I’m a life-long republican voter but I also have common-sense. I voted for Barletta in the primary because I knew he was the only electable candidate on the Republican side for governor. I love Trump, & I might vote for him again but u know what, I might also end-up voting for DeSantis in the end because frankly, I’m sick, & tired of losing to the democrats repeatedly!
Republican voters really need to start electing electable candidates in the primaries in-order for us to have any realistic shot of winning in the general election, or-else we’re just gonna keep losing to the democrats over, & over, & over again……………
Republican voters really need to start electing electable candidates in the primaries in-order for us to have any realistic shot of winning in the general election, or-else we’re just gonna keep losing to the democrats over, & over, & over again……………