There is an especially disturbing paragraph in a Brian Bennett article on Big Ten recruiting on the ESPN website:
That’s why Michigan fans should be (and are) giddy about the recruiting mojo that Jim Harbaugh has brought. Yes, some of his antics are silly, and yes, some of his tactics -- like dropping kids who had long been committed -- are more than a little distasteful. They are also necessary in the cutthroat world of recruiting. The moral high road might bring more honor. But that path does not lead toward victory against Alabama.
Yeah, so some of his tactics are scuzzy, nasty, revolting (he avoided being too judgmental) "but they are necessary..." Terrific. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. The hell with "the moral high ground." He and others--I'm sure every person covering UM football--are blithely validating throwing commits under the bus. So Michigan has succumbed to Lets Win At All Costs. The Michigan Slime Show has begun.
That’s why Michigan fans should be (and are) giddy about the recruiting mojo that Jim Harbaugh has brought. Yes, some of his antics are silly, and yes, some of his tactics -- like dropping kids who had long been committed -- are more than a little distasteful. They are also necessary in the cutthroat world of recruiting. The moral high road might bring more honor. But that path does not lead toward victory against Alabama.
Yeah, so some of his tactics are scuzzy, nasty, revolting (he avoided being too judgmental) "but they are necessary..." Terrific. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. The hell with "the moral high ground." He and others--I'm sure every person covering UM football--are blithely validating throwing commits under the bus. So Michigan has succumbed to Lets Win At All Costs. The Michigan Slime Show has begun.