Thorough report on the "Beta" situation....required reading for folks from outside the Centre Region


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2016

A very thorough report...worth a thorough read.

A couple of the issues that caught my eye:

From Page 2:

"It appears, therefore, that someone involved in managing the grand jury [Castor? Parks-Miller?] deliberately broke the chain of responsibility connecting the Penn State students’ health and welfare to Penn State employee Tim Bream, and through Bream, to the Penn State Interfraternity Council, the Penn State Office of Finance and Business (led by Vice President David Gray) and the Penn State Office of Student Affairs (led by Vice President Damon Sims). ........ And criminal convictions of the fraternity brothers, so long as Bream and the Penn State corporate administrators walk free, will likely reinforce the growing public understanding that Centre County courts operate at least two tiers of criminal justice: one for the politically connected ensuring their impunity, and another for low level offenders, maximizing their punishment......"

From Page 3:

"At the May 5 press conference, Parks Miller stated that the county grand jury played a key role in collecting and evaluating evidence to charge the Penn State students and the Beta Theta Pi corporation. In particular, she emphasized the importance of grand jury secrecy.....Parks Miller’s claim that she needed a grand jury to investigate hazing and underage drinking rings false. Hazing and underage drinking – even when they lead to death – are straightforward crimes, unlike the organized crime or political corruption that are the intended targets of grand jury investigations...."

From Page 4:

"It’s David Gray’s job, as corporate Penn State’s chief financial officer, to maximize internal profits......David Gray is very good at his job. And he’s ably assisted his endeavors by the placement of his wife Margaret Gray, a former government affairs lobbyist in Harrisburg, who served as Penn State’s first Director of Local Government and Community Relations (appointed in February 2015) and is now Centre County Administrator, the chief executive of the Centre County government. Interestingly, Mrs. Gray filled a position vacated by former County Administrator Timothy Boyde after Boyde fulfilled the Right to Know requests filed by defense attorneys that initially revealed the ex parte texting and prosecutorial and judicial misconduct, only to find himself sued by Parks Miller and the embroiled county judges. Again, to the extent that Margaret Gray’s job is to smooth out the political and legal bumps in the road for the largest regional wealth pump, she’s great at it. ....... it’s difficult to see public condemnation of Penn State students evading responsibility and tampering with evidence as anything other than rank hypocrisy, and another example of our dual-track system of law enforcement: one for the politically-connected including Parks Miller herself as the chief law enforcement officer, and one for the unprotected."
"...So long as Parks Miller has free rein to operate the Centre County criminal justice system largely in secret, we will have at least two tiers of county “justice.” So long as David and Margaret Gray perform their respective jobs competently, and deflect responsibility for community tragedies from high-level administrators to low-level offenders....... Change will not come from the top of the power hierarchy, because the top is where the moral rot starts"