in touch with Ray Blehar.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. He attends Grand Valley State Univ just outside of Grand Rapids, MI.

Ray's blog would be helpful.
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He has chosen the topic of Joe Paterno and showing he was not involved any cover up with the Sandusky Scandal. He must, obviously, have legitimate websites to support his argument.

From this board I’m thinking ChiTown and Francofan as starters. Anyone can chime in with needed resources. Not opinions, but sites giving facts to support his argument.

He’s not being lazy, but through conversations he and I have had regarding this board, he knows this is a great place to start.

Heck, I may suggest he tries to get in touch with Ray Blehar.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. He attends Grand Valley State Univ just outside of Grand Rapids, MI.


I would also suggest referring to the NCAA v. Corman case in Commonwealth Court where Judge Anne Covey ruled the consent decree was invalid resulting in the NCAA agreeing to restore the 109 vacated wins by Joe and restoring his record as the NCAA Division 1’s winningest coach with 409 wins.
He has chosen the topic of Joe Paterno and showing he was not involved any cover up with the Sandusky Scandal. He must, obviously, have legitimate websites to support his argument.

From this board I’m thinking ChiTown and Francofan as starters. Anyone can chime in with needed resources. Not opinions, but sites giving facts to support his argument.

He’s not being lazy, but through conversations he and I have had regarding this board, he knows this is a great place to start.

Heck, I may suggest he tries to get in touch with Ray Blehar.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. He attends Grand Valley State Univ just outside of Grand Rapids, MI.


60 minutes frank fina's own words.

Also grand jury testimonies and emails uncovered via foia Dont have to be cited to a website. Cite the actual documents.

Also their is a contradiction on pg 51 of the freeh report I believe.
The grand jury testimony word for word. Oh wait, they won't release that. Hmmmmm...
Former Chm of the Board, Keith Masser testified in the Corman case:

“The decision to remove Coach Paterno had nothing to do with what he had known, what he hadn’t done. It was based upon the distraction of having him on the sidelines would have caused the university and the current football team harm. It had nothing to do with what Coach Paterno had done, or hadn’t done.”

The above article quotes and references this. I have not yet been able to find the actual deposition to quote directly, but it is probably in Blehar's blog.
The attorney General praised Joe for his handling of the situation.

One thing that just never made sense, well one of the many things... Joe was praised early on in the saga for how he handled the situation. The Freeh report drops and somehow changes peoples opinions without any facts or evidence. After that, every report, or new bit of information exonerates Joe and destroys the Freeh report. (this includes the NCAA releasing guidelines that mirror Paterno's actions) So imagine this timeline were all is good except for one data point, and that one bad point is what people latch on to. I think that would be a powerful way to organize and present his case.
All good recommendations. Also, find the NCAA updated policy on what coaches should do when having a report of sexual assault made to them. After years of study, they concluded that coaches should report the issue to their boss and someone outside the sports reporting vertical structure. They should then do nothing and let the professionals handle it for two reasons: they are the pros that know the legal issues and so that there was no impropriety real or perceived. This is, again years later, exactly what Joe Paterno did. He reported it to Curley and Schultz. He did follow up with MM to ask if he as OK with how things were proceeding. Other than that, let C & S handle it.
He has chosen the topic of Joe Paterno and showing he was not involved any cover up with the Sandusky Scandal. He must, obviously, have legitimate websites to support his argument.

From this board I’m thinking ChiTown and Francofan as starters. Anyone can chime in with needed resources. Not opinions, but sites giving facts to support his argument.

He’s not being lazy, but through conversations he and I have had regarding this board, he knows this is a great place to start.

Heck, I may suggest he tries to get in touch with Ray Blehar.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. He attends Grand Valley State Univ just outside of Grand Rapids, MI.


Start here for background on the early days of the scandal and the BOT's subsequent statements on Paterno's firing:

There are some broken links in that post, but nearly all of them have backups on webarchive. Just go here and copy/paste in the dead link to see if there's a backup:

For example, the links to depositions in the Corman vs NCAA case are dead. Here's a link to Masser's depo, which is a dead link:

But after pasting that link into the webarchive, clicking the first available date it was backed up, and clicking 'about this capture' at the top right, there will be a link to the pdf source file. Click that to get a working link to a pdf file of the transcript. Here it is for Masser's depo:

For extra background on the Grand Jury Presentment:

And last but not least, the following contains a completely speculative account of how Freeh's deposition in the Paterno case could have gone. The Q&A is total speculation, but all the informational content and links are accurate (but again, some links might be dead but the webarchive should have backups):
I would advise your son to pay attention to the rebuttals directed at his paper as much as his own sources supporting his thesis. I would further advise him to address the media and how the story was originally created in the first place. This is not an easy task by any means for your son and I hope he knows this. That said, he must be able to defend any and all rebuttals, particularly the bs going back to the 70's. A thought would be for him to put himself in the position of those he's presenting to and see it from their media created viewpoint. I wish him luck.
I would advise your son to pay attention to the rebuttals directed at his paper as much as his own sources supporting his thesis. I would further advise him to address the media and how the story was originally created in the first place. This is not an easy task by any means for your son and I hope he knows this. That said, he must be able to defend any and all rebuttals, particularly the bs going back to the 70's. A thought would be for him to put himself in the position of those he's presenting to and see it from their media created viewpoint. I wish him luck.

