Correction. Party of division and hate.
Truly, God has blessed us with the greatest foes.
And by “greatest,” I mean the most comically inept and hilariously grotesque. Forget owning the libs—this bunch has perfected the self-own. Forget calling them out—they’re calling each other out, running as fast as they can away from their own party.
They’re flailing around, stepping on rakes they dropped and getting smashed in the face. They are walking into the traps they devised. We are truly watching an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime spectacle, breathtaking in its scope. It’s the classic Roadrunner cartoon come to life; we get to roar with laughter as the hapless nitwits of the Democrat party run off cliffs, get flattened by anvils, and generally cover themselves in humiliation, day after day.
Just a few months ago, the Democrat rallying cry was “joy.” But joy has fled. This party is now starkly exposing itself as nothing but bitter people filled with hatred and jealousy.
Truly, God has blessed us with the greatest foes.
And by “greatest,” I mean the most comically inept and hilariously grotesque. Forget owning the libs—this bunch has perfected the self-own. Forget calling them out—they’re calling each other out, running as fast as they can away from their own party.
They’re flailing around, stepping on rakes they dropped and getting smashed in the face. They are walking into the traps they devised. We are truly watching an incredible, once-in-a-lifetime spectacle, breathtaking in its scope. It’s the classic Roadrunner cartoon come to life; we get to roar with laughter as the hapless nitwits of the Democrat party run off cliffs, get flattened by anvils, and generally cover themselves in humiliation, day after day.
Just a few months ago, the Democrat rallying cry was “joy.” But joy has fled. This party is now starkly exposing itself as nothing but bitter people filled with hatred and jealousy.