Thank You’s From Pittsburgh


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
It’s a rush for the most part, starting with arrival for Championships, through to getting home. For those that have the good fortune to attend, you know what I mean. Heck, even years I could not go, this weekend meant adjusting my entire schedule around the competition, so I’m sure many others can relate to that.

Thanks to the many friends made over the years of picking a fantasy team Wednesday night before the tourney begins.

Thanks to everyone in our ‘posse’, you know who you are. This is the group that makes the experience truly spectacular, from what would otherwise be simply great.

A special thanks to jto, introducing me to your friends, and taking the time to hangout.

To the dozens of new friends made. Some are here regularly, as posters or lurkers, some are not. I appreciate all of you, and your kind words.

Thanks to the Alumni Association, the ‘mixer’ was fabulous. We are going to try something similar in Minneapolis, hopefully.

Thanks to those that put on the social after the finals. :) I love listening the wrestlers. Classy, classy group, every one of them. They make me and all fans proud. The ovations were deserved.

Lastly, thanks to the wrestlers. You won another a team. I’m so proud of all of you.
Big thanks to the wrestlers. Great young men
Thanks to Pittsburgh. Got spelling right this time I hope. Everywhere we went the people were great.
For the first time I didn't feel like a trend setter with my PSU gear. Thanks to the fans who made the PPG crazy exciting!
To "pig"tail on Roar's thoughts - maybe on topic, maybe slightly off - just wanted to post some post tournament thoughts about the college wrestling community as a whole, of which nationals is a microcosm.

As someone who has followed wrestling for many years at all levels, but your primary focus moves to your children's age group as they grow up (which is the case for everyone), it is interesting to see the evolution of fans/people involved in the sport as you move up levels. First the youth level, where it seems that >50% may just be out of their minds (but somewhat understandably as I always say you have to give parents a few years to learn how to be parents of athletes) and dealings with opponents can often range from downright rude to borderline criminal. In HS, most fans/parents seem to get it more, start to enjoy the camaraderie of the sport, but rivalries can still fierce and standoffish.

For the most part, the jingoism disappears in college. Rivalries and competitiveness still exist, but are tempered with respect. Something like an attitude of everyone being on the same team - college wrestling - while still competing fiercely against one another.

Just some examples that may tell the story better than my pithy (hahahaha) writing style may:

Standing with the parents of a young man during EIWAs both days and our guys took similar underdog paths to NCAA berths - both of us being superstitious, it felt like it would be bad juju for us to part ways. The truly mixed emotions when both of them faced a member of our respective squads and the classy way of dealing with it.

The wrestler he knocked out in the match for the NCAA berth making it a point to seek out our guy after the tournament and wishing him well at nationals. True grace in the wake of a heartbreaking defeat. An eye opening experience for Zack and something that will stay with him. Similarly an earlier opponent who he had knocked out congratulating his mother and I as he left the tournament and wishing him good luck. I guess West Point and Harvard might put out some high character kids occasionally.;)

Reconnecting with a group of Brown fans who I have been connecting with at nationals for years now. Truly an amazing and FUN group of fans/ex-Brown wrestlers who are wild in their support of the Brown Bears and really, really get what it's all about.

After arriving well over an hour early for the Thursday morning session and being amazed that they had a security cluster f**k once again going on (I don't think that gates opened until after 11:20), meeting Mr & Mrs Lugo and son (other son, not Pat) in line and being rescued by Mr. Lugo leading us through the crowd to will call, as Zack was bout #2. Thank you, Mr. Lugo! Your son has at least one PSU fan!!!! @johnstownsteel - Pat Lugo is now off limits for any of your grade A HR trolling or you'll have to deal with me, lol.

Having an impromptu post-semis midnight meal (and cocktails, of course) with a couple of ardent RU wrestling supporters and being genuinely moved by the enthusiasm and excitement that this year's tournament brought for them. @matter7172 would probably be writing a mea culpa on the RU wrestling board right now had he spent the evening with us. Fix has always been a favorite of mine (except for Round 1), but I found myself rooting for Suriano and Ashnault the next night. As an aside, one of Cenzo's best friends happened to be at the table with us that night and he shared an unsurprising Cenzo story that is one of the reasons Cenzo is an all-time favorite of mine and always will be. Old school.