That's a good point, invalidate the 70s BS before anyone tries to use it against him.
He has chosen the topic of Joe Paterno and showing he was not involved any cover up with the Sandusky Scandal. He must, obviously, have legitimate websites to support his argument.

From this board I’m thinking ChiTown and Francofan as starters. Anyone can chime in with needed resources. Not opinions, but sites giving facts to support his argument.

He’s not being lazy, but through conversations he and I have had regarding this board, he knows this is a great place to start.

Heck, I may suggest he tries to get in touch with Ray Blehar.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. He attends Grand Valley State Univ just outside of Grand Rapids, MI.


Have use Blehar 's blog first of all. Read Pendergrast 's book on Sandusky.
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Personally, I'd watch the movie Paterno and know every line. I would also know everything any former player of Joe's said that was not supportive of Joe, and former coaches. Like I said, tough job here but to be credible, you must know your stuff. The problem is there is so much misinformation out there and you can't just say that's not true, you must prove it isn't.
He has chosen the topic of Joe Paterno and showing he was not involved any cover up with the Sandusky Scandal. He must, obviously, have legitimate websites to support his argument.

From this board I’m thinking ChiTown and Francofan as starters. Anyone can chime in with needed resources. Not opinions, but sites giving facts to support his argument.

He’s not being lazy, but through conversations he and I have had regarding this board, he knows this is a great place to start.

Heck, I may suggest he tries to get in touch with Ray Blehar.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. He attends Grand Valley State Univ just outside of Grand Rapids, MI.

What type of paper is it? An opinion piece or a review of literature on a subject?

If it’s the latter, sources like Cipriano’s blog and other non-mainstream sources may not fly.
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You should have your son look at the leaked alumni BOT review of the Freeh Report to demonstrate why the Freeh Report is fundamentally flawed.
He has chosen the topic of Joe Paterno and showing he was not involved any cover up with the Sandusky Scandal. He must, obviously, have legitimate websites to support his argument.

From this board I’m thinking ChiTown and Francofan as starters. Anyone can chime in with needed resources. Not opinions, but sites giving facts to support his argument.

He’s not being lazy, but through conversations he and I have had regarding this board, he knows this is a great place to start.

Heck, I may suggest he tries to get in touch with Ray Blehar.

Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. He attends Grand Valley State Univ just outside of Grand Rapids, MI.

I heartily endorse this project and would love to hear how the professor (and his classmates) react to his choice of topics. Please keep us posted.
That's a good point, invalidate the 70s BS before anyone tries to use it against him.
For that he will need Barron and the insurer's statements.
Seems to me that the PA Attorney General's office also released a statement about the non-credibility of the accusations made in the "court documents" (though I was unable to locate a source just now).
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Seems to me that the PA Attorney General's office also released a statement about the non-credibility of the accusations made in the "court documents" (though I was unable to locate a source just now).
I don't think it was the AG who said this (re: 1970s) I think it was one of the accusers' attorneys (Shubin maybe?) who basically said "I'd love for this to be true, but it isn't" (paraphrased). I'll see if I can find it later today, but that might help with the google search.
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On a related note, when Brandon Short was running for BoT he said he would look into how the L & I people illegally took over the Bot w rigged elections in the 1990s. Later they changed the charter to allow them picking their own successors, even though that such changes are only a function of the state legislature. Did he ever do so? Did he contact some of the better educated people here on this subject?
How about Fina's 60 Minutes interview. He stated that they found no evidence of a cover up by Joe.
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I don't think it was the AG who said this (re: 1970s) I think it was one of the accusers' attorneys (Shubin maybe?) who basically said "I'd love for this to be true, but it isn't" (paraphrased). I'll see if I can find it later today, but that might help with the google search.
IIRC that statement came from one of the Philly attorneys.. But I also distinctly recall the OAG chiming in on this with a statement like, "we investigated these/some of these claims, and they're not credible."
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Former Chm of the Board, Keith Masser testified in the Corman case:

“The decision to remove Coach Paterno had nothing to do with what he had known, what he hadn’t done. It was based upon the distraction of having him on the sidelines would have caused the university and the current football team harm. It had nothing to do with what Coach Paterno had done, or hadn’t done.”

The above article quotes and references this. I have not yet been able to find the actual deposition to quote directly, but it is probably in Blehar's blog.

Since your son is writing a paper where he needs to provide supportive evidence that Paterno was not involved in a cover up, this statement my Masser doesn’t do that. I’m saying this from the academic angle not opinion. The quote just says that he was removed for distraction reasons. It doesn’t explicitly say he did not know anything or do anything that suggests a cover up. Masser is very clever in sidestepping the issue on whether or not he was fired for cause.
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Since your son is writing a paper where he needs to provide supportive evidence that Paterno was not involved in a cover up, this statement my Masser doesn’t do that. I’m saying this from the academic angle not opinion. The quote just says that he was removed for distraction reasons. It doesn’t explicitly say he did not know anything or do anything that suggests a cover up. Masser is very clever in sidestepping the issue on whether or not he was fired for cause.

Well, if his superiors weren’t found guilty of a coverup, it’s impossible for Joe to have been involved in one.
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Well, if his superiors weren’t found guilty of a coverup, it’s impossible for Joe to have been involved in one.

That would be a different argument. The OP asked for help for his son, whom I’m assuming is writing a position paper. If so, then he needs to support his position with referenced materials. To assist, I wanted to point out that Masser’s statement would not function in that capacity.