Sony beats apple to the punch, releases $50/month cable TV


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 21, 2001
with 53 channels using their PlayStation. Honestly, not much of a bargain when you pay for highspeed & the device, for what you get. But its a start to menu driven TV.
SONY's new tag-line: "SONY, we still make some stuff"

anyone else remember when SONY was the Honda of electronics?

Samsung took them to the woodshed
Originally posted by Obliviax:
with 53 channels using their PlayStation. Honestly, not much of a bargain when you pay for highspeed & the device, for what you get. But its a start to menu driven TV.
Apple has its ups and downs in the market, depending upon the product or service.

Many times companies who are market leaders in one area can extend that reach by broadening the existing uses they offer. Seems like a wise move by Sony to try to expand it's markets by using their PlayStation.

Apple now has a lot of supportive customers, who've been willing to add Apple products to complement their existing products. Because of their market size, Apple can sometimes enter markets that were started by others and offer a value-added solution, or a compatibility solution.

Either way, it would be nice to see more menu driven TV, that can put pressure on prices.
Re: SONY's new tag-line: "SONY, we still make some stuff"

Originally posted by massimoManca II:

SONY's new tag-line: "SONY, we still make some stuff"

anyone else remember when SONY was the Honda of electronics?

Samsung took them to the woodshed

LOL - Good line massimoManca II.

Yes, at one time Japanese companies were selling so many products to the US, there was concern about the large balance of payments in favor of Japan.
Re: SONY's new tag-line: "SONY, we still make some stuff"

Hell, I remember when RCA was king and before that, Zenith