LOL.. And elitist democrats don't care. They know better. They SO smart. In a fascist kind of way.....
Ruy Teixeira is trying to set you phucktards straight.
Nothing defines the Democratic economic strategy more than a single-minded focus on fighting climate change—an “existential crisis” as Biden, other top Democrats and a galaxy of Democratic-leaning pundits have termed it. In practice this has meant restructuring the economy around “green” industries and a rapid transition to an energy system based around wind and solar. Democratic elites and activists are very, very committed to this approach and are willing to pay high costs to make it happen. In the end, they assert, not only will the existential crisis be averted, but everyone will be happy and prosperous. In the meantime—well, you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs!
Ruy Teixeira is trying to set you phucktards straight.
Nothing defines the Democratic economic strategy more than a single-minded focus on fighting climate change—an “existential crisis” as Biden, other top Democrats and a galaxy of Democratic-leaning pundits have termed it. In practice this has meant restructuring the economy around “green” industries and a rapid transition to an energy system based around wind and solar. Democratic elites and activists are very, very committed to this approach and are willing to pay high costs to make it happen. In the end, they assert, not only will the existential crisis be averted, but everyone will be happy and prosperous. In the meantime—well, you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs!