Sorry for asking, but is the conference for which we belong still being doowahs and ......


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2001
Heart of America, Archbold, OH
not sharing the bowl wealth with Penn State?
I am thinking I recall they were going to withhold for the original duration of the sanctions, which would include this season (correct?).

Help an old man's mind get filtered a bit. TIA.

not sharing the bowl wealth with Penn State?
I am thinking I recall they were going to withhold for the original duration of the sanctions, which would include this season (correct?).

Help an old man's mind get filtered a bit. TIA.


Nope PSU got its share starting last year.
Last I saw, it looked like the original donations to charities would stand.

Though the NCAA was forced to bsvk down on their unsupportable sanctions, PSU and the B1G apparently agreed to not pull money away from charities that were already expecting the funds.

Sounds like they took the high road on that one.
Last I saw, it looked like the original donations to charities would stand.

Though the NCAA was forced to bsvk down on their unsupportable sanctions, PSU and the B1G apparently agreed to not pull money away from charities that were already expecting the funds.

Sounds like they took the high road on that one.
I thought our bowl share was what they were giving to charity and that wasn't over yet
I thought our bowl share was what they were giving to charity and that wasn't over yet

Here's the announced change and a recap of what happened in prior years.

PSU's share of the money went to charity the last 3 years. This year PSU gets it's share and it goes into the Athletic Dept funds.

From the linked article

Penn State, Big Ten, announce university will receive share of conference bowl money again in 2015

By Greg Pickel
on February 12, 2015 at 10:35 AM, updated February 12, 2015 at 10:37 AM

The Big Ten conference sent a total of 10 programs to bowl games in 2014, netting a reported $4.7 million per team before $6 million was added to the pot thanks to Michigan State and Ohio State playing in "New Year Six" bowls.

Penn State will not see any of that revenue money, though, and hasn't for two years due to NCAA and Big Ten sanctions. The NCAA took away (but has since restored) Penn State's bowl eligibility as part of a sanctions package in July 2012 in response to the Jerry Sandusky scandal, while the Big Ten decided to split Penn State's bowl revenue up equally among its other conference members.

That will no longer be the case, though, as the university and conference announced Thursday morning that Penn State will receive its conference bowl game revenue share again beginning this season. It was approved by The Big Ten and the Council of Presidents/Chancellors Wednesday.

"We are grateful to the Big Ten and the Council of Presidents and Chancellors for their decision to restore Penn State's share of the Conference bowl revenues to the University in the upcoming football season," Penn State President Eric Barron said in a release. "These funds will help to support our 31 teams and more than 850 student-athletes."

Penn State put its 2012 share toward child abuse and other adolescent causes, and

the Big Ten programs did the same with Penn State's bowl share in 2013 and 2014.

"While we are pleased with the decision, we will not waver in our commitment to prevent child abuse, to maintain our leading compliance and safety programs, and to continue to invest in our teaching and research efforts focused on child abuse prevention and treatment," Barron added.

The entire sanctions package has since been dissolved by the NCAA as part of a settlement with Pennsylvania Sen. Jake Corman, who sued the governing body of college athletics over where fine money associated with the sanctions would be spent.

As part of the settlement, it will stay in Pennsylvania. Penn State had already received its scholarships and bowl eligibility back by then, and in Corman's settlement, the late Joe Paterno regained his title as the winningest FBS coach in history with 409 wins.

Now, Penn State has its conference bowl share back, too.

"We are very appreciative of the decision made by the conference Presidents and Chancellors as these funds are vital to our ability to continue to create the very best conditions for success for our student athletes," Penn State athletic director Sandy Barbour said.

"This is yet another step in allowing today's student athletes all the opportunities they deserve​
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Last I saw, it looked like the original donations to charities would stand.

Though the NCAA was forced to bsvk down on their unsupportable sanctions, PSU and the B1G apparently agreed to not pull money away from charities that were already expecting the funds.

Sounds like they took the high road on that one.

No, PSU took the wimp road as always. They should have insisted that The Big Ten reimburse them.
Don't know, but that's what I recall too. That's what I was trying to indicate in that post.

Any updates or clarifications are welcome.

