Of course they know it. They also know 75% of their party is dumber than a stump and that the best way to "get out the vote" is to rile 'em up with jealousy.
For decades, we have heard liberal politicians — including presidents, cabinet members and congressional leaders — demonize wealthy Americans by asserting that our deficit problems could be resolved, and progressive social policies achieved if only the "rich would pay their fair share of taxes." It is divisive and demagogic — the height of public irresponsibility — for anyone in power to demonize any class or group of Americans.
Even on its face, the claim that the rich were under-taxed was always erroneous. The top 10 percent of taxpayers pay 70 percent of federal income taxes. What would be "fair?" 75 percent? 90 percent? The top one percent pays 40 percent of federal income taxes, despite earning only about 21 percent of total reportable income. Is that less than “their fair share?” Since 2001, the top 1 percent’s share of federal income taxes paid grew from 33 to 40 percent.
Moreover, what goes unsaid in liberal framings of our tax system is that 50 percent of Americans pay virtually no (less than three percent of) federal income tax. This fact is especially problematic, as half of Americans have no direct personal interest in reducing federal spending. This explains why rich new social programs often poll so well — they do not cost half of Americans anything. If you don't have to pay for Congress's profligacy, why oppose more spending? And, would it be "fairer,” better for America, if 80 percent of Americans paid no taxes?
For decades, we have heard liberal politicians — including presidents, cabinet members and congressional leaders — demonize wealthy Americans by asserting that our deficit problems could be resolved, and progressive social policies achieved if only the "rich would pay their fair share of taxes." It is divisive and demagogic — the height of public irresponsibility — for anyone in power to demonize any class or group of Americans.
Even on its face, the claim that the rich were under-taxed was always erroneous. The top 10 percent of taxpayers pay 70 percent of federal income taxes. What would be "fair?" 75 percent? 90 percent? The top one percent pays 40 percent of federal income taxes, despite earning only about 21 percent of total reportable income. Is that less than “their fair share?” Since 2001, the top 1 percent’s share of federal income taxes paid grew from 33 to 40 percent.
Moreover, what goes unsaid in liberal framings of our tax system is that 50 percent of Americans pay virtually no (less than three percent of) federal income tax. This fact is especially problematic, as half of Americans have no direct personal interest in reducing federal spending. This explains why rich new social programs often poll so well — they do not cost half of Americans anything. If you don't have to pay for Congress's profligacy, why oppose more spending? And, would it be "fairer,” better for America, if 80 percent of Americans paid no taxes?