They really, really want to get rid of Kane.

hell hath no fury.....

After reading the Heim pieces and now the Kane pieces in the PPG and because I know more detail on these two stories you really do notice the incredibly bad journalism. They leave out so many details that the reader needs to form an intelligent opinion.

For instance, the recent Kane piece says that she had access to his personal email. What is convieniently leaves out is that the emails were found on PA State computer servers and it fails to explain what that means with regard to violating PA computer use policy, etc.

And we wonder why the public is ill-informed? It's not about informing the reader. It's about deliberately manipulating the reader to a predetermined opinion.

It reminds me of that dirty trick that Rove pulled on john McCain during the 2000, SC primary by asking people if they would vote for McCain if they knew he was the father of an illegitimate black child. It's true but it's only half true and peoples opinions would be completely different if they knew the entire story.
Excellent observation Nittany Ned2, Samuel agrees with you