I think the first 2 years that were already withheld they kept and never reimbursed PSU. Starting last year they allowed PSU to keep the money. IIRC they stole the first 2 years and are not paying it back.
I think the first 2 years that were already withheld they kept and never reimbursed PSU. Starting last year they allowed PSU to keep the money. IIRC they stole the first 2 years and are not paying it back.
And you are correct. Stole is the perfect description.
not sharing the bowl wealth with Penn State?
I am thinking I recall they were going to withhold for the original duration of the sanctions, which would include this season (correct?).

Help an old man's mind get filtered a bit. TIA.


They still haven't paid us what they owe us for the post-seasons following the 20I2 & 2013 seasons. IOW, the b1g shiz-hole still owes us a lot of money they haven't paid us.
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Another reason to leave this corrupt conference with ND. Bad enough stuck in division with the top teams rather than a balanced one. Even if PSU overcomes that, what are the odds against the OSU/UM establishment/officials? What MSU did is a minor miracle.
See the updated post above, with the exact year-by-year disposition of funds.

PSU donated it's Bowl funds to charity in 2012.

The BT took the funds in 2013 and 2014, but all those funds went to charity too.

This year PSU gets its share and it goes into the PSU Athletic funds, as usual.

It appears that by the time the decision was made in February 2015, the 2014-2015 Bowl season funds would have already been expected by the charities. Wiser heads appeared to let it stand and not contest donations to worthy charities.


Given that PSU just paid out another $30 Million this year, letting stand the transfer to charity of the $4.7 from bowl payouts (plus a small part of BCS money), comes across as one of the wiser moves by PSU.

Nothing good comes from trying to pull back charity money that was already committed from last year's bowls, imho.
It was complete and total confiscation. Frankly, our leadership should have pushed to leave the conference over this. To me it was the most unjustifiable thing that occurred and probably broke all sorts of binding agreements. Barry Alvarez made the comment that Maryland and Rutgers were added because partially b/c they wanted to add more eastern schools to accompany PSU; they feared that PSU might eventually leave the conference if they kept expanding only to the west. In my mind the conference does not/has not given two craps about keeping Penn State happy, so somebody at PSU must have floated the idea that we would leave. My guess would be Joyner. Perhaps the confiscation had given us a legal possibility of just exiting. I wish we would have done it.
See the updated post above, with the exact year-by-year disposition of funds.

PSU donated it's Bowl funds to charity in 2012.

The BT took the funds in 2013 and 2014, but all those funds went to charity too.

This year PSU gets its share and it goes into the PSU Athletic funds, as usual.

It appears that by the time the decision was made in February 2015, the 2014-2015 Bowl season funds would have already been expected by the charities. Wiser heads appeared to let it stand and not contest donations to worthy charities.


Given that PSU just paid out another $30 Million this year, letting stand the transfer to charity of the $4.7 from bowl payouts (plus a small part of BCS money), comes across as one of the wiser moves by PSU.

Nothing good comes from trying to pull back charity money that was already committed from last year's bowls, imho.

PSU never made those commitments to any charity - they were made by the corrupt a-holes in the b1g shiz-hole front-office - why you think PSU is responsible for commitments made by the pompous, self-infatuated @ssholes in b1g front-office is rather baffling.
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PSU never made those commitments to any charity - they were made by the corrupt a-holes in the b1g shiz-hole front-office - why you think PSU is responsible for commitments made by the pompous, self-infatuated @ssholes in b1g front-office is rather baffling.

It was a ridiculous and questionable setup from day one. If the B1G wanted to distribute PSU's bowl share to charity they should have just done it - directly. Instead they acted like a middleman, first distributing PSU's bowl share to each of the other school, and then counting on them to donate it to charity. Not only is that stupid and inefficient, it raises the probability of shenanigans by probably a thousand percent. I doubt if most of the donations were transparent, as I'm sure PSU did not push for any real accountability.
It was a ridiculous and questionable setup from day one. If the B1G wanted to distribute PSU's bowl share to charity they should have just done it - directly. Instead they acted like a middleman, first distributing PSU's bowl share to each of the other school, and then counting on them to donate it to charity. Not only is that stupid and inefficient, it raises the probability of shenanigans by probably a thousand percent. I doubt if most of the donations were transparent, as I'm sure PSU did not push for any real accountability.

That's Barron's fault for not going after the money. He's a gutless wonder.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

to the Charities and to all of the Individuals who benefitted from Penn State's bowl money donations.

As all of the Tiny Tim's who benefited might say during the Christmas Season:

"God Bless Us Every One!"

