Think some misunderstand the Stall Call on VinJo in Joseph - Massa match.


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2015
I've seen it posted a couple times that people believe VinJo got dinged for Stalling in 1st for mule-kicking his way out of a TD attempt by Massa a couple times. This is not why he got dinged as he did not go OB in the process on any of the occasions he did it to avoid the TD (i.e., he successfully stayed in-bounds each time he mule-kicked out to avoid the TD).

VinJo was dinged imho due to not maintaining 50% of the neutral attacks and 50% of the action during the first 2 minutes of the 1st Period - Massa was maintaining quite a high pace of attacks and was keeping VinJo on the defensive constantly. This is the supposed "standard" for calling Stalling in both Folk and Free (i.e., not maintaining / carrying 50% of the attacks and are not allowed to solely "counter" or look to counter). If you go back and look at the tape, not only had VinJo been out-shot significantly in the first 2 minutes (I don't think VinJo shot at all as he was constantly fighting off shots), but VinJo was also back-peddaling again when the ref hit him with the call. Personally, I think it was called correctly and I have no problem with the call - the Stall call is supposed to be a "reward" for the wrestler maintaining a "pace" that the other wrestler is not keeping up with, more so than a penalty against defensiveness....and Massa deserved to rewarded at that point of the match as VinJo clearly had been out-shot by an enormous margin and was going backward yet again.

Again, I think Stalling was called precisely as the spirit of the rule is intended in the VinJo and I have no problem saying that - Massa deserved the benefit of that call against VinJo at that point of the match (i.e., two-thirds of the way through the 1st Period) on the merit of his having out-shot VinJo by an enormous margin and VinJo was backing up yet again. Thankfully, VinJo outwrestled Massa in the critical 3rd Period for the win and both wrestlers left everything they had on the mat in the 3rd period - it was a great match and the way a match should be determined with both wrestlers "going for it" at the end.....VinJo came out on top.

OTOH, I hate the way Jimmy's match against Jack was officiated and ditto I-Mar's match against Jordan. The official REWARDED bull$hit stalling tactics in both matches which had a huge impact on the match and outcome in both cases. Calling that bull$hit "wrestling a great tactical match" is horse$hit - call it what it was STALLING which was disgracefully REWARDED and THEREFORE ENCOURAGED by the official in both matches. The way these matches were called is what turns off many "real wrestling" aficionados and what causes many International Wrestling people to correctly say that Folk is not true "wrestling" as it does not uphold sacred rules of the ancient sport.
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I've seen it posted a couple times that people believe VinJo got dinged for Stalling in 1st for mule-kicking his way out of a TD attempt by Massa a couple times. This is not why he got dinged as he did not go OB in the process on any of the occasions he did it to avoid the TD (i.e., he successfully stayed in-bounds each time he mule-kicked out to avoid the TD).

VinJo was dinged imho due to not maintaining 50% of the neutral attacks and 50% of the action during the first 2 minutes of the 1st Period - Massa was maintaining quite a high pace of attacks and was keeping VinJo on the defensive constantly. This is the supposed "standard" for calling Stalling in both Folk and Free (i.e., not maintaining / carrying 50% of the attacks and are not allowed to solely "counter" or look to counter). If you go back and look at the tape, not only had VinJo been out-shot significantly in the first 2 minutes (I don't think VinJo shot at all as he was constantly fighting off shots), but VinJo was also back-peddaling again when the ref hit him with the call. Personally, I think it was called correctly and I have no problem with the call - the Stall call is supposed to be a "reward" for the wrestler maintaining a "pace" that the other wrestler is not keeping up with, more so than a penalty against defensiveness....and Massa deserved to rewarded at that point of the match as VinJo clearly had been out-shot by an enormous margin and was going backward yet again.

Again, I think Stalling was called precisely as the spirit of the rule is intended in the VinJo and I have no problem saying that - Massa deserved the benefit of that call against VinJo at that point of the match (i.e., two-thirds of the way through the 1st Period) on the merit of his having out-shot VinJo by an enormous margin and VinJo was backing up yet again. Thankfully, VinJo outwrestled Massa in the critical 3rd Period for the win and both wrestlers left everything they had on the mat in the 3rd period - it was a great match and the way a match should be determined with both wrestlers "going for it" at the end.....VinJo came out on top.

OTOH, I hate the way Jimmy's match against Jack was officiated and ditto I-Mar's match against Jordan. The official REWARDED bull$hit stalling tactics in both matches which had a huge impact on the match and outcome in both cases. Calling that bull$hit "wrestling a great tactical match" is horse$hit - call it what it was STALLING which was disgracefully REWARDED and THEREFORE ENCOURAGED by the official in both matches. The way these matches were called is what turns off many "real wrestling" aficionados and what causes many International Wrestling people to correctly say that Folk is not true "wrestling" as it does not uphold sacred rules of the ancient sport.
Another thorough and reasonable analysis Professor Bushwood. Looking forward to your take tonight.
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