1. PurposePitch -- aka "The Headcase." Really this is no contest. He's on his 8th screen name and is a walking study in various personality disorders, a veritable petri dish of psychological insecurities, whose vomitous blather is literally sickening to any normal human being...which is why I finally had to put him on Ignore.
2. NJPSU -- aka "The Troll." The self-proclaimed market guru who so cravenly adheres to the Dem-Media Party line that if Senile Joe were to burn down Washington in a fit of dementia, as Nero once did to Rome, NJPSU would write a post praising the Supreme Leader for an innovative and daring urban renewal project.
3. IIVI -- aka "Laughing Boy." The dude walks around all day having maniacal fits of laughter. On the other hand, a recent review of my reaction score indicates that of 14089 reactions, the Laughing Boy's outbursts account for 9537 of that total, meaning that he's making me look good and thus serving at least one useful purpose on earth.
4 and 5. A tie between PaoliLion and RoyalT12 -- aka "The Bobbsey Twins." Their brainwashed allegiance to each and every item of ridiculous, lying Dem-Media propaganda is so predictable, so unswerving, so utterly shameless that it would embarrass persons with any sense of irony or self-awareness, which of course Dem-Mediacrats don't have.
2. NJPSU -- aka "The Troll." The self-proclaimed market guru who so cravenly adheres to the Dem-Media Party line that if Senile Joe were to burn down Washington in a fit of dementia, as Nero once did to Rome, NJPSU would write a post praising the Supreme Leader for an innovative and daring urban renewal project.
3. IIVI -- aka "Laughing Boy." The dude walks around all day having maniacal fits of laughter. On the other hand, a recent review of my reaction score indicates that of 14089 reactions, the Laughing Boy's outbursts account for 9537 of that total, meaning that he's making me look good and thus serving at least one useful purpose on earth.
4 and 5. A tie between PaoliLion and RoyalT12 -- aka "The Bobbsey Twins." Their brainwashed allegiance to each and every item of ridiculous, lying Dem-Media propaganda is so predictable, so unswerving, so utterly shameless that it would embarrass persons with any sense of irony or self-awareness, which of course Dem-Mediacrats don't have.