The night college football went to hell

I remember when this article dropped on I immediately stopped what I was doing at work and read it at least twice. I remember thinking it was crazy that 1987 was 20 years ago at the time. Now it’s almost 40…holy crap.

As someone born in 1987, a couple days after this game, I assure you it is nowhere near almost 40 years ago... The waiter on my birthday wished me a happy 21st.
As someone born in 1987, a couple days after this game, I assure you it is nowhere near almost 40 years ago... The waiter on my birthday wished me a happy 21st.
I was 7 at the time and remember the entire game and event like it was yesterday down to where I was sitting in the living room and the shirt I was wearing. I wasn’t allowed to stay up to watch the 86 Orange Bowl as I must have had school the next day. I was under the impression that this is just what PSU did and played for the Natty basically every year.

My dad and grandpa went to the 86 Orange Bowl and 83 Sugar Bowl. I have a picture of my grandpa on south beach with DJ Dozier. My family were just regular folks and they were able to go to these games back then without it being crazy expensive.
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Father-in-law had ASU season tix and associated reserved RV spot right against the "A" mountain/butte , 5 spots from NW stadium entrance. We had a huge tailgate, replete with cardboard Standup Joe. Literally everyone entering stadium thru that entrance commented on "JOE". This game partially explains why my first son, born 5 years later, was named Shane.
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I was 7 at the time and remember the entire game and event like it was yesterday down to where I was sitting in the living room and the shirt I was wearing. I wasn’t allowed to stay up to watch the 86 Orange Bowl as I must have had school the next day. I was under the impression that this is just what PSU did and played for the Natty basically every year.

My dad and grandpa went to the 86 Orange Bowl and 83 Sugar Bowl. I have a picture of my grandpa on south beach with DJ Dozier. My family were just regular folks and they were able to go to these games back then without it being crazy expensive.

Great article linked in the OP.

People say about the JFK assassination that they remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when the news broke. This game was sort of the equivalent of that for diehard Penn State the sense of how it stays in the memory.

We were visiting my Mom's house in NEPA over the Christmas break. I was sitting in a rocking chair in front of the television, holding my 6-month old son. Somehow I got the notion that he was a good luck charm so I held onto him for the entire game...until the interception that sealed it with seconds left.

The kid was amazingly cooperative. Just sat there with me the whole time. Of course he'll never get the credit he deserves for the historic victory.