The Terps can do better I think

That would be a great pickup for them (if they can get him and KEEP him for any length of time).

Maryland is in an absolutely BRUTAL division (w PSU/OSU/MSU/and Michigan) but I don't think it will be long until they crack into the "top 4" (assuming they stick with this coach).

Just curious, but based on what? Canada has been fired from just about every job he has held previously, except Pitt (well, because they are Pitt). He did OK with the jet sweep/shovel pass that one year at Pitt with a good RB and OL. And who do you forsee MD passing in the Big10 East, MSU when their coach leaves?
To run the jet sweep, you have to be able to block and run.

Maryland's size and athleticism at the LOS has to upgrade a lot before any offensive coordinator can help them much. And I don't think there is time for that to happen before September.

They don't have an OL anywhere near as good as Pitt has had the last few years. Not entirely unlucky that they lost 2 QBs last season -- they couldn't protect them.

As I saw it, PSU dominated Maryland at the LOS more than any other team they played last year. This year might not be much better for them -- especially playing at the Beav. The game might have a little bit of a ritual sacrifice feel to it -- which would be fine with me.

Watching Diggs in the playoff game yesterday just brought back all the bad memories of the no-handshake game with PSU. What a jerk.