Originally posted by minnhawkeye:
Guys the majority of wrestling are pissed off about the way the sport is heading.
Really don't need new rules just call the ones that are there.
Unless I guess maybe could take it out of refs hand by a new rule if after 1st period no score is automatic stall warning on both wrestlers.
No excuse for weights up to the higher weights ending in over time and end up 2-1 with no take down even.
For me the best match of excitement was Kokesh and Brown also the IM and Ness match now there was some wrestling. Hope Brown can get him at Nationals. Always have liked that stud.
This. I'll just add that stalling non-calls are an epidemic in HS as well.
At PA states, one finalist (the 126 AA runner-up) stalled so badly in the finals that he should've been disqualified in the first. Seriously. No exaggeration, he made Chris Perry look like Nico with a caffeine injection.
This actually happened in that match:
- Runner-up backs to edge -- not blatant, was actually in contact with the opponent the entire time, but all steps backward.
- Champ lets go, runs back to the center. Not to the stripe, clearly waiting to engage. Action clearly still live, clock still ticking.
- Ref directs runner-up back to the center.
- Runner-up pauses, then slowly walks toward the center -- but not directly to the center. He takes a wide arc, circling kinda sorta toward the center, but not really.
- After about 5 sec, champ gets impatient and meets runner-up half-way to the edge.
Correction: that happened multiple times in the same match. He also spent the entire match in reverse, and the eventual champ pushed the action for all 6 minutes, from all 3 positions -- yes, even from bottom. Yet the offender somehow did not get dinged for stalling once in the entire match.
The 195 AA champ wrestled a great first 2 minutes, then stalled the entire last 2 periods so badly you could've called him Peaked In The First Period Rob Lowe. In fairness, the runner-up showed no urgency until the last 30 sec.
285 AAA was a great match until the last 30 sec, when the champ blatantly backed up to protect his lead, finally got dinged with 5 sec left. Too late!
And, while not as blatant as the 126 AA runner-up, don't get me started on the 132 AA champ. He's exceptionally talented and skilled, but has devoted himself to perfecting the art of "busy, not productive." Let's just say he may be overqualified for Cornell.