Thorburgh asks why PSU is fighting release of Freeh docs


Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2012
"As a former attorney general of the United States and governor of Pennsylvania, I have worked hard to promote and enhance the American justice system. That system swiftly and appropriately dealt with Sandusky and his reprehensible actions. Penn State should withdraw its objections and produce the documents behind the Freeh report.

For a community seeking to heal and come together, I would hope Barron's courageous leadership in disavowing the Freeh report would be reason enough to seize the moment of the sanctions reversal, commit to transparency, and help the public understand all the events that have profoundly impacted so many lives."
They are fighting their release............because if released......... then............ their false narrative that was built on lies, unethical acts, and selfishness will begin to crumble and then crumble altogether................

Bunch of lying cheating rich rat ba$tards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They WILL get what they deserve...........the whole lot of them!
Maybe our esteemed BOT does not believe that the truth will set them free.
Go Gov. T!!

Wish he'd really push the media rounds through the state. He's someone the CDT, Pennlive/ Patriot News, philly/Burgh papers can't ignore and may help to get the questions pushed that now just get ignored.
Thornburg should have sent that to all Pa news outlets

I'm sure many would not publish it but it needed to go to each and everyone of them and see where their editors hearts are.
Re: Thornburg should have sent that to all Pa news outlets

Dick better be careful or he will find out where Ray Gricar is ... the hard way!
He kows why they don't release but he can't come out and say it. But by saying just this much he increases the pressure on the scumbags. Nice job, Dick
Yeah, I'm sure he knows most if not all of the story.

Maybe this is something being worked on in concert with the Paterno stuff for some reason.
my guess it is a response to the amicus brief the bad guys

filed the other day explaining why releasing the docs is a bad idea.
We all likely know why it's a bad idea for them......