I’ve been a Franklin defender for a long time now. He really has many outstanding attributes; an extraordinarily hard worker, a man of great integrity and class, a fantastic teacher of and role model for young men, a sensational recruiter, an excellent eye for talent, a strong advocate for the football program and a terrific representative of my Alma Mater.
Sadly, what I’ve also learned watching him all these years is he is indisputably bad at in-game coaching decisions including when to go for it on fourth down, when to go for a 2 point conversion, time management and when to challenge a call, for example.
As a fan, it’s extremely frustrating because of all that he does so well, yet ultimately falls short in big games because of poor in-game decisions. Should he be fired? No, that’s not fair. Will he learn from his mistakes and make better in-game decisions? He hasn’t shown that ability as of yet.
Sadly, what I’ve also learned watching him all these years is he is indisputably bad at in-game coaching decisions including when to go for it on fourth down, when to go for a 2 point conversion, time management and when to challenge a call, for example.
As a fan, it’s extremely frustrating because of all that he does so well, yet ultimately falls short in big games because of poor in-game decisions. Should he be fired? No, that’s not fair. Will he learn from his mistakes and make better in-game decisions? He hasn’t shown that ability as of yet.