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Barron was not even the president yet. The absurd arrangement with the B1G arose under Erickson.
Barron I think did make some noise about addressing that, however. But he did next to nothing being the jellyfish that he is.
Barron I think did make some noise about addressing that, however. But he did next to nothing being the jellyfish that he is.

I didn't realize he made any noise about it. Frankly I am surprised that we are getting a share of the bowl money now. I would not have been shocked if the B1G continued to take it from us through 2017 just because that was the original timeline. The fact that it changed at all suggests that maybe he had some impact. I'm not a fan of Barron, but that does sound like someone at PSU pushed to end a bad arrangement early.
I didn't realize he made any noise about it. Frankly I am surprised that we are getting a share of the bowl money now. I would not have been shocked if the B1G continued to take it from us through 2017 just because that was the original timeline. The fact that it changed at all suggests that maybe he had some impact. I'm not a fan of Barron, but that does sound like someone at PSU pushed to end a bad arrangement early.

You keep making up bull$hit - PSU entered into no agreement with the b1g shiz-hole permitting them to withhold the allocation which is rightfully PSU's property, not the b1g shiz-hole's. The b1g shiz-hole confisicated PSU's property and PSU should sue the disgraceful, hypocritical, corrupt-to-the-core bastards.
I didn't realize he made any noise about it. Frankly I am surprised that we are getting a share of the bowl money now. I would not have been shocked if the B1G continued to take it from us through 2017 just because that was the original timeline. The fact that it changed at all suggests that maybe he had some impact. I'm not a fan of Barron, but that does sound like someone at PSU pushed to end a bad arrangement early.

It was Barron's responsibility to go after the money, after Corman.
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It was Barron's responsibility to go after the money, after Corman.
And it was Erickson's responsibility not to hand away hundreds of millions of dollars before we even had a clear picture of what happened. But he decided to ignore that responsibility. You really have to wonder when someone in that position is so anxious to take blame and essentially buy off everybody to make a story die down.
And it was Erickson's responsibility not to hand away hundreds of millions of dollars before we even had a clear picture of what happened. But he decided to ignore that responsibility. You really have to wonder when someone in that position is so anxious to take blame and essentially buy off everybody to make a story die down.

Can't argue with that. Roidney was a turd.
Can't argue with that. Roidney was a turd.
Like I said, I don't like Barron, but you really have to lay the blame on Erickson for most of this. It's easy to say Barron should have fought to claw back money that was already given away. But actually accomplishing that is probably infeasible.
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Like I said, I don't like Barron, but you really have to lay the blame on Erickson for most of this. It's easy to say Barron should have fought to claw back money that was already given away. But actually accomplishing that is probably infeasible.

The BigTen gave it away, they should be held responsible for giving it back out of their coffers.
Barron was not even the president yet. The absurd arrangement with the B1G arose under Erickson.

Baron became President of PSU in May of 2014. At least one confiscation of PSU's share of bowl money took place under his watch. Beyond that, he and his minions did nothing to have future shares restored.
I thought that the first year, 2011 when everything went down Erickson said they would donate all bowl revenue. Then when the "sanctions" came down the BIG was just going to divide up PSU's share of bowl revenue and give it evenly to the other teams and what they did with it was up to them. A few schools announced they were going to donate the money to charities. Now I don't recall what was mentioned after the "sanctions" were lifted, but I thought the BIG was going to keep the money anyway.
I thought that the first year, 2011 when everything went down Erickson said they would donate all bowl revenue. Then when the "sanctions" came down the BIG was just going to divide up PSU's share of bowl revenue and give it evenly to the other teams and what they did with it was up to them. A few schools announced they were going to donate the money to charities. Now I don't recall what was mentioned after the "sanctions" were lifted, but I thought the BIG was going to keep the money anyway.
Me too. It's usually a safe bet that the B1G will continue to screw us if they can.

Thank you. I could have sworn that the Big Ten ended up giving us our fair share of the 2014-15 year bowl games after the fact.

So, to clarify:

2011 season: PSU voluntarily donated their bowl revenue to charity
2012 & 2013 seasons: Big Ten withheld PSU's bowl revenue and distributed it to charities (via the all the conference schools)
2014 season: Originally, PSU share was going to be withheld, despite PSU actually going to a bowl game, but was given to PSU over summer 2015
2015: PSU back to earning their revenue share as normal