On Thursday, sitting next to a wrestling mom with more wrestling knowledge than any mom I've ever met - my SO excluded, she's the GOAT and already in the HOF when it comes to that - and being thoroughly entertained all day by the conversation. There are now about a half dozen or so Long Island wrestlers that I will root for regardless of team affiliation (but not half as ardently as she rooted for them). Shak is one I was already rooting for, lol.

And, yes, meeting an IOWA fan sitting at the bar with his buddy in-between sessions on Thursday who - unbelievably - had a different take than mine on the Stoll-Parris fiasco that had just taken place. I still shared my program with him. It probably helped that the OK State, RU, Drexel, Brown and Penn fans that surrounded all agreed with me. Joking aside, the point of this is that unlike the conversation that may have taken place on an anonymous message board by two guys that were sitting home, this conversation was punctuated by slaps on the back and good humor. And a beer or two. Still didn't get him to come around, though. If only he was as open minded as @WildTurk

I'm sure many of you have more of these type of stories - many more than I do (I'm old, but some of you geezers would fit right in with the Cornell and Lehigh gangs). To me they sum up the seamless camaraderie at this event. Don't get me wrong - I love rivalries, ribbing, even some good-hearted face mushing from time-to-time. But any post or reaction to one that contains the real venom or attacks I've seen exhibited here, and obviously other places, is just a sign of having no clue and these guys just aren't really college wrestling fans, despite the claims to the contrary. I'd expect the clowns to ramp it up this off season on all sites, just remember:


Over 83% of the wrestlers, coaches, family and supporters deserve and have earned it.
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My 7th finals (in 21 years). What a great time with a bunch of great wrestling friends, and the vast majority of everyone else we encountered. NoVa and I had the great pleasure of sitting between some OU, GMU, and Iowa fans. The Iowa guy in front of was a real gentlemen and former wrestler.

I had the great pleasure of sitting next to the father of Dom Demas -- and watching him jump out of his seat watching his son advance and get 4th place. He was a great guy and a great father. Dom came up and sat with him during most of the finals -- and he was a really nice and respectful young man as you might expect.
Having an impromptu post-semis midnight meal (and cocktails, of course) with a couple of ardent RU wrestling supporters and being genuinely moved by the enthusiasm and excitement that this year's tournament brought for them. @matter7172 would probably be writing a mea culpa on the RU wrestling board right now had he spent the evening with us.

I've had many great conversations with Rutgers fans in real life - including ones related to current wrestlers. The majority of people on their board are not nearly as reasonable (one could even say they are delusional) as the folks I've talked to. The ones I have talked to are concerned about the direction of the program given the decline in results (both dramatic in duals and B1Gs) since 2015-16 and believe there is too much attention paid to catering to an individual or two instead of team-building. Hence, they have two placers this year and two points returning other than Suriano. Next year is going to be a brutal year for Rutgers, especially with Penn State, Iowa and Ohio State on the schedule again. There are going to some serious beatdowns. Rutgers board members are like homeowners polishing the silver to just perfect while the roof is leaking and the basement is flooding and telling you to ignore the roof and basement when you bring it up and to look at the shiny silver.
It’s a rush for the most part, starting with arrival for Championships, through to getting home. For those that have the good fortune to attend, you know what I mean. Heck, even years I could not go, this weekend meant adjusting my entire schedule around the competition, so I’m sure many others can relate to that.

Thanks to the many friends made over the years of picking a fantasy team Wednesday night before the tourney begins.

Thanks to everyone in our ‘posse’, you know who you are. This is the group that makes the experience truly spectacular, from what would otherwise be simply great.

A special thanks to jto, introducing me to your friends, and taking the time to hangout.

To the dozens of new friends made. Some are here regularly, as posters or lurkers, some are not. I appreciate all of you, and your kind words.

