We don't need them to have an off-day. We have more wins over Ohio State (2) than they do over us (1) in Columbus since 2008. 2010 was forfeited by those cheaters. And 2013 - if the refs hadn't given them the early momentum, it could become a very different game. I'm not saying we win, but you never know.
2015 - as unlikely as it sounds, I'm expecting a much more unbiased officiating crew - maybe we'll even get some calls that "magically" go our way. The B1G knows that they've screwed us for long enough, and that we aren't going to stand for it, anymore. The evidence to their conspiracy is all over the net. Hell, if someone emails a link to this forum to Delaney, he'd either S#!t himself or resign. (Or both.)
I would NOT be surprised to see something like 42-20, good guys, in Columbus this year. And for all you naysayers down on the OL, don't you think that Franklin has seen the stat that the officials don't call holding, and that he's teaching his guys to "block" more "efficiently"?