Thanks to the Alumni Association, the ‘mixer’ was fabulous. We are going to try something similar in Minneapolis, hopefully.

Thanks to those that put on the social after the finals. :) I love listening the wrestlers. Classy, classy group, every one of them. They make me and all fans proud. The ovations were deserved.

Lastly, thanks to the wrestlers. You won another a team. I’m so proud of all of you.

Regular poster and crew member. Want to point out that Saturday while embibing in several adult beverages with Mrs HG, oldest daughter HG, Nova, Nova2, Steve m and brother as well as pawrestlin we estimated final scores for PSU and tOSU. We nailed PSU to the 1/2 point. Pretty impressive. OSU actually came up shorter than expected..
To "pig"tail on Roar's thoughts - maybe on topic, maybe slightly off - just wanted to post some post tournament thoughts about the college wrestling community as a whole, of which nationals is a microcosm.

As someone who has followed wrestling for many years at all levels, but your primary focus moves to your children's age group as they grow up (which is the case for everyone), it is interesting to see the evolution of fans/people involved in the sport as you move up levels. First the youth level, where it seems that >50% may just be out of their minds (but somewhat understandably as I always say you have to give parents a few years to learn how to be parents of athletes) and dealings with opponents can often range from downright rude to borderline criminal. In HS, most fans/parents seem to get it more, start to enjoy the camaraderie of the sport, but rivalries can still fierce and standoffish.

For the most part, the jingoism disappears in college. Rivalries and competitiveness still exist, but are tempered with respect. Something like an attitude of everyone being on the same team - college wrestling - while still competing fiercely against one another.

Just some examples that may tell the story better than my pithy (hahahaha) writing style may:

Standing with the parents of a young man during EIWAs both days and our guys took similar underdog paths to NCAA berths - both of us being superstitious, it felt like it would be bad juju for us to part ways. The truly mixed emotions when both of them faced a member of our respective squads and the classy way of dealing with it.

The wrestler he knocked out in the match for the NCAA berth making it a point to seek out our guy after the tournament and wishing him well at nationals. True grace in the wake of a heartbreaking defeat. An eye opening experience for Zack and something that will stay with him. Similarly an earlier opponent who he had knocked out congratulating his mother and I as he left the tournament and wishing him good luck. I guess West Point and Harvard might put out some high character kids occasionally.;)

Reconnecting with a group of Brown fans who I have been connecting with at nationals for years now. Truly an amazing and FUN group of fans/ex-Brown wrestlers who are wild in their support of the Brown Bears and really, really get what it's all about.

After arriving well over an hour early for the Thursday morning session and being amazed that they had a security cluster f**k once again going on (I don't think that gates opened until after 11:20), meeting Mr & Mrs Lugo and son (other son, not Pat) in line and being rescued by Mr. Lugo leading us through the crowd to will call, as Zack was bout #2. Thank you, Mr. Lugo! Your son has at least one PSU fan!!!! @johnstownsteel - Pat Lugo is now off limits for any of your grade A HR trolling or you'll have to deal with me, lol.

Having an impromptu post-semis midnight meal (and cocktails, of course) with a couple of ardent RU wrestling supporters and being genuinely moved by the enthusiasm and excitement that this year's tournament brought for them. @matter7172 would probably be writing a mea culpa on the RU wrestling board right now had he spent the evening with us. Fix has always been a favorite of mine (except for Round 1), but I found myself rooting for Suriano and Ashnault the next night. As an aside, one of Cenzo's best friends happened to be at the table with us that night and he shared an unsurprising Cenzo story that is one of the reasons Cenzo is an all-time favorite of mine and always will be. Old school.

On Thursday, sitting next to a wrestling mom with more wrestling knowledge than any mom I've ever met - my SO excluded, she's the GOAT and already in the HOF when it comes to that - and being thoroughly entertained all day by the conversation. There are now about a half dozen or so Long Island wrestlers that I will root for regardless of team affiliation (but not half as ardently as she rooted for them). Shak is one I was already rooting for, lol.

And, yes, meeting an IOWA fan sitting at the bar with his buddy in-between sessions on Thursday who - unbelievably - had a different take than mine on the Stoll-Parris fiasco that had just taken place. I still shared my program with him. It probably helped that the OK State, RU, Drexel, Brown and Penn fans that surrounded all agreed with me. Joking aside, the point of this is that unlike the conversation that may have taken place on an anonymous message board by two guys that were sitting home, this conversation was punctuated by slaps on the back and good humor. And a beer or two. Still didn't get him to come around, though. If only he was as open minded as @WildTurk

I'm sure many of you have more of these type of stories - many more than I do (I'm old, but some of you geezers would fit right in with the Cornell and Lehigh gangs). To me they sum up the seamless camaraderie at this event. Don't get me wrong - I love rivalries, ribbing, even some good-hearted face mushing from time-to-time. But any post or reaction to one that contains the real venom or attacks I've seen exhibited here, and obviously other places, is just a sign of having no clue and these guys just aren't really college wrestling fans, despite the claims to the contrary. I'd expect the clowns to ramp it up this off season on all sites, just remember:


Over 83% of the wrestlers, coaches, family and supporters deserve and have earned it.

Never realized you were who you are, I knew the ETR stuff, I’m a belle Vernon guy, Zach has went toe to toe with the local boys and I’ve always respected him and watched him at the state tourney. Awesome thatbyiubare such a passionate dad, I love that, family and children and support are the greatest tool in our quest for a legacy.
Regular poster and crew member. Want to point out that Saturday while embibing in several adult beverages with Mrs HG, oldest daughter HG, Nova, Nova2, Steve m and brother as well as pawrestlin we estimated final scores for PSU and tOSU. We nailed PSU to the 1/2 point. Pretty impressive. OSU actually came up shorter than expected..

We would have nailed tOSU score exactly also if Martin had won at 184.

Great time at NCAAs as always. Great wrestling and great friends.
I've had many great conversations with Rutgers fans in real life - including ones related to current wrestlers. The majority of people on their board are not nearly as reasonable (one could even say they are delusional) as the folks I've talked to. The ones I have talked to are concerned about the direction of the program given the decline in results (both dramatic in duals and B1Gs) since 2015-16 and believe there is too much attention paid to catering to an individual or two instead of team-building. Hence, they have two placers this year and two points returning other than Suriano. Next year is going to be a brutal year for Rutgers, especially with Penn State, Iowa and Ohio State on the schedule again. There are going to some serious beatdowns. Rutgers board members are like homeowners polishing the silver to just perfect while the roof is leaking and the basement is flooding and telling you to ignore the roof and basement when you bring it up and to look at the shiny silver.
we should never get caught in the trap of thinking a small percentage of fans who post represent the whole.
Never realized you were who you are, I knew the ETR stuff, I’m a belle Vernon guy, Zach has went toe to toe with the local boys and I’ve always respected him and watched him at the state tourney. Awesome thatbyiubare such a passionate dad, I love that, family and children and support are the greatest tool in our quest for a legacy.
Thanks for the kind words. Belle Vernon has cranked out some real tough kids lately, you could see that group coming back in PJWs.

You guys have a fierce Zack as well, who had a nice year this season. Tough kid. Have had some battles with him over the years.

Hoping you guys can get another deep group in the pipeline.
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To "pig"tail on Roar's thoughts - maybe on topic, maybe slightly off - just wanted to post some post tournament thoughts about the college wrestling community as a whole, of which nationals is a microcosm.

After arriving well over an hour early for the Thursday morning session and being amazed that they had a security cluster f**k once again going on (I don't think that gates opened until after 11:20)…
We were stuck outside after early arrival too, for about 40 minutes, though I'm sure the gates opened on time where we were (the Highmark entrance). Talked with security inside, and they told us the early Thursday start was problematic since many of the PPG Paints Arena employees have full-time jobs elsewhere, and staffing for an 11:am middle-of-a-normal-workday opening left them without enough gate personnel. As we got closer, we saw several gates open up around 11:30 and the line moved more